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Flyff v15 wow..

Scarlet Dreamz ~waves~
Jul 29, 2008
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On fly for fun forums.. i found something veeery interesting for those who didnt ready it already <:

- New Sets
Set will be called Dryad and you can wear them at lv.125:
You can view those sets in 3D plus get stats for them at

- BuffPets system
Here is new VIS/BuffPet Pet System which is Alterative to Raised Pets System

- New Password Protection System
There will be new Security system that will help in remebering passwords

- New Lands and Dungeons
There will be new Continent( Estya Cannyon) that includes mobs up to lv.129, and inside of it there will be dungeon that includes mobs up to lv.135. You can get there from Shaduwar at place where chains and rocks blockade is now.

-Guild House System
Here is the new Guild Housing system:

-Tutoring system
here is new Tutoring system (Teacher and student relationship):

I will be updating those news, when i translate more infos.

Updated account security courtesy of paboseki

This new version will add more securty for your account, When you choose your character you have to use the mouse to "punch the digit" to open a character...
Hope it will resolved the level 1 spammer in Town.


Pet system courtesy of _kilconey and flyffworld

Those of you who wanted buff pet information:

I will explain now how new Buff Pet System works:

First of all there will be 2 new pets avaible at CS Shop, which could be used for 2 things.
First of all, those pets will be behaving like normal CS Pets, taking items from the ground, and there will be second function of those new Pets: Giving attribute bonuses like Raised Pets. There will be 2 kind of Buff Pets avaible on Start:




Service Crystals

You can get them in-game from lv.15+ Mobs. There will be 3 kinds of Gem Crystals:

-1st level Service Crystals:

They drop from Mobs higher than lv.15. Chance rate to get them is simmilar to getting B/4% card. Duration for Service Effects is 1 day. After use Crystal vanishes.

Here is the list of Each lv.1 Service Crystals you can get:

-2nd level Service Crystals:

I dont know where you can get them, but i am sure its alot more rare than lv.1 crystals, cause i have seen only one lv.2 service crystal in Private shop for 45m. Duration for Service Effects is 4 days. After use Crystal vanishes.

Here is the list of Each lv.2 Service Crystals you can get:

-3rd level Service Crystals:

Those are the most rare Service Crystals you can get. Only Skeleton General and Skeleton Devil drops them. Chance for getting them is: 0.7%. I dont know the duration for those crystals yet.

Here is the list of Each lv.3 Service Crystals you can get:

How to use Crystals and keys

More Infos Soon...


Bonuses of new weapons coutesy of lavi_

Here, the level effects of the new Green-Arms (changes from Aeonsoft possible!)

New Green Weapons

Sword (398-399 DMG) -------------- chance of critical hits +10% | Atkspeed +20% Sword (398-399 DMG)
Slayer (476-478 DMG) ------------- block rate of melee attacks, +10% | DEF +100 Slayer (476-478 DMG)
Ax (395-396 DMG) ---------------- HP rate +15% | DEF +50 Axe (395-396 DMG)
Knuckle (398-399 DMG) ------------ HP rate +10% | STR +10 Knuckle (398-399 DMG)
Stick (398-399 DMG) --------------- DEF +100 | INT +10 Stick (398-399 DMG)
Wand (398-399 DMG) -------------- +10% Magic Cast | INT +10 Wand (398-399 DMG)
Staff (403-407 DMG) --------------- MP Rate +15% | +10 INT Staff (403-407 DMG)
Bow (373-377 DMG) --------------- HP rate +20% | +10 DEX Bow (373-377 DMG)
Yoyo (322-324 DMG) -------------- Additional damage of crit 20%. Dex+10 (322-324 DMG)

New green weapons (Crystal Form)
Crystal Sword (580-582 DMG) ----------- chance of critical hits +10% | hit rate +20% | Atkspeed +40%
Crystal Slayer (693-697 DMG) ----------- HP rate +20% | +10% Ranged Block rate | block rate +10%
Crystal Ax (576-578 DMG) -------------- chance of critical hits +20% | Critdmg +30% | ATK +10% rate
Crystal Two-Handed Ax (707-720 DMG) - HP rate +18% | STR +10 | STA +10
Crystal Knuckle (580-582 DMG) ---------- HP rate +20% | DEF +10% Rate | +10% block rate
Crystal Stick (580-582 DMG) ------------- INT +20 | magic speed +20% | MP Rate +20%
Crystal Wand (580-582 DMG) ------------ INT +15 | magic speed +17% | +10% ATK rate
Crystal Staff (587-593 DMG) ------------- INT +15 | magic speed +10% | ATK +20% rate
Crystal Bow (544-549 DMG) ------------- critical chance +20% | Additional damage to crit 45% hp +20%
Crystal Yoyo (487-490 DMG) ------------ critical chance +10% | Additional damage to crit 10%. Atkspeed +10%

