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Do you worry about your security and take precautions?

Legendary Battlemage
Oct 15, 2012
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Just wondered if anyone goes through any security precautions.


Master Locks
Door Wedges

Example pictures:
Razer - Do you worry about your security and take  precautions? - RaGEZONE Forums

Razer - Do you worry about your security and take  precautions? - RaGEZONE Forums

Razer - Do you worry about your security and take  precautions? - RaGEZONE Forums

If you do, which precautions do you take and why? Is it because you've had past experience from bad security? Or is it just to prevent anything from ever happening?

Door wedge is kind of stupid for when you're out imo.
Mar 31, 2012
Reaction score
I got CCTV and Alarms in my house purely because we don't want anything to be stolen, any people have had their homes broken into before in our area so we just thought better to spend money to protect our items than to spend more money replacing the items.
Legendary Battlemage
Oct 15, 2012
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I got CCTV and Alarms in my house purely because we don't want anything to be stolen, any people have had their homes broken into before in our area so we just thought better to spend money to protect our items than to spend more money replacing the items.

Our neighborhood, if not the entire town, is a pretty safe place. There's 4 CCTV cameras outside, and 4 inside.

Where they are and why:
1 just above our garage (which is directly outside of our front door), 1 on the wall next to our front door, 1 on the shed in the back garden and 1 above my back bedroom door.

The reasoning for the shed camera is as I live next to a railway. They're not transportation trains, nor do they pass that often. What I'm more or less worried about is that it's a railway just next to the small wood area. Anyone can get to it by climbing over one fence, thus them being able to get into our garden. (Or any garden in the area if they wanted to)

As for the inside;
One inside the garage, one right by the front door (for obvious reasons), one in the living room and one in my room.
I'm super cautious about everything. ;_;

I also, and this might seem strange, but have under floor safes in my loft. Not highly expensive ones, but still.
Our loft is huge, and there's a small room inside of it. Underneath the wood in there I keep 2 safes; containing spare money, spare keys, and some other "things".. The safes are irrelevant though, I had them before any of my CCTV and whatnot. Just nice to have hiding away.

I'm too cautious. waaa.

I've got alarms too, yeah. I had one at my old house where as soon as the door opened, you needed a combination to stop it. :p:
Got rid of that though.. it was annoying as hell.
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Loyal Member
Aug 5, 2011
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Double bolt lock on the door, make sure security camera is recording. Everynight this is my ending routine, I obsess about it and have to triple check most of the time, when I was about 13 years old somebody broke in our side-door at our old house and shot our dog in the hip, unfortunately she ended up dying shortly after but ever since we've always had 2 bolt locks and security cameras.

And, of-course as a right bearing American, we do have a couple certified firearms placed in appropriate places ;)
Mar 7, 2003
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A lock on the front door? I live in an area which very little happens.

When I went on holiday as a child I used to remove the metal bar from inside the door handle on my bedroom door, and screw it all back up. Epic trolling if anyone did break into my house, lol.

If I lived in an unsafe area, I'd probably go to ridiculous lengths though. Like Home Alone style poop, with an online connection so I could monitor everything, and remotely duck with anyone breaking in. I'd geek out on electronic security systems. duck having an alarm, that's no fun. I want to mentally destroy the robber!
Mythic Archon
Dec 25, 2011
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I have an alarm system in my house, but rarely anything happens in my house. Of course, there is an occasional thing that happens in the neighborhood, but it's usually small. Like litter. That's nothing though. It doesn't involve any break ins. It's a pretty safe neighborhood.

If I lived in an unsafe neighborhood I'd run straight to Robert. Home alone poop? I wanna join in!
Oct 14, 2009
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I have the only security one would ever need, firearms...

It's hard for me to call anything else security, because to me, cameras aren't much good unless I'm monitoring them myself (what so they can perhaps record a perp killing me,,, no thank you). Alarms are just the same as dialing the police/emergency lines, ou, so the cops can show up take a few pix of my corpse and MAYBE find the killer later on, again, no thank you. All the other little trinkets like locks and stuff, just as pointless to me to go overboard on those. If someone really wants in they'll get in, trust me! Just "normal" locks to secure the doors and windows, and of course to justify the use of lethal force should someone force their way in any of them <.<
Skilled Illusionist
Nov 21, 2012
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I've got a nice security system as well as video cameras. I haven't had anything as trahmatic happen to me as JFA, but someone did break in when I was young, but it just turned out to be my eldest sister's boyfriend. Wasn't very smart with my dad being ex-marines. Regardless, security system and cameras.
Legendary Battlemage
Oct 15, 2012
Reaction score
Double bolt lock on the door, make sure security camera is recording. Everynight this is my ending routine, I obsess about it and have to triple check most of the time, when I was about 13 years old somebody broke in our side-door at our old house and shot our dog in the hip, unfortunately she ended up dying shortly after but ever since we've always had 2 bolt locks and security cameras.

