• Unfortunately, we have experienced significant hard drive damage that requires urgent maintenance and rebuilding. The forum will be a state of read only until we install our new drives and rebuild all the configurations needed. Please follow our Facebook page for updates, we will be back up shortly! (The forum could go offline at any given time due to the nature of the failed drives whilst awaiting the upgrades.) When you see an Incapsula error, you know we are in the process of migration.

Emerald Flyff (Source & Client)

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Jan 20, 2009
Reaction score
This contains no server files or database, you must build it yourself.

Price: Free

//Emerald Flyff Custom Defines

//#define		__LOCALNEUZ						//Local IP or not.
//#define		__LEVEL_CAP_120M				//Cap
#define		__LIVE_NEUZ						//Live Server.
#define		__SECOND_CHANNEL				//Disables various stuff for the second channel.
#define		__ETERNALFIRE_EXPA				//Teleporters etc.

//#define		__LEVEL_CAP_150	

#define		__SKILL_RANGE_CHECK				//Checks distance between targets for range hacks/lags.
#define		__GET_RANGE_TO_OBJ				//Function to get range between 2 objects.
#define		__SHOUT_COOLDOWN				//Shout Cooldown
#define		__VOICE_LINES					//Japanese Voices

#define		__EUBUILD						//CE Checks.
#define		__INVENTORY_168					//Bigger Inventory
#define		__PMA_FIX_ATKMSG				//OnMeleeAttack fix.
#define		__ARROW_FIX						//Jump arrow fix
#define		__GUILD_BUFFS					//Guild Buffs based on Guild Level
#define		__KEYPRESS_FEEDBACK				//From Iluay
#define		__AlphaChat						//Fading Chat
#define		__DUNGEON_ENERGY_SYSTEM			//Inspired by Iluay but homemade code yo.
#define 	__ACTIONSLOT_FEEDBACK			//From Illuay
#define		__MOUNT							//Mount System
#define		__TOTEMS						//Totem Movers
#define		__RANGEHACK_VALIDATION			//Checks for range hacks
#define		__WIKI_ITEMS					//Wiki
#define		__MODEL_VIEW					//Model Viewer.
#define		__PERIN_CONVERT_SECURITY		//Perin Button
#define		__FIX_DARK_ILLUSION				//Auto Attack fix for DI.
#define		__SECURITY_FIXES				//Fixes
#define		__MUSIC_OLD						//FMOD music Library
#define		__HIDE_PICKUPPET_OPTION			//Hide Pickup Pets option.
#define		__HIDE_PLAYER_OPTION			//Hide player option.
#define		__SFX_LEVELS					//SFX Slider update.