New Jewellery set bonuses courtesy of moomookittypoo

new rings:
Fire Ring (Adds STR and Critdmg)
Land Ring (Adds STA and Def Rate)
Water Ring (Adds INT and decrease of magic motion time)
Electricity Ring (Adds DEX and Parry)

all of these new accessories can be upgraded to +20 with moonstones.
the rings start adding the secondary stat at +6, which is capped at 5% for every ring
example (Fire Ring):
+0 STR+1
+1 STR+2
+2 STR+3
+3 STR+4
+4 STR+5
+5 STR+6
+6 STR+7 CritDmg+1%
+7 STR+8 CritDmg+1%
+8 STR+9 CritDmg+1%
+9 STR+10 CritDmg+1%
+10 STR+11 CritDmg+1%
+11 STR+13 CritDmg+2%
+12 STR+15 CritDmg+2%
+13 STR+17 CritDmg+2%
+14 STR+19 CritDmg+2%
+15 STR+21 CritDmg+3%
+16 STR+24 CritDmg+3%
+17 STR+27 CritDmg+3%
+18 STR+31 CritDmg+4%
+19 STR+35 CritDmg+4%
+20 STR+40 CritDmg+5%

new earrings:
Attack Earring (Adds physical DMG)
Magic Earring (Adds magic attack)
Range Earring (Adds yoyo and bow damage)
Defense Earring (Adds def)

new necklaces:
HP Necklace (adds max hp and resist magic)
MP Necklace (adds max mp and resist magic)
FP Necklace (adds max fp and resist magic)
HP&MP Necklace (adds max hp and max mp, a combination of the hp and mp necklaces without the resist magic)

these new accessorys can be combined to form the following sets:
Set #1
Electricity Ring
Electricity Ring
Range Earring
Range Earring
FP Necklace

Stop Movement +20% (probably adds chance to root an enemy)
Kill HP +1000 (no clue what this could mean)

Set #2
Water Ring
Water Ring
Magic Earring
Magic Earring
MP Necklace

Critical Spellrate +20% (psybomb crit anyone? lolz)
Decrease of magic motion time+20%
Kill MP+500 (no clue what this means)

Land Ring
Land Ring
Defense Earring
Defense Earring
HP&MP Necklace

HP Recovery+500
MP Recovery+500


i think the 3d model viewer could be helpfull for some devolopers.. if u know what i mean :3

Also nice update from gala... finally something new ingame that u dont have to buy it via cash shop .. anyways.. level 125?? 135??? holy poop xDD.. i never passed level 108 on eflyff xDDDD..

sooo the model viewers is there.. the new sets.. and info.. hope u like it :3
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
May 28, 2007
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Seems like they're just grabbing ideas from other mmos and/or running out of ideas.
Master Summoner
Feb 24, 2009
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pretty soon it's gonna be World of Warcraft with flyff character models rofl
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Sep 9, 2008
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Are they going to stop before we start seeing Lv.200 ? Seriously, upgrade the freaking low levels, or add some low levels (and by low I mean under 100). NOt everyone has the time to grind up to that high of a level. I think the experience table needs redone because the game is a damn grind fest which I CANNOT STAND!!!.

At least in WoW I was able to make into Death Knight with little effort. But after that its like, OK now what?
Elite Diviner
Sep 21, 2008
Reaction score
pretty soon it's gonna be World of Warcraft with flyff character models rofl

yeah whats the betting the steal instance dungeons next, oh they already did in v14 /sarcasm, the only things which will make flyff an exact WoW clone now would be a monthly subscription tbh i bet they will start bringing out misc skills like crafting and poop in v17 onwards.

on a side note who would like to hazard a guess on the last version of flyff to come out this year with v14 being the last update of 2009 and its now the 8th of jan 2010 and v15 is already on the horizon id say flyff will be pushing v20-v21 by the end of the year but instead of like "flyff v21" they will start bringing in names for the version (could be a fun trivia thing for the flyff section to guess at, as flyff version seems to be changing every 2 months or so now lol)
Last edited:
Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 5, 2009
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ther is no such thing as lv 125 sets its for masters like the ancint wepons
Found a place to live.
Loyal Member
Sep 30, 2008
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-MAGNUM- said:
ther is no such thing as lv 125 sets its for masters like the ancint wepons

