Empty world...


Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 15, 2007
Reaction score
Hello again, I am now stuck on why I have an empty world. I start out with no armor or weapons. I don't see any NPC or Monsters. Even in the Mangos.exe when it starts up it says no quest loaded. :scratch: I know there could be lot's of possibilities to why this might be, but if you can give me some directions that would be awesome. Thanks, SKi
This is who I followed

Windows setup guide

1. What you need:
- Patch to 1.12.1 or 1.12.2 >

- MaNGOS maps & DBC files - & - &
- MaNGOS ver. 2639 - warning! this is ONLY for new installation!!!
- MySQL 5 >
- SQLyog Free >

2. Installation
- install MYSQL5 for user root with password mangos then install SQLyog
- open SQLyog, first connect (do not enter databases in conection dialog!!!) and then create two databases: MANGOS and REALMD
- run mangos_maps1.exe and then mangos_maps2.exe and extract them to C:/MANGOS/
-extract argief to C:/MANGOS/
- open SQLyog and right click on REALMD, then select IMPORT BATCH FILE and select REALMD.SQL from C:/MANGOS/SQL/ and import it (just click OK)
- right click on MANGOS database in SQLyog, then select IMPORT BATCH FILE and select SDB.SQL from C:/MANGOS/SQL/ and import it (just click OK)
- open SQLyog and click on + next to REALMD, then right click REALMLIST and select VIEW DATA, then edit NAME and ADDRESS columns.
Name = name of your server
ADDRESS = IP or DNS address like or private-test.dyndns.org

3. Config files
- configure MANGOS.CONF & REALMD.CONF for your needs, but they are already configured for default

4. Accounts
- You can create account with this command in mangosd.exe window:

5. Starting server
- click realmd.exe
- click mangosd.exe

6. Update
- Deinstall old updates
- Backup your database
- Download update
- Install new update
- Check mangosd.conf and realmd.conf becouse they might have changed.
- IMPORT realmd_update.sql to your REAMLD database and then sdb_update.sql to your MANGOS database, if you got errors while importing then import all sql files from SQL/partial/
- that's it

Well he info you ussed of mine is verry old al tru it still is the right way to setup mangos but you need the newer databases and mangos files .

Im curently uploading my new release of project rage witch is working strait outa the package on but with an litle knowledge you can make it so that anyone can connect to it ;)