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Equipment position and masks

Jul 17, 2007
Reaction score
position | item type | mask
0 - Weapon - 1
1 - Helm - 1073741826
2 - Necklance - 1073741828
3 - Manteau - 1073741832
4 - Armor - 1073741840 (16403 proc for r8)
5 - Belt - 1073741856
6 - Leg - 1073741888
7 - Shoes - 1073741952
8 - Arm - 1073742080
9 - Ring1 - 1073743360 (somehow proctype is 2)
10 - Ring2 - 1073743360 (r8 is 16403=16384+19)
12 - Flyer - 4096 (proc 131080)
13 - Fash. top - 8192 (proc 131080)
14 - Fash. leg - 16384 (proc 131080=131072+8)
15 - Fash. shoes - 32768
16 - Fash. arm - 65536 (proc 8)
17 - Attack Charm - 131072 (proc 0)
18 - Tome - 262144
19 - Chat Smiley - 524288 (proc 8)
20 ` - HP Charm - 1048576 (proc 131091=131072+19)
21 - MP Charm - 2097152
23 - Genie - 8388608 (proc 23)
24 - Vendor Shop - 16777216 (proc 131080) - no oct
25 - Fash. Hair - 33554432 (proc 131080)
26 - Order Badge - 67108864 (proc 147475=131072+16403)
27 - Mark of Might - 402653184 (proctyp 23/16659) - no oct no octet
29 - Fash. Weapon - 536870912 (proc 131072)
32 - Destr card - 2147483585 (proc 147479=131072+16403+4)
33 - Battl card
34 - Long. card
35 - Durat.card
36 - Soulp.card
37 - Lifep.card
38 - Starchart - 2147483584 (proc 147479)
Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 23, 2016
Reaction score
proc(type) can be set for each item individually in elements.data. For example, just because it is a Ring, the proctype doesn't have to be 2. Just because it is r8, the proctype doesn't have to be 16403. It can be modified at your own discretion.

Here is what I know about proctype:

1 = Doesn't Drop Upon Death

2 = Unable to Drop

4 = Unable to Sell

16 = Unable to Trade

64 = Bound on equip

256 - Expire when leaving area

512 = Used when picked up

1024 = Drop on death

2048 = Lost when player logs off

4096 = Can't repair

16384 = Unable to Account Stash

It uses bit masking, so if you want to combine states, just add the numbers together.
e.g. Doesn't Drop Upon Death + Unable to Drop + Unable to Trade
= 1 + 2 + 16
= 19