//2020 Emerald Flyff - Enchanted Forest
#define		__FAST_NEUZ						//Changes in WndMapEx
#define		__STL_GIFTBOX_VECTOR			//For Neuz giftbox indicator
#define		__NEW_WEAPON_GLOW				//v17 Weapon Glows
#define		__PARTYSKILL_REFRESH			//Refresh Party Skills when entering parties
#define		__NO_SKILLCASTING				//Dont do the casting-bar stuff
#define		__NEW_BOSSMECHANICS				//New boss stuffies
#define		__MINES_BOMBS					//Mine & Bomb skill types
#define		__STAT_SYNC						//Stat Sync
#define		__SKILLSHOTS					//Ground Targetted Skills from MagmaFlyff
#define		__ATTACK_RANGE_CODE				//Updates to how range of auto attacks is done.
#define 	__ITEM_NAME_RENDERING			//Render Item names on the ground
#define		__BEAD_STAT_FIX					//Bead Fix
#define		__FIX_RANGER_ROLLER				//Fix ranger rolling
#define		__SPLASH_AUTOATTACKS			//AoE Auto Attacks code
#define		_BETTER_MODEL_CACHE				//Model Caching by NaNo
#define		__MODEL_CHANGE					//Item Transmutations/Model changing
#define		__PVESERVER						//New Skill IDS and various other small tweaks.
#define		__FFA_COMBAT					//FFA Version of Siege.
#define		__CTF_COMBAT					//Capture the Flag Style Team Battles.
#define		__AUTOLVL_SKILL					//Leveling up skills automatically when you level.
#define		__GUILD_CREATESCROLL			//Updated Recurrence scroll to guild-create scroll
#define		__APP_TELEPORTER				//Teleporter Window
#define		__NEW_INSTANCE_COOLDOWNS		//Start Instance cooldown when teleport finishes. Also shows cd in APP_TELE
#define 	__CRAFTING_FEATURE				//Craft items by combining them
#define 	__DISENCHANTING_FEATURE			//Disenchant items into other items
#define		__NEW_EXCHANGE_V19				//V19 style Exchange. Also needed for Crafting Feature
#define		__NEW_STAT_CALCULATIONS			//Various updates to Hitrate/Block/Parry and similar formulas.
#define		__EMERALD_DAMAGE_CHANGES		//Various changes to calculations and stuff related to damage/skills.
#define		__MAGIC_DOT_SKILLS				//Turns 'Poison' Status in a magic-DoT affected by MR for mages. Bleeding remains Physical.
#define		__NEWWPN1024					//Enabled 'Elemental Mastery All' stat.
#define		__NEW_PARRY_FORMULA				//Removed class specific scaling from parry formula.
#define		__ZHICHIZUIXIAOHUA				//Some Direct3d Window updates.
#define		__GUILD_COLOR					//Guild Color changes based on level
#define		__NEW_HP_FORMULA				//Rework to the health formulas
#define		__PET_MONSTER_LEVELING			//Raised Pets level up automatically and gain exp from killing monsters.
#define		__SCROLL_OF_UNBINDING			//Scroll to un-bind Soul-linked items.
#define		__BANCOMMAND					//Ban Command for GMs and Admins.
#define		__RANDOM_WEP_COLOR				//Weapon Trail Scroll and updated Trail colors
#define		__NEW_ASAL_FORMULA				//Asal Formula Update
#define		__NEW_ITEM_TOOLTIP				//Various tooltip updates for items. Includes SOCKET_CARD and ITEM_QUANTITY
#define		__PETFILTER						//Pet Filter window. 
#define		__1080RESOLUTION				//New Resolution options.
#define		__DAMAGEWITHSPACE				//Draw damage numbers with spaces for 100 000 etc.
#define		__NEW_DAMAGE_NUMBERS			//Option to swap to a new style of damage numbers
#define		__DAMAGE_NUMBER_COLORS			//Split Physical/Magical damage into different colors
#define		__NEW_DST_STATS					//Varous new stats from DefineAttribute.h
#define		__DROPTABLE_UPDATES				//Reworks droptable code
#define		__PIERCING20_TWOHAND			//Allows two handed weapons to be pierced up to 20/20.
#define		__BUFFPET_BEADSTACK				//Alows for stacking of bead durations
#define		__GENDER_NPC_FIX				//Fixes male mover NPC's
#define		__SHOW_HEALING_NUMBERS			//Show healing numbers like damage numbers.
#define		__QUICKJOB						//Quick Job change
#define		__ATTACK_TRACKING				//Attack tracking used for special effects like 'every 3rd attack to X'
#define		__BULLET_AURAS					//Replaces Arrows/Bless posters with items for custom auras
#define		__ROTATING_SFX_AURA				//Small fix with rotation and sfx.
#define		__NEW_HIT_SFX					//Optional new on-hit sfx.
#define		__SYS_DROPLOG					//New style of item drops being displayed
#define		__UI_OPT_DROPTEXT_OLD			//Disable/Enable option for droplog
#define		__AFK_VENDOR					//AFK Vendors
#define		__EXTENDED_SALE_SYSTEM			//Selling items with Perins.
#define		__WEAPON_MODIFICATION_SYSTEM	//Rework of the Jewel Setting system.
#define		__QUICKSELL						//Right click to quicksell items.
#define 	__ENH_EVENTLUA_PARAM			//Level up rewards based on job and gender.
#define 	__GIFTBOX_TIMER					//Server Sided timer for spamming giftboxes.
#define		__INVENTORY_SEARCH				//Search option in inv window.
#define		__DST_SELFSKILL					//A DST that gives a % chance to apply a self-buff on skill usage.
//#define		__ANTIALIAS_TEST				//Experimental code to add anti-aliasing
//#define		__ANISOTROPIC_TEST				//Experimental code for aniso filtering
#define		__QUIVER_SYSTEM					//Ranger update. 1H Bows + Quivers in shield slot.
#define		__VIP_SYSTEM					//VIP System with various benefits.
#define		__SMALL_FIXES					//A collection of smaller changes for QOL and bugs etc. 
											//Includes: Ranger 1st hit fix. Flying channel to 1s. In use-checkmark. New alert icons. Regen updates. MP scaling updates
#define		__CLOCKWORK_AI					//New Clockwork Boss Mechanics.
#define		__WEAPON_GRADE_FEATURE			//Weapon Grading Feature. New type of stat.
#define		__COLLECTOR_AS_MINING			//Re-themeing collecting as a more mining-esque experience. Code is not really used atm.
#define		__STATWINDOW					//MyStats command with various stats info.
#define		__ENCHANTED_FOREST_EXPANSION	//Various skill/item mechanics that I added for the expansion.
#define		__DPS_METER						//DPS Meter 
#define		__UPGRADE_CAP					//Allows for a guaranteed upgrade
#define		__PMA_PARTYFINDER				//Party Finder Window
#define		__PROJECTILE_SPEED_PARAM		//Adds modifier for projectile speeds in PropSkillAdd.
#define		__PERM_EXTRABAGS				//Permanent extra bags for free.
#define 	__FACTIONS						//Faction System.
#define		__FACTION_PVP_SYSTEM			//Faction Battlegrounds & Open World PvP System.
#define		__FACTION_STATUES_ENABLED		//Statue feature for Faction Battlegrounds.
#define		__QUICK_SWITCH					//Ingame Switch tool/macro for PvP.
#define		__CHOOSE_GEM_REMOVAL			//Choose which weapon mod you can remove.
#define		__LIMITED_SIEGE_SWAPPING		//Blocks swapping of fashion and Jewelry in siege/ffa.
#define		__BLOCK_ITEM_TASKBAR			//Prevent armor swapping from the taskbar.
#define		__NEW_STATUSBAR					//New Player Status window.
#define		__AWAKE_WINDOW					//Awakening Window.
#define 	__WORLDPOST						//Instant Mail button.
#define		__LOCK_ITEM						//Features to allow items to be locked.
#define		__PARTYWORLDNAME				//Show the location of players in parties.
#define		__ATTACKER_TRACKING				//Attacker Tracking for Statues.
#define		__FIX_DST_HEAL					//DST_HEAL updates with scaling and fixes.
#define		__WAND_AUTOATTACKS				//Rework of auto attacks for wands.
#define		__DST_AUTOBUFF_FEATURE			//Prevention-like type of dst_stat for skills.
#define		__NEW_HPBAR						//New HP bar for monsters etc.

