First Holograms Appear

Feb 24, 2004
Reaction score
under your bed
source here

NoPeace - First Holograms Appear - RaGEZONE Forums

NoPeace - First Holograms Appear - RaGEZONE Forums

NoPeace - out
Hmm.. sadly, I almost think I coudl do that with a humidifier and a general LCD projector possibly.

It looks as if that box is running a gas/water vapor that is reflecting the light from a display (projector).

Very interesting to see though, perhaps I will set this up at work sometime.. see if I can try a little bit of my own magic on it :-)
They had somthing like this on a TV program in the UK called "The Gadget Show" it was a box with a water thing just spraying like a fine mist in a stright line. And then a projector was placed infront of it and presto a portable and cool image is made.