Yes, they are lvl 125 as for what the website says.
Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 14, 2009
Reaction score
the lvl cap is set to go for the hero class only

basically you go 120 -> 60-M -> 120-M -> 121-H -> 129~130-H or w.e
the Dryad sets is basically hero only sets

the interesting thing about this update is the jewellery set effects that enables you to match them up for some amazing new effects

im guessing they are adding new DST values seeing as they seems to make spells capable of criting for instance

the update most likely wont come to eflyff till around April/May but it is fully available in Korea as off the 29th of Dec
Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 1, 2009
Reaction score
i personally think a whole new level system should be implemented on a new cvluster or something. Instead of getting to 120 then going back to 60 and then 120 again just change it like it was meant to be. Max level as 150

stops the boring relvling what youve already done but with less exp.

and adds chances for more unique ideas to shine through
I'm back ಠ_ಠ
Apr 9, 2008
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i personally think a whole new level system should be implemented on a new cvluster or something. Instead of getting to 120 then going back to 60 and then 120 again just change it like it was meant to be. Max level as 150

stops the boring relvling what youve already done but with less exp.

and adds chances for more unique ideas to shine through

It's already been done, it's called Version 6.
Found a place to live.
Loyal Member
Sep 30, 2008
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i personally think a whole new level system should be implemented on a new cvluster or something. Instead of getting to 120 then going back to 60 and then 120 again just change it like it was meant to be. Max level as 150

stops the boring relvling what youve already done but with less exp.

and adds chances for more unique ideas to shine through

Honestly, having Master/Hero classes adds more possibilities than having 30 extra levels. Because you get 61 extra levels. And even more now with v15 as there is going to be Hero levels over 121.

Max level for normal players was never 150. That was always for GM's only, and never meant to be for public/normal players. Normal players were always capped at 120, that was at least... if they could get to it back in the day when there were no 60+ greens.

And in all honesty. Leveling is boring to begin with whether it's on the same monsters you leveled on before or not.

What they truly need to do is get away from the grindfest that this game has become and go back to their roots and implement chain quests ( again ) and not just more crappy gather so many monsters questies and get exp. REAL quests. Seeing as they took away the majority of the chain quests in v6.
Junior Spellweaver
Jun 15, 2009
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Seeing as they took away the majority of the chain quests in v6.

Majority? Well they did take out the only scenairo quest. But hey thats nothing new. They took out lodelights, pk island, skillexp, i also remember seeing a line in the news when i installed flyff the very first time saying "we removed flying aibatts to reduce lag", wich *is* a lvl 1 flying monster according to the client (pretty useless but still). They just love to take stuff out wich has anything to do with the game's image.

(I wonder when will they take out Flaris as a whole)
Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 1, 2009
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Majority? Well they did take out the only scenairo quest. But hey thats nothing new. They took out lodelights, pk island, skillexp, i also remember seeing a line in the news when i installed flyff the very first time saying "we removed flying aibatts to reduce lag", wich *is* a lvl 1 flying monster according to the client (pretty useless but still). They just love to take stuff out wich has anything to do with the game's image.

(I wonder when will they take out Flaris as a whole)

Flaris will be a new CS Island soon.
and those Flying Aibatts are spawnable in the v11/v14 files they are extremely useless but fun to annoy people with xD
Experienced Elementalist
Nov 9, 2009
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whatim wondering is v15 is it a whole new client server build or n upgrade will v14 have any chance of upgrading or is it back to the drawing board
I'm back ಠ_ಠ
Apr 9, 2008
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Chances are it's going to be a new set of server files. But I don't think people want to change just yet. Unless people like to start over and just keep starting over when Galanet goes "Oh look, a new version!"

I kinda wanna go back to V6 ._. I missed the Good ol' Days. Hell, it can be ajusted too so we can have v14 items such as Ancient items or new monsters. Plus, with Beast, we can make new maps, or just use the ones already made like Azria and Coral Island.

Dunno how many people agree with me.
Found a place to live.
Loyal Member
Sep 30, 2008
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Chances are it's going to be a new set of server files. But I don't think people want to change just yet. Unless people like to start over and just keep starting over when Galanet goes "Oh look, a new version!"

I kinda wanna go back to V6 ._. I missed the Good ol' Days. Hell, it can be ajusted too so we can have v14 items such as Ancient items or new monsters. Plus, with Beast, we can make new maps, or just use the ones already made like Azria and Coral Island.

Dunno how many people agree with me.

V6 was always one of the best. There's so much wrong with v9+ that it isn't even funny.
Junior Spellweaver
Aug 14, 2006
Reaction score
V6 was always one of the best. There's so much wrong with v9+ that it isn't even funny.

Imo the skill spamming to level skills was one of the best features, then they went and removed it in v7 or w/e it was.
Initiate Mage
Apr 10, 2009
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they got the crystal weapon idea from Fly for Engaged I bet they had that weapons in that server but i think the server is not anymore running