//Fixes Collection
#define		__DARK_ILLUSIONFIX				//Prevents rendering of sfx when you are invisible
#define		__STATEBUG_FIX					//Stun Bug fixes
#define		__POSLAGFIX_0312				//Fixes for sit-states
#define		__FIX_REMOVESFX					//Fixes players leaving sfx all over the place.
#define		__WHEREAREYOUGO					//Fixes characters running off in the distance
#define		__GUILDBANK_DUPEFIX1			//Fixes Dupes in Guild Banks.
#define		__DISABLE_GUILDCLOAK			//Fixes Dupes with guild cloak creation.
#define		__CHAROVERWRITE_FIX				//Fixes Dupes with overwrting deleted characters.
#define		__INJECTION_FIX					//SQL injection fix for creating chars.
#define		__EXCHANGE_NEGATIVE				//Adds a check for empty exchange lists.
#define		__PET_PIERCING_BOUNDS			//Fix in RemovePetVisItem 
#define		__CHAR_RENAME_INVALID			//Extra checks for renaming chars
#define		__CHEAT_ENGINE_BLOCK			//Cheat Engine Checks
#define		__GUILD_RENAME_FAKE				//Guild Rename fix
#define		__FIX_CHEAT						//Prevents putting files in your client
#define		__FIX_LEVELHACK					//Fixes hack to set level of char to be very high.
#define		__HACKFIX_RANGE01				//Fixes range hack with CE.
#define		__FIX_FRAMECPU					//Reduces CPU usage
#define		__THIRD_ITEMBUFF				//Fixes items with 3 DST buffs.
#define		__SELL_OVERFLOW_FIX				//Fix for selling overflows.
#define		__FIX_ANGEL_DUPE				//Fix for Angel Dupes
#define		__FIXES_09						//Arena Fixes
#define		__HACK_CHECKERS					//Client Admin & speed hack checkers
#define		__PARTY_DUNGRESET_FIX			//Fix for bug where instances dont reset properly.
#define		__SWAP_HP_FIX					//Fixes your HP being over your max after swapping.
#define		__POCKET_FIXES					//WS Crash & Dupe Fixes.
#define		__FIXES_05						//OnQuerySetPlayerName Protection
#define		__FIXES_06						//OnQuerySetGuildName Protection
#define 	__FIXES_18						//Bet_FiveSystem
#define		__PMA_GW
#define		__FIX_STUN_BUG					

