
Well when I was 15 (or about 2 months ago to be specific) me and my mates were drinking. After 4 bottles of blue WKD I was feeling quite happy. I'd imagine 6 or 7 bottles of 4.5% alcohol vodka's would have you standing on tables singing "I will survive".

Then again I'm probably wrong. Don't quote me on this.
Everyone's limit is different. I say find some time off and just sit down one day and just drink. Just throw back shots or mixed drinks one day and then drink nothing but beer the next. Or you could try wine and champagne. Find your limit for each. Or you can just go to this party and get piss face drunk and blackout. Then you will have a story to tell! If you remember it...

I'd imagine 6 or 7 bottles of 4.5% alcohol vodka's would have you standing on tables singing

They don't make vodka that weak dude. The average beer is about 5 to 7 percent alcohol. The lowest vodka proof I've seen in my years of drinking is White Wolf vodka which is dirt cheap and it's 70 proof, which means it's about 35% alcohol.

For reference, my drink of choice now and forever will always be Scotch Whiskey. I drink either Dewar's White Label which is 80 proof or J&B's Royal Scotch, which is 80 as well.
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They don't make vodka that weak dude. The average beer is about 5 to 7 percent alcohol. The lowest vodka proof I've seen in my years of drinking is White Wolf vodka which is dirt cheap and it's 70 proof, which means it's about 35% alcohol.

Unless I've read the label wrong, they do. WKD is some sort of cheap drink that folks will drink at parties and it tastes a bit like fizzy fruit juice. It's a pissy wee drink that really can't get you hammered as quickly as whiskey, blue label vodka or your regular drink.
You better not drink alcohol at such a shame older age will you all sorts Boiot as permanent breakdown of several different things all related to belly I tell you what people tell me happened to them if the time they drank alcohol at a young age = \
Sorry about that I have bad English
i don't like alcohol
it's not good for you
don't drink too much
I guess you will feel it when the alcohol touches you.
okay, some advice.

go easy the first few times, learn the limits of your body. if you are going out for NYE then it is not advisable to get smashed, because you have to think about how the hell you're gonna get home. if you're going to a friends house, then drink slowly, eat about a fistful of food an hour before, this will stop you from throwing up somewhat, and keep hydrated. im not saying dont go and have fun, im just saying the first few times be a little careful.