Faceparty owned

Feb 23, 2003
Reaction score
In your dreams
LOL! Right before ya think "fucking poser" "ugly cunt" "show off bitch" whateva

Check this out I was well fucking blagged, my pic was put on faceparty front page and I got 18 msgs! lol in the space of 3 hrs O.o An 3 girls added me to msn lolol (bazi msg'd me btw) :tp:


  • owned - Faceparty owned - RaGEZONE Forums
    79.7 KB · Views: 86
Id go with a bat and a nail gun kitten if you go first you squash the testicles then you nail the hands and feet the bednow thats kinky to the fullest.
evilkitten said:
that usually happens 2 me when i update my profile, i end up with 10 msgs Oo

You made an account there?!?!?!?!? Cool, lmao....... :drooling1 :drooling1 :hippy:
hehe i am the persn called Baring saying nikkk just telling him that he was on front page lol i was on front page yesterday and got lots msg's too :tp:
Solares said:
No ones messaged me in ages... thats coz im ugleh :cry:

You have to copy Nik on this gestures and poses like he does, then you'll get all the attention................ :moon: :moon: :moon:
i could beat that amount... lol