#define __MINIDUMP

Password: RzKetchup
Junior Spellweaver
Oct 3, 2017
Reaction score

Authentication required, connection failedPlease pass
Experienced Elementalist
Jan 7, 2020
Reaction score

Ketchup has left the moderating team and forum sadly for personal reasons so the only way to access his content would be to contact him via email (b u f f p a n g z @ g m a i l ).

The least you can do after firing the best mod on this whole lame site is not lie to your community (or what's left of it lol).
he didnt leave due to personal reasons you demoted him for no reason, Iv'e seen the proof, the emails, the screenshots everything.
you got rid of your best moderator becuase you were scared he would walk if he didn't get super.
Congratulations Dan! You just killed the whole flyff scene with your own hands.
Feb 22, 2023
Reaction score
The FlyFF scene as you call it well has been split in two because of all this is stories, and it’s far from being because of this problem, where everyone was helping each other, would be respectful and wouldn’t prefer, so I think the scene would thrive better, When we manage a forum have a responsibility, simply.
Nov 14, 2001
Reaction score
The least you can do after firing the best mod on this whole lame site is not lie to your community (or what's left of it lol).
he didnt leave due to personal reasons you demoted him for no reason, Iv'e seen the proof, the emails, the screenshots everything.
you got rid of your best moderator becuase you were scared he would walk if he didn't get super.
Congratulations Dan! You just killed the whole flyff scene with your own hands.
Generally, I would remove this, but open dialogue is healthy. I was being polite by stating personal reasons. His moderation effort was outstanding, and I was doing him a favour. You are free to assume that he did nothing wrong, and you are free to believe as you wish, but you would be wrong.

RaGEZONE is a community forum. We have a system in place to assure that things are fair and balanced. Hierarchy is rather important here, as it negates bias. Actions are taken appropriately when it has been deemed necessary. When a moderator tends not to get something they feel is owed, they will lash out. This is the byproduct of that.

I take partial responsibility for not acting sooner on Ketchup's previous actions, and replies such as yours are the outcome. Time gains favour with certain people, and loyalty within communities such as Flyff is expected. 

I do not do things randomly, nor do I do things without reason. Whilst you feel I am the bad person in this scenario, time will show otherwise. In fact, I would recommend saving this reply for your own future reference. I have nothing to gain from lying or deceit. I've played this game for over 20 years, and it brings me sadness to see the actions of a disgruntled former moderator spill out into the community.

We are a free and open forum. 

