K well the boss oferd to take us down the pub for lunchtime... So obviously i went. I noticed my pint had disapeared within a few minutes so i get bought another
. 5 minutes later that ones gone. Same thing happens again. By the end of the 3rd i still havent felt anything. Towards the end of the 4th i started to go 'hmmmmm yup im not normal'. I reached 6 pints and im convinced they were trying to get me drunk coz i started laughing to loud n stuff.. I even fell over when i went to the toilet
Now im back at work (after trying to walk without saying anything stupid and walking streight from the pub) and i cant be arsed to do ANY work
. Ive finished the bulk of the 3 projects that are supposed to be done by the end of the week... Im just looking at the forum and sending stupid e-mails. I cant even sit streight
. Cider really does sneak up on you

Now im back at work (after trying to walk without saying anything stupid and walking streight from the pub) and i cant be arsed to do ANY work