DragonBall Online Server Emulator (DEVELOPING)

Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 1, 2017
Reaction score
Hey guys, what's up?
I'm here again announcing another development.
Attending a community member's request.

DragonBall Online Server Emulator.

Written in PHP CLI
LoginClass: 100%
Character Creation: 75%

Started today :)

jJ8Cim - DragonBall Online Server Emulator (DEVELOPING) - RaGEZONE Forums
wHQZZtA - DragonBall Online Server Emulator (DEVELOPING) - RaGEZONE Forums
D2BqdK7 - DragonBall Online Server Emulator (DEVELOPING) - RaGEZONE Forums
Dbo has a section in this forum, http://forum.ragezone.com/f878/. And Its great news more projects about dbo, but I see that you are usin a version outdate off the game, the most recently has many things for example Fly, new systems (scouters, pets, drops, armors, tmq, dungeons in general) and more maps and areas. The outdate version is a beta and the max lvl its 50, because the other maps are not ready for play, and the mos recently (taiwanese version) the level cap is 70 and few maps can be incorporated. And well I`m a old player off dbo and I love this projects so Good luck :)
Wont it be better Development wise to just focus on 1 project at a time?

Unfortunately my mind isnt good focusing on only one thing, bein' necessary other projects as "distraction"

Dbo has a section in this forum, http://forum.ragezone.com/f878/. And Its great news more projects about dbo, but I see that you are usin a version outdate off the game, the most recently has many things for example Fly, new systems (scouters, pets, drops, armors, tmq, dungeons in general) and more maps and areas. The outdate version is a beta and the max lvl its 50, because the other maps are not ready for play, and the mos recently (taiwanese version) the level cap is 70 and few maps can be incorporated. And well I`m a old player off dbo and I love this projects so Good luck :)
I was confused at which client to use, thanks for your report
I was confused at which client to use, thanks for your report

Well, the officials server for play dbo was dbo taiwan, korean, and hon kong. You are working in the korean version but in a very old version (2009) other servers as dbo global works in the latest client taiwan (2013) If you want more infor you can ask to me o find in google. Good luck
@azdarf sorry if I ask you this but is this project made to have one offline server/lan server or will you release an online server to play with? Thnks
That is really nice, i hope you have fun with this project. One thing i was wondering though, i see that you are using the Korean server and client versions. Why aren't you using the Taiwan version? Its much more fun and got way more stuff in it.