Ask yourself: Who is the one causing drama? Who is the one conversing with members via Discord and fueling the flames?

I facilitate all of your needs, and I trust my team of super-moderators to assist me daily. We don't play politics. As a forum, we are a true democracy. 

Thank you, and I apologise for the long reply.

Experienced Elementalist
Jan 7, 2020
Reaction score
Generally, I would remove this, but open dialogue is healthy. I was being polite by stating personal reasons. His moderation effort was outstanding, and I was doing him a favour. You are free to assume that he did nothing wrong, and you are free to believe as you wish, but you would be wrong.

RaGEZONE is a community forum. We have a system in place to assure that things are fair and balanced. Hierarchy is rather important here, as it negates bias. Actions are taken appropriately when it has been deemed necessary. When a moderator tends not to get something they feel is owed, they will lash out. This is the byproduct of that.

I take partial responsibility for not acting sooner on Ketchup's previous actions, and replies such as yours are the outcome. Time gains favour with certain people, and loyalty within communities such as Flyff is expected.

I do not do things randomly, nor do I do things without reason. Whilst you feel I am the bad person in this scenario, time will show otherwise. In fact, I would recommend saving this reply for your own future reference. I have nothing to gain from lying or deceit. I've played this game for over 20 years, and it brings me sadness to see the actions of a disgruntled former moderator spill out into the community.

We are a free and open forum.

Ask yourself: Who is the one causing drama? Who is the one conversing with members via Discord and fueling the flames?

I facilitate all of your needs, and I trust my team of super-moderators to assist me daily. We don't play politics. As a forum, we are a true democracy.

Thank you, and I apologise for the long reply.

Just to make it clear: he didn't send me or told me to "fueling the flames" .
I was replying this to open your eyes, no matter how you spin it ketchup was everyone's last chance when it came to Flyff, in every aspect.

People turn to him for literally everything and he always helped everyone with what they need.
I am not going to deny, he is my friend and obviously as a friend I will protect him But I think it just wasn't fair for him to be firied.

The message you were trying to get through him actually hurt the whole community. Because beginners and newbies now have no one to turn to for help, you know that there is no one else here who can surpass his abilities when it comes to Flyff.

And the most important thing of all is that he made sure to release all kinds of source that innocent people would spend 300-1000 euros\dollar without even blinking, Now there is no one who can protect those people from beign scammed anymore.

But since you sound very confident with yourself, best of luck.
Nov 14, 2001
Reaction score
Just to make it clear: he didn't send me or told me to "fueling the flames" .
I was replying this to open your eyes, no matter how you spin it ketchup was everyone's last chance when it came to Flyff, in every aspect.

People turn to him for literally everything and he always helped everyone with what they need.
I am not going to deny, he is my friend and obviously as a friend I will protect him But I think it just wasn't fair for him to be firied.

The message you were trying to get through him actually hurt the whole community. Because beginners and newbies now have no one to turn to for help, you know that there is no one else here who can surpass his abilities when it comes to Flyff.

And the most important thing of all is that he made sure to release all kinds of source that innocent people would spend 300-1000 euros without even blinkingm, Now there is no one who can protect those people from beign scammed anymore.

But since you sound very confident with yourself, best of luck.

This was sent to me. Members are welcome to go read the views of Ketchup. In the interest of fairness, I will disclose the following:

Screenshot_20230222_180037 - Emerald Flyff (Source & Client) - RaGEZONE Forums

On January 29th, I personally went about his nomination process by creating the thread in the appropriate staff section. It was to expedite everything for him.

Screenshot_20230222_180638_Gmail - Emerald Flyff (Source & Client) - RaGEZONE Forums

Date: 18 Feb 2023.

This is where things turn sour. The email bypassed a system by a party that should have used the appropriate sections internally. During this interaction, I was given private communications highlighting certain things.

tapatalk_1975314188_321x695 - Emerald Flyff (Source & Client) - RaGEZONE Forums

We operate as a team. I do not intend to share any more information on the matter unless required.



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