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*still exists*
Loyal Member
Feb 18, 2003
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4th one down........ Thats my new desktop. Shes so fine i think i might die from drooling so much..... mmmmmmm ***.........

How does someone get to be that good looking? :eek:
*still exists*
Loyal Member
Feb 18, 2003
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I dont see why ppl care about that sort of thing? I mean shes VERY pleasing to the eye. What do i care if shes fake or not? Sorry gohan but are you gay? Coz i swear its seeming like it more n more. Yeah almost all the women on that site are fake. But **** it.... i really dont care. There all sexy as hell.
Sep 10, 2003
Reaction score
Look you ask a stupid question, she is 100% fake and you ask how she got so "good" looking.

And no i'm not gay, but i don't need a girl that is as real as a inflatable girl....
I want a 100% real girl, no ****, just real, i don't care if her breasts aren't big, aslong they are REAL.


Solares said:

4th one down........ Thats my new desktop. Shes so fine i think i might die from drooling so much..... mmmmmmm ***.........

How does someone get to be that good looking? :eek:
I like your avvy better :p
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Feb 23, 2003
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GohanSSJ said:
Look you ask a stupid question, she is 100% fake and you ask how she got so "good" looking.

And no i'm not gay, but i don't need a girl that is as real as a inflatable girl....
I want a 100% real girl, no ****, just real, i don't care if her breasts aren't big, aslong they are REAL.

Bah Gohan, he was just saying she is pleasing to look at, cant you for once agree with summit like that rather then come up with some huge reason against it :lol:
Sep 10, 2003
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-Stri- said:
Bah Gohan, he was just saying she is pleasing to look at, cant you for once agree with summit like that rather then come up with some huge reason against it :lol:
He was asking how it was that she looked so "good"

Also that picture is photoshopped, these days those kind of pictures get made smoother, if you look at the skin it simply looks to "perfect"

Oh and what ever you say i don't think she looks good and she isn't pleasing to look at either.
*still exists*
Loyal Member
Feb 18, 2003
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GohanSSJ said:
He was asking how it was that she looked so "good"

Also that picture is photoshopped, these days those kind of pictures get made smoother, if you look at the skin it simply looks to "perfect"

Oh and what ever you say i don't think she looks good and she isn't pleasing to look at either.

OK your gay......

And its obvious it photoshoped.... Its blured all around the outside :)hail: photoshop).

And as for me asking that question..... dont mean to be takeing the piss but have you ever heard of a retorical question? :lol:
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Loyal Member
Feb 23, 2003
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GohanSSJ said:
He was asking how it was that she looked so "good"

Also that picture is photoshopped, these days those kind of pictures get made smoother, if you look at the skin it simply looks to "perfect"

Oh and what ever you say i don't think she looks good and she isn't pleasing to look at either.

Youve just proven my point :p
*still exists*
Loyal Member
Feb 18, 2003
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******* hell gohan you really are an arsehole. Who ever said anything baout jerking off you total tit. And yes it would be a man..... Christ you might be a man for all i know :lol:.

Your the only person i think i know that wouldnt say anything good about her. And you know whats funny? Mental made a post that had whats her name from buffy on it. Funny have you never said that was fake even tho it obviously was. Oh but wait.... i think i know why you dident say anything. Could have something to do with how you kiss his *** all the time. Im not being negative towards mental.... Its just you ******* act like hes your lover half the time.

This thread was simply saying that i think the girl is hot. All the other stuff means f-all. Its what my eyes can see that counts. Jesus its not like im gona go screw her now is it :rofl:.
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Feb 23, 2003
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GohanSSJ said:
Get back to reality....

Ive got a better idea, why dont you. You act soooo mature its stupid, its like speaking to my dad! This is in a way a forum aimed at young people, we dont need a mod acting like hes 50 ffs
Sep 10, 2003
Reaction score
Solares said:
******* hell gohan you really are an arsehole. Who ever said anything baout jerking off you total tit. And yes it would be a man..... Christ you might be a man for all i know :lol:.

Your the only person i think i know that wouldnt say anything good about her. And you know whats funny? Mental made a post that had whats her name from buffy on it. Funny have you never said that was fake even tho it obviously was. Oh but wait.... i think i know why you dident say anything. Could have something to do with how you kiss his *** all the time. Im not being negative towards mental.... Its just you ******* act like hes your lover half the time.

This thread was simply saying that i think the girl is hot. All the other stuff means f-all. Its what my eyes can see that counts. Jesus its not like im gona go screw her now is it :rofl:.
Solares i'm simply going to warn you, if you actually had read that topic you would have seen this post.
GohanSSJ said:

And i don't like fake....

Look i don't care what you like, but don't call me gay because i don't like some fake crappy girl. And also don't let someone talk crap about me when they talk 100% crap.
*still exists*
Loyal Member
Feb 18, 2003
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Hey you know what gohan? Suck my penis.

You can warn me all you like. To be honest i really dont care. I DONT LIKE YOU. Its simple as that. And i also know loads of other people dont like you. Balths right. You really do act way to 'mature' all the time. Dont normally say this but instead of 'grow up' im saying 'grow down'. Have a but more fun please....

Still think the funnyest thing you did was lock a post in the staff forums.... HAHA like the mods would actually spam.

Had enough for now. Ive already made my point. All uve done is act negative....... as always.
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