[Files] Servers

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Skilled Illusionist
Aug 14, 2004
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Oki i upload to filefront my some server files:
1.45 - part II

2.02 - part III

2.05 - part III

This is my server files
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btw raf71, if u don mind, i would like to have ur server files that comes with new maps from part5...

im trying about 3 weeks just to implement your new maps from part5 but failed.... my client crashed.....lol
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you can copy map from cilent side to server side for Map part V.
but you need rename file : 49.map ( cilent side ) to 49 ( server side )
for cilent part III you need edit MC.ull .

sorry. eng
you can copy map from cilent side to server side for Map part V.
but you need rename file : 49.map ( cilent side ) to 49 ( server side )
for cilent part III you need edit MC.ull .

sorry. eng

ya..i have done that, but i dunno wat went wrong...my client crashed each time i teleport to map 43, 44 n etc....
im using part 5 from the previous post by raf71...

im so sorry about this post, once i download tiantian client from the link that raf71 gives, i can tele to new maps from part5.....

well MOD..if u see it as an sore eyes, pls delete my post.....

so sorry about this post....
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Download The Part 5 client and look for the map files. You need to remove the .map extension and the file will be the "file" format. Once that has happened, you can teleport to these maps but you will not see any creatures.

In order to see the creatures you need to create the spawn file i.e n_ndt files all by yourself and also make the other additions to the main server and account server too.

I am sorry but as a Mod i need to follow the rules of RageZone. :D
thanx for the info guys !! salute!!
well i managed to get to the new maps after i install tian tian client, all the mobs r there...i mean new mobs.... n it works quite fine

but the graphics....aaaa...headache..... my graphics went crazy....

I am sorry but as a Mod i need to follow the rules of RageZone. :D

ah..don worry MOD..
i understand completely....
well..keep up the good work iNs@Ne n Legendary!!!!
thanx for the info guys !! salute!!
well i managed to get to the new maps after i install tian tian client, all the mobs r there...i mean new mobs.... n it works quite fine

but the graphics....aaaa...headache..... my graphics went crazy....

ah..don worry MOD..
i understand completely....
well..keep up the good work iNs@Ne n Legendary!!!!

Graphics shouldnt be problem. Try re-installing the client. That should fix the problem.

@ Legendary
im wondering....
i can tele only to 2 new maps only.....
is that normal RaF71?

Graphics shouldnt be problem. Try re-installing the client. That should fix the problem.
@ iNs@Ne
ya, u r correct if i use the installer directly without changing a thing...
but im trying to make it full english as possible.... dunno wat files i replaced/edited, now my client got graphic bugs i.e all the effect went wrong such as when i cast Ice Cruise, ive got a strange effect.... lol...now trying to figure how to fix it... n not too mention i would like this type of client compatible with our server version 2.02 n 2.05 which is work greatly fine when using normal A3.exe, Launcher.exe n A3client.exe.......

maybe ill share with u guys if i managed to get it work...
You should be able to access all the map files available on the server side. Not only 2.

The language problems you are facing are coz of the Chinese client (TianTian). Try adding their english patch. Quite a bit of it is converted to english. It should not be a problem then.

Thank You.
Try Raf`s owned server files.....
it rocks .. not only rocks it mountains too :tongue:
I tried many server files & most of the server files r full of bugs (special mine i think) but raf`s server files(named Myserverfiles202.zip) is amagine
i know many of us owns better server files but the best part of Raf is .. he feels happy to share his files & works with others....
If he can learn sm more engilsh he have the ability to be a moderator...
but i dont think we need more moderators now :tongue:

Anyways Raf Thanx a lot...
1 question >>
in raf`s server i seen that the quest wz is x60 ... but the quest txt files are same as of my old files.:eek: . but mine is normal quest wz.. how Raf changed the wz ??? i chked the .dat files too but i think they too r same as mine one O.o
txt file is older and not used from server 2.02. I changed esp and wz in quest simple applications.
umm i donno wat these ???? means ... but i m quite sure that these are the Exp & wz rates ...
means if i will put 10 after the ???? it will change the exp as 10x ...
can u plz explain that how to use it??
anyways i m going to do some experiments & will try to figure out its use :P
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