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don't hit me...realm list loop again

Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 26, 2007
Reaction score
Ok, I know this has been beaten to death, but I have a new slant on it or I wouldn't post.

Using TCPView to watch port connections I found something strange. When I run the server and client on the same machine it works. I see an established TCP connection on port 8085(among others). When I try to run the server on another machine on my lan I see wow.exe trying to connect to localhost:8085. Every time I try to connect to a realm it tries this connection and then bounces me back to the realm list. So it appears to be a client-side problem and not on the server.

I've tried everything I've found here and elsewhere. I've been beating on it for days and spent most of today on it. Now just as I'm about to give up and go to bed I find this.

I'm hoping one of you night owls can embaress me with an easy solution that will get me running tomorrow.

I'm using Mangos btw and patch 1.12.1

Oct 20, 2006
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If the clients your problem, just delete your config.wtf in your "World of Warcraft\WTF" folder, then open the realmlist.wtf in notepad and change it to "set realmlist YOURSERVERIPHERE", ofc putting the IP of the machine that is running MangOS where "YOURSERVERIPHERE" is. Also, make sure that the server is set up to use the IP address of the computer is it hosted on, not "localhost".

P.S. *smack* :p
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Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 26, 2007
Reaction score
If the clients your problem, just delete your config.wtf in your "World of Warcraft\WTF" folder, then open the realmlist.wtf in notepad and change it to "set realmlist YOURSERVERIPHERE", ofc putting the IP of the machine that is running MangOS where "YOURSERVERIPHERE" is. Also, make sure that the server is set up to use the IP address of the computer is it hosted on, not "localhost".

P.S. *smack* :p

That's the way I have it. Still no joy. Back to scouring the net and changing random things.
Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 8, 2007
Reaction score
bahahahahahha ok mate good luck with that :D
Skilled Illusionist
Oct 1, 2005
Reaction score
c:/windows/system32/drivers/etc/ open hostfile whit notpad

and put a line in it
under set this


this way there wil be now looping back , btw do that on all the lan pc that are connected to the server :eek: )
Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 26, 2007
Reaction score
c:/windows/system32/drivers/etc/ open hostfile whit notpad

and put a line in it
under set this


this way there wil be now looping back , btw do that on all the lan pc that are connected to the server :eek: )

I understand editing the hosts file, and I understand the ip of my router. When you say NODNS is that my external internet ip address? Or am I missing a piece of software? I'm only trying to run this on my lan. I don't see why my internet ip should have anything to do with this.

Just for kicks i put in my router ip and my dyndns hostname but that had no affect. I don't need to reboot after modifying the hosts file do I?
Elite Diviner
May 25, 2006
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Make an no-ip.org account.
It's what your users will connect to.

When making the no-ip or other ones like it, make sure you put in your external ip.
Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 26, 2007
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I got it! I didn't dig into sql enough.

Detailed explanation tomorrow.
Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 26, 2007
Reaction score
As promised, here's how I got mine working:

Remember this is only for a lan. I haven't tried making it public.

I started with this:

The installation is easy, you just have to set the system date back to 1/11. When it's installed edit the 2 .conf files and change the ip address from to the lan ip address of the computer running the server. Now start the Mangos frontend. Start sql and it will bring up a web page. Go to mysql. On the right, towards the bottom go to privileges. Edit the line for root@localhost. Change the host from localhost to the server ip, same as you used in the conf files. Then at the bottom you want to keep the existing user and create this new one. Go back to privileges and reload privileges.

Now go to the drop down on the left. Go to realmd, then to realmlist. Now go to browse. You will see 2 lines, Mangos revxxxx and Serveren min. I deleted the second one. Edit the first one and you can change the realm name. And you have to change the ip address here to your server ip. Save it and your server is configured.

Now start the world server and the realm server and create your user accounts.

On the client side, edit your realmlist.wtf. Also you may need to edit the hosts file on your lan machines and add an entry like this:
x.y.z.w server

where x.y.z.w is the ip address of the server and server is the computer name of the server.

Now that I've spent the last week swearing at this I can now have it running in an hour.