And, of-course as a right bearing American, we do have a couple certified firearms placed in appropriate places ;)

Ouch man. :(: I don't see anything like that ever happening here, (well, this area) but that's just terrible.
Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 11, 2012
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I installed an alarm in my house. But I think there is not much danger.
2D > 3D
Loyal Member
Dec 19, 2008
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I leave the house door unlocked at all times, never lock the car, and walk through the middle of town at 3AM.
Never been robbed, only had little things stolen (I think worst was a bike, which was without a chain for over a year), and honestly, never have gotten in a fight either o.o.

Out of all the disadvantages of living in the bible belt, security is not one of them.
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Oct 23, 2005
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After we had some trouble with a family member we got CCTV installed at our house. We have recently had a neighbouring house burgled. Unfortunately because they went in the neighbours house through the back (which I will add she left unlocked and ALWAYS left unlocked) we were unable to get a good shot of them, as the view onto the background is minimal. However, we havent had anyone try and burgle our house...

What needs to be reminded is most of the time, houses are burgled from opportunists, who spot an open window, or know that a door is always unlocked. Its not that often that it is a 'professional' burglar who is breaking into your house. So just having a dummy camera, or alarm system box outside your house would be enough to scare away people.

And even if we have the 'pro' burglar we have CCTV filming the hall way of our house :3
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Dec 21, 2007
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A lock on the front door? I live in an area which very little happens.

When I went on holiday as a child I used to remove the metal bar from inside the door handle on my bedroom door, and screw it all back up. Epic trolling if anyone did break into my house, lol.

If I lived in an unsafe area, I'd probably go to ridiculous lengths though. Like Home Alone style poop, with an online connection so I could monitor everything, and remotely duck with anyone breaking in. I'd geek out on electronic security systems. duck having an alarm, that's no fun. I want to mentally destroy the robber!
Hey, James Wan called.. He wants you to be on the next Saw movie.
Razer - Do you worry about your security and take  precautions? - RaGEZONE Forums
Experienced Elementalist
Jan 16, 2013
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My family and I always leave our doors unlocked at night when we sleep, and I'm really starting to care about it. Someone could just bust in any time they want to and probably do what they please since I probably won't be waken from my slumber...

Those who have had break-ins, or anything of that nature in the past usually tend to have a more cautious mentality when it comes to private property security. It's better for those who haven't had these terrible experiences to be safe rather than sorry and take these precautions.
Legendary Battlemage
Oct 15, 2012
Reaction score
My family and I always leave our doors unlocked at night when we sleep, and I'm really starting to care about it. Someone could just bust in any time they want to and probably do what they please since I probably won't be waken from my slumber...

Those who have had break-ins, or anything of that nature in the past usually tend to have a more cautious mentality when it comes to private property security. It's better for those who haven't had these terrible experiences to be safe rather than sorry and take these precautions.

Why do so many people leave their doors unlocked? (In the UK most would want to lock theirs, but all doors in the UK I've come across lock themselves, lol).

Is it honestly that hard to walk over to the door and lock it? I'd never leave a door unlocked.. never.
Experienced Elementalist
Jan 16, 2013
Reaction score
Why do so many people leave their doors unlocked? (In the UK most would want to lock theirs, but all doors in the UK I've come across lock themselves, lol).

Is it honestly that hard to walk over to the door and lock it? I'd never leave a door unlocked.. never.

I live in a good neighborhood and I feel like its highly unlikely for something bad to occur. Then again, my family and I DO live in a really rich house which may attract some crowds...


C# Programmer
Dec 11, 2009
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My neighborhood is secure, you will find CCTV on most of the houses here. I've also got master locks on the front and back door. :p:
Legendary Battlemage
Oct 15, 2012
Reaction score
I live in a good neighborhood and I feel like its highly unlikely for something bad to occur. Then again, my family and I DO live in a really rich house which may attract some crowds...

So that makes it even more stupid to leave doors unlocked. :?: