• Unfortunately, we have experienced significant hard drive damage that requires urgent maintenance and rebuilding. The forum will be a state of read only until we install our new drives and rebuild all the configurations needed. Please follow our Facebook page for updates, we will be back up shortly! (The forum could go offline at any given time due to the nature of the failed drives whilst awaiting the upgrades.) When you see an Incapsula error, you know we are in the process of migration.

Earth eternal sort of

Loyal Member
Aug 17, 2014
Reaction score
i put all in a package
contains the git,the data folder and the requirements
it also requires meson for pyton i did not include it
also uses ninja idk what thats for but included also



Loyal Member
Aug 17, 2014
Reaction score
no,it was web and client
i think it compiles in linux or something
too hard to do,if anyone knows how post a guide or the binaries
xlw00tlx - Earth eternal sort of - RaGEZONE Forums
cats addicted
Loyal Member
Apr 1, 2010
Reaction score
Only get "403 Forbidden" on zippy ...

Ok, it was my ISP blocking it lol. Downloading now :wink:

Confirming this is linux (yaaay. No windows poop :D: ). Will try to get it up and running but it can take a while.
Last edited:
cats addicted
Loyal Member
Apr 1, 2010
Reaction score
Zorno for me its working,or send a msg in discord i ll give you the zip SuperMewKitty#8417

Its fine. Zippyshare is blocked in germany. I just downloaded it via tor :wink:

Current status:

Files compiling successful with meson and ninja.

For people that want to try themselves:

1. Setup ubuntu server 20.04
2. Extract all files
3. copy stuff from data archive into the master archive
4. type --> sudo apt update && sudo apt install make cmake g++ curl openssh libcurl4-openssl-dev meson libssl-dev
5. goto master folder
6. type --> meson setup builddir && cd builddir
6.2. if meson complains about local/HTTPConfig.txt just go into local folder and copy the HTTPConfig.txt.sample to HTTPConfig.txt :wink:
7. in builddir type --> ninja
8. profit. Compilation done.

I have no idea if the config in local folder has to be done before building but i guess it should. But at least you now know how to build the server files :wink:

Oh and btw, it whould compile on windows thrash too if openssl, curl and stuff is installed :wink:

You will need to install Python 3 and Meson as a module using pip. This is because we use Python for generating code, and rely on external modules (Mako). You also need pkg-config (a hard dependency of Meson), Flex, and Bison. The easiest way to install everything you need is with Chocolatey.

choco install python3 winflexbison pkgconfiglite

You can even use Chocolatey to install MinGW and Ninja (Ninja can be used with MSVC as well)

choco install ninja mingw

Then install Meson using pip

py -3 -m pip install meson mako

You may need to add the Python 3 scripts directory to your path for Meson.

The Meson program is used to configure the source directory and generates either a Ninja build file or Visual Studio® build files. The latter must be enabled via the --backend switch, as Ninja is the default backend on all operating systems.
Last edited:
Loyal Member
Aug 17, 2014
Reaction score
@Zorno thanks share whenever you see it ready im very bad at linux
this is the git with all the info

[B]Configuring The Cluster (all configurations)[/B]

[COLOR=#24292F]Regardless of whether or not you have multiple nodes, you will need to tell the server where your Redis instance is located and how to connect to it.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#24292F]This source module ships with sample configuration files that must be copied to their 'real' locations. Do this for the local cluster configuration file :-[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#24292F]cp Local/Cluster.txt.sample Local/Cluster.txt
[COLOR=#24292F]And then open up [I]Local/Cluster.txt[/I] in your favourite text editor :-[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#24292F]; The unique name of this shard

; A more descriptive name displayed in the shard selection screen (/shards)
FullName=My Local Earth Eternal server

; The address of this shards Redis instance

; The port on which this shards Redis instance is listening

; The password to use to authenticate with the Redis instance. Leave blank or commented out if there is no password

[COLOR=#24292F]This file is also used to set to the unique shard name and description. Do not worry about this if you are only running a single shard.[/COLOR]
[/URL]Configuring The Cluster (multiple shards)[/B]

[COLOR=#24292F]If you wish to run multiple shards in a cluster, there are a few different configurations.[/COLOR]

[*]Multiple server instances pointing to a single shared Redis instance.
[*]Multiple server instances, each with it's own Redis instance and replication setup between the Redis instances.
[*]A combination of both.
[COLOR=#24292F][I]All replication configuration when multiple Redis instances are used is done at the Redis layer. See [URL]https://redis.io/topics/replication[/URL][/I][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#24292F]Whenever you have multiple EE server instances, each must have their own [I]Local[/I] configuration directory. Anything in this directory is specific to this node only.[/COLOR]
[/URL]Configuring Server Behaviour[/B]

[COLOR=#24292F]All other server behaviour is configured using the Local/ServerConfig.txt file. As with all other configuration files, this is shipped as a ServerConfig.txt.sample, and must be copied and edited before use.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#24292F]cp Local/ServerConfig.txt.sample Local/ServerConfig.txt
[COLOR=#24292F]Then edit [I]Local/ServerConfig.txt[/I] with your favourite text editor. This file contains many options, most of which are commented. For a new installation, the ones that most likely need to be changed are :-[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#24292F]; The address which is advertised to clients via the 'router' service.  This address
; must be resolvable by clients and may either be a hostname or IP address. When blank
; the first public IP address that the simulator service is bound to is used. 

; The address to which the server will bind the simulator and router services. If left
; blank, all detected network interfaces will be used.


RouterPort=4242            ; Port to listen to router connections (login screen connect)
SimulatorPort=4300         ; Port to listen for simulator connections
HTTPListenPort=8080        ; Port to listen to HTTP requests.  Set as zero to disable.

[COLOR=#24292F]The default configuration will work fine if you are setting up a server for your own use ('localhost'), but if you wish to make the server available to others over the internet, you will at least need to set [I]SimulatorAddress[/I]. If you are running multiple servers on the same machine, you can either :-[/COLOR]

[*]Configure an IP address for each server, and use [I]BindAddress[/I] in each instances ServerConfig.txt to bind to that address [RECOMMENDED].
[*]Use the same IP address for each instance, but change [I]RouterPort[/I], [I]SimulatorPort[/I] and [I]HTTPListPort[/I] in each instances ServerConfig.txt so that ports do not conflict.
[COLOR=#24292F]NOTE: If you are setting up a cluster, MOST other options should the SAME on all nodes. For example, you do not want each shard to have different values for [I]CapExperienceLevel[/I], but something like [I]MOTD_Message[/I] is OK. This will eventually be fixed so such configuration is moved into the cluster database for all shards to share.[/COLOR]
[/URL]Logging Configuration[/B]

[COLOR=#24292F]Logging is provided by EasyLogging ([URL]https://muflihun.github.io/easyloggingpp/[/URL]). See this site for detailed information on how logging is configured.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#24292F]Server log configuration files are in the [I]Local[/I] configuration directory. As with other configuration files, before use you will need to copy the sample file :-[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#24292F]cp Local/LogConfig.txt.sample Local/LogConfig.txt
[COLOR=#24292F]If you are just starting out, there should be no need to change anything in this file. All logs by default will go to the [I]Logs[/I] folder.[/COLOR]
[/URL]Preparing Game Server Data and Client Assets[/B]

[COLOR=#24292F]Having a running EE server on it's own in not much use, you will also need the [I]Game Server Data[/I] (i.e. all static data such as Quests, NPC appearances, Scenery and more), and the [I]Client Assets[/I] (i.e. all 3D models, Music, Sounds, Client Logic and more).[/COLOR]
[/URL]Game Server Data[/B]

[COLOR=#24292F]We currently have two different Game Server Data sets that will run on this server. They are both stored in a separate GitHub repository - [URL]https://github.com/rockfireredmoon/iceee-data[/URL]. One is for 'The Anubian War' (currently under development), and one for 'Valkal's Shadow' (our current live and active server).[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#24292F]Assuming you are starting from the server source directory, it is recommended you clone the game server data repository into the same parent folder as the server source. This way the default file locations in [I]ServerConfig.txt[/I] are all ready setup as needed and ready to go.[/COLOR]
[/URL]For Valkals Shadow on TAW Engine[/B]

[COLOR=#24292F]If you want to work on Valkal's Shadow (on TAW engine), then clone the [I]valkals_shadow[/I] branch.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#24292F]cd ..
git clone -b valkals_shadow [URL]https://git@github.com/rockfireredmoon/iceee-data.git[/URL]
cd iceee   
[/URL]For The Anubian War on TAW Engine[/B]

[COLOR=#24292F]cd ..
git clone [URL]https://git@github.com/rockfireredmoon/iceee-data.git[/URL]
cd iceee   
[COLOR=#24292F]Both of these will go to the parent folder, clone the server data for the 'TAW' version of the game, and then change directory back into the server source folder (if you cloned the server source to somewhere other than 'iceee' folder, change accordingly).[/COLOR]
[/URL]Client Assets[/B]

[COLOR=#24292F]As with the game server data, we have two different versions of the Client Assets. Again, they are both stored in a Git repository under different branches. However, for various reasons we do not currently make this publically available. If you need assets, please contact us and we can provide you with a pre-built bundle.[/COLOR]
[/URL]Pre-built Client Assets[/B]

