Eternity Gaming Fixed Gunner & Extreme Skills.. and Attack :)

i don't have the right to upload some files here cause prince gomez the ORIGINAL and first time to fix this problem gunner and extreme skills and attack ← FB add him FB i think the assassin under construction cause some bug need to fix prince gomez" he`s not yet fix the bug but now he need more time to fix the assassin i think prince gomez after he fix the bug hes going to share he`s files. complete class no bugs"
eternity/race ran is the only client released with less bug compare to others..
is it better to stick with this,than to try others..

other clients makes me a lot of trouble..
lots of bugs to be fix..

Good day to all
thanks for this prince is very good member here and helpful to others good job bro.
why don't you guys press the LIKE button instead of saying THANKS? :junglejane:
is this really work because on my server i cant use any scrool of gunner still unesusable
its a fixed attacking for gunner and extreme but the problem is the skills a problem.. even you edit through Ranmanager the skills you edit is still disable.. how to fixed this -_-
why the gunner class , always PLEASE WAIT when I open the Letter K or Skill of Gunner? please help me tnx.