Hope this helps somebody else.
Initiate Mage
Feb 2, 2007
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Unable to validate game version

Ok i have been at this for the past week, and i finaly got everything working except when i log onto the server i get an unable to validate game version error message. Anyone else having this problem? Or better yet anyone know how to fix this problem?
Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 27, 2007
Reaction score
Ok i have been at this for the past week, and i finaly got everything working except when i log onto the server i get an unable to validate game version error message. Anyone else having this problem? Or better yet anyone know how to fix this problem?

Server and client version dont match?
Check your client to your server and make sure they are the same.
Initiate Mage
Feb 2, 2007
Reaction score
Server and client version dont match?
Check your client to your server and make sure they are the same.

I dont think thats it, while i wont admit to not being a noob at this i have a pretty good understanding of everything i am doing. I have reinstalled wow about 5 times because i thought that was the case. I tryed with 1.12.0 and 1.12.1, and 1.12.2. Non of these worked. And based on somthing else i did with another server i am guessing it has to do with the version of wow b/c thats right for sure. It has to do with mangos, or my sql data base but i just dont know how.
Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 27, 2007
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Hmm damn was hoping somthing simple
Does anyone know a way to query MangOS for its Client Supported Version so we can verify what the server is actually looking for or if its another communication type problem being masked by this error?
Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 27, 2007
Reaction score
Actually just thought of something can you try this.
Take whats in your MySQL DB for your realm and whats in your realmlist.wtf
(Now taking you didnt notice something silly like a typo, Just cause thats to easy to fix)

open a command prompt Start->Run->cmd
telnet REALMSERVER 8085

Should return some binary garbage

Then try
telnet REALMSERVER 3274 (or whatever you world server is configured for)
You should connect but not get any return, you can hit enter see the cursor move etc but no output.

Just verify you can connect to the server at a raw OS / Network Level. You should also see "[Auth] got unknow packet" in your Realm Console during this test as well as a "master: add socket" on the World Server.
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Initiate Mage
Feb 2, 2007
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Ok thanks for that advice i will try that in the next few minuets. But i made an interesting discovery. Turns out my realmd file does not work, when i tryed a more recent one i was able to access the realm list but the older version of mangos would not work with the new version of the realmd emu.
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Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 2, 2007
Reaction score
cant figure out

Hey! when i try to press the wow-server.exe after download, it starts loading, after that its something about language, it say:

The DEMO version of QSetup may only be used for evaluation

Setup Aborted!

:robot: :robot: :robot: :robot: :robot:
Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 26, 2007
Reaction score
Hey! when i try to press the wow-server.exe after download, it starts loading, after that its something about language, it say:

The DEMO version of QSetup may only be used for evaluation

Setup Aborted!

:robot: :robot: :robot: :robot: :robot:

That one has been covered more than the realm list loop. You have to set your system date to 1/11 just until the install is done.

And to the guy who has the version problem, install Wow and then look at the version number. Then find the patches (you will probably need more than 1) to get from where you are to where you need to be. You have to install them in order. I bought the retail discs(they're less than $20 now) and came up with This wouldn't work. I found a patch to go from exactly that version to, and that works with the server I'm currently using.

I had a WoW install that I dl'ed and it came with a patch that didn't work.

I'm currently looking for a TBC patch that starts at
Initiate Mage
Jan 31, 2008
Reaction score
Ok, I know this has been beaten to death, but I have a new slant on it or I wouldn't post.

Using TCPView to watch port connections I found something strange. When I run the server and client on the same machine it works. I see an established TCP connection on port 8085(among others). When I try to run the server on another machine on my lan I see wow.exe trying to connect to localhost:8085. Every time I try to connect to a realm it tries this connection and then bounces me back to the realm list. So it appears to be a client-side problem and not on the server.

I've tried everything I've found here and elsewhere. I've been beating on it for days and spent most of today on it. Now just as I'm about to give up and go to bed I find this.

I'm hoping one of you night owls can embaress me with an easy solution that will get me running tomorrow.

I'm using Mangos btw and patch 1.12.1


Had the same problem with mine and finally figured it out! Getting bounce backed into the realm list that is...

You have to run the ManGos server configurator again (if using reaper it will be the "reaper-x-mangos.bat") and choose the Configure LAN party option. Then when it says to put in your IP, you need to put in your EXTERNAL IP address. (The address assigned to your router or firewall by your ISP).

Hope that helps,