[COLOR=#24292F]You will be provided with a file name [I]iceee-assets.zip[/I].[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#24292F]Assuming you are starting from the server source directory, it is recommended you unzip this file into the same parent folder as the server source. This way the default file locations in [I]ServerConfig.txt[/I] are all ready setup as needed and ready to go.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#24292F]cd ..
unzip /path/to/iceee-assets.zip
cd iceee
[COLOR=#24292F]This will go to the parent folder, unzip the assets for the appropriate version of the game, and then change directory back into the server source folder (if you cloned the server source to somewhere other than 'iceee' folder, change accordingly).[/COLOR]
[/URL]Compiled Client Assets[/B]

[COLOR=#24292F]If you have access to Client Assets Git repository, you can compile the assets from source. There are a number of tools you will need installed, see the README.md that will be cloned along with the source.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#24292F]cd ..
git clone [REDACTED]
cd iceee-assets
cd ../iceee   
[/URL]Running The Server[/B]

[COLOR=#24292F]You now have everything you need to run the server. Assuming you are in the server source directory, run :-[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#24292F]builddir/tawd -C
[COLOR=#24292F]The server will now start up with a default logging level of INFO output to the console.[/COLOR]
[/URL]Creating The User Accounts[/B]

[COLOR=#24292F]Before logging on to the server using the client, you will need to create a user. The default configuration uses a built in user database.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#24292F]First off, create an administrator account :-[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#24292F]builddir/eeaccount -i create admin 'mysecret' admin --roles=administrator
[COLOR=#24292F]You can then create accounts for your Sages (GMs) :-[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#24292F]builddir/eeaccount -i create sage1 'mysecret' sagegrove1 --roles=sage
[COLOR=#24292F]And finally acccounts for ordinary players[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#24292F]builddir/eeaccount -i create aplayer 'mysecret' playergrove1
[COLOR=#24292F]There are various other ways by which accounts by created, such as via HTTP calls. These are intended for integration with web sites.[/COLOR]
[/URL]Server Daemon Command Line Options[/B]

[COLOR=#24292F]There are a number of options available to aid debuggging and running the process from service scripts and the like.[/COLOR]
[TD]Daemonize the server. Once initialized, the process will be forked and placed into the background[/TD]
[TD]Output all logging to the console as well as log files.[/TD]
[TD]Location to PIDFILE. The process ID of the server is written to this file once known[/TD]
[TD]Location to a [I]Local[/I] configuration directory (that contains ServerConfig.txt, LogConfig.txt and Cluster.txt)[/TD]
[TD]Flush log output immediately. Ordinarilly this is buffered to aid performance, but disabling this can help in some debugging situations[/TD]
[TD]Set the default log level. Position values for include info, debug, error, fatal, trace, verbose or warning[/TD]

[COLOR=#24292F]At some point, you will probably want to actually the server, or create installable packages for your distribution.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#24292F]Again, working from build workspace 'builddir' :-[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#24292F][COLOR=var(--color-prettylights-syntax-constant)]cd[/COLOR] ..
meson configure --default-library=static -Dprefix=/usr -Dlocalstatedir=/var -Dsysconfdir=/etc -Dlocalconfigdir=/etc/tawd[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#24292F]NOTE: Old versions of Meson use a slightly different command that must be run inside the builddir.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#24292F]mesonconf --default-library=static -Dprefix=/usr -Dlocalstatedir=/var -Dsysconfdir=/etc -Dlocalconfigdir=/etc/tawd[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#24292F]If you want to install as a service (e.g Windows Service, SystemD Service etc), then add this property as well:-[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#24292F]Finally run the install. You will probably need to run this as administrator if the files are installed in system locations (the default) :-[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#24292F][COLOR=var(--color-prettylights-syntax-constant)]cd[/COLOR] builddir [/COLOR]
[COLOR=#24292F]sudo meson install[/COLOR]
cats addicted
Loyal Member
Apr 1, 2010
Reaction score
@Zorno thanks share whenever you see it ready im very bad at linux
this is the git with all the info

You should learn linux :wink: for servers its the securest OS available. Sure, ubuntu is not as its running watchdog process to send data to canonical but its the most easiest and for testing server files i dont care about canonical :D:

Anyways, im currently moving my household so i cant try this server for the next days but with the info from the git it should be no problem to get it running. I'll check this thread from time to time and when im done moving, i can try myself (and maybe share a VM snapshot later). :):

The game itself seems to be nothing special but it seems to be a very small server so maybe it can be done on an Odroid, which whould be a great testing thing :D:
cats addicted
Loyal Member
Apr 1, 2010
Reaction score
bump Zorno any news?

still in moving process (or more in process waiting to get another internet connection than slow mobile). Still interested in this files and they are still on my server machine, so yes, i will try to play around with them but it will still need 2 weeks or so (vodafone is slow on connecting people :D: ) to get fully online again :wink: