
Yeah =] So cool i got a friend korean who got already a CD of KH3 its kinda hot. But the problem is the character is kinda noobie.. You'll see when u try it

such lier.. Im huge fan kingdom hearts no Kingdom Hearts Three, maybe talking about Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix or Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep etc.. No kingdom hearts three..
To get the best experience of playing Final Fantasy XIII is of course, to play on its mother console, the Sony Playstation 3. This is gonna be sweet ^^

I played FF7 5 times since I didnt get what happened to barette's hand. I played Final Fantasy 9 and I didnt get why you have to face Necrone at the end. And Final Fantasy X, BLITZBALL!
FFXI is cool, played it for almost 2 years. The game is good, the game style is like FFXII. . . But . . . The only problem i see on FFXI is that the game consumes too much time to do anything >.<' i know every mmo takes its time away but FFXI is just too much.
I really enjoyed FFXI but you have to be a hardcore player, it's not very friendly towards casual. I think it took me a full day to get my chocobo licence on it lol
The game looks really nice and it ain't excluded from the PS3 as it's already mentioned.

But I'd anyday prefer gaming on the PS3 over gaming on the 360.

Why? The Xbox 360 is ultimately better, its just that Sony has better advertising, more developers and better Tech-Suppport (tbh, both Microsofts and Sonys Tech Support Suck). Plus you really can't argue that PSN is free, because Live is waaayyy better. Plus, Sony is gonna hitch up prices after they lost 2.18 Billion Selling these things. So, go with Bill Gates.
i got me self a copy of the demo :3
It willbe out for ps3 , 360 and pc i think since the pc gaming market is always getting bigger.
yeah from the demo i played, it seens PCs now days can handle the requirement...
hm if the storyline will be awesome, i would buy it with a ps3^^ btw how's the compatibility to PS2 games with a PS3?
There's a demo? :O


HD H.264 - Part 1:
HD H.264 - Part 2:

new trailers for all 3 games.

HD H.264 - FF13:
HD H.264 - Versus:
HD H.264 - Agito: \

and i ripped the battle themes, this link will only be up for a few weeks...

Those are videos... -.-;
Those are videos... -.-;

i answered your question, and provided extra information (the videos) for you to enjoy...if u want the demo, you gona have to order it online or torrent it or something...duno if any1 actually uploaded the demo yet lol.
also it's not a PC demo "duh!". obviously it's a PS3 demo