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FPS Game, Rigid World.

Oct 11, 2007
Reaction score
Hello, feels like it's time for me to reveal and show some people some screenshots of a project I am working on with a friend. The name of the game is "Rigid World".

We are making a FPS game, now don't get any illusions, it will prolly never get finished, and it's mostly for us to have fun working on a side-project for school.

Project Info
I am coding, while my friend does the graphics, and I use c++ for it, running the Irrlicht library, Bullet physics, and irrKlang for sound.
We have been working for around 9 months on it now.

My friend (Who does all the graphics in the game) is:
RaGEZONE - MMORPG server development forums - View Profile: Hamstr
Here on Ragezone :).

Plot is pretty simple, going to put a more explained storyline here later on...

IRC Channel
Server: irc.freenode.net
Port: 6667
Channel: #RigidWorld

Current progress (Images):
Some concept art that was made today:
Justei - FPS Game, Rigid World. - RaGEZONE Forums

Lastest Images:
Justei - FPS Game, Rigid World. - RaGEZONE Forums

Another image(1920x1080 RES):
Justei - FPS Game, Rigid World. - RaGEZONE Forums

Justei - FPS Game, Rigid World. - RaGEZONE Forums

And any feedback (continuous) is VERY appreciated since then you see the improvement as well as we go.

Current progress atm (a little at least):
  • New menu, looks much better.
  • Menu settings saved in config files etc, so u can change res/fullscreen etc.
  • Objectives ingame.
  • Added voice acting,
  • Music
  • Mood setting music
  • Sound effects for background.
  • Adding more dynamic lighting.
  • Event handler for the objectives, so when you get to a certain point ingame (area in coordinates), with criteria, such as if you have accomplished previous tasks, and if you press (E for example), it will trigger stuff.
  • Added subtitles for the voice acting, so if u miss something, it will be there.
  • GUI, ammo etc.
  • Keeping to work on story.
  • More ingame content (models etc).
  • Added basic multiplayer support.
  • Added water meshes.
  • Added printscreen function(Press f12 saves screen).
  • More animated models.
  • Added Shaders:
    - Brightpass
    - Bloom
    - Blur horizontal/vertical
    - Distancefields
    - SSAO
    - A couple more.
  • Added particle effects.
  • And more... (Can't remember all lol)
Currently working on making a LOT more, also tweaking physics, Adding bumpmaps, Vehicles, etc...


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1/11/1995 ~ 23/11/2011
Loyal Member
Nov 23, 2010
Reaction score
Nice, Irrlicht? Never heard of it.
1/11/1995 ~ 23/11/2011
Loyal Member
Nov 23, 2010
Reaction score
Yea it's a decent graphics engine, a good base if u wanna create a simple game, I modify it pretty heavily but it works just fine :).
Combined with some time and effort u can make a decent game with it.

ohh :O Thanks I was looking for a good library, does it do 2D games? I can't do 3D on my crappy netBook :/
1/11/1995 ~ 23/11/2011
Loyal Member
Nov 23, 2010
Reaction score
Graphics are really not bad for a homebrew work, good job I saw new screenshots.
Oct 11, 2007
Reaction score
Well, we do our best, you will be able to see how it looks pretty soon, were working very hard on a Demo which we hope will come out some time today or tomorrow :).

From what I can see we will have better graphics than IGI but then again I haven't played that game.

Content-Wise I am not sure either, that seems like a company-produced game, not a hobby game ^^ we do this just for fun and we don't have the resources to make a huge game.
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Master Summoner
Loyal Member
Mar 10, 2009
Reaction score
Looks awesome. Ill gladly try it.
Oct 11, 2007
Reaction score
Looks awesome. Ill gladly try it.
Thank you :). We been working hard for quite some time now ^^.

very nice work, cant wait for the demo
Thanks, the demo will be delayed since we are having the voice actor/s record more material also we have had some other reasons to why it will be a couple days late.

when will be released ?
The "real" game might never, I'll be honest when it comes to that, it's a BIG project to make a full scale game, the multiplayer might be released some time though, and the Demo will most likely be released this week.

We will keep working after the demo though :p the goal is to work as long as we find it fun and interesting and exciting.
Master Summoner
Loyal Member
Mar 10, 2009
Reaction score
Thank you :). We been working hard for quite some time now ^^.

Thanks, the demo will be delayed since we are having the voice actor/s record more material also we have had some other reasons to why it will be a couple days late.

The "real" game might never, I'll be honest when it comes to that, it's a BIG project to make a full scale game, the multiplayer might be released some time though, and the Demo will most likely be released this week.

We will keep working after the demo though :p the goal is to work as long as we find it fun and interesting and exciting.

If you can build enough intrest and come up with a creative thing that will differentiate it then you may want to keep working. Why pass up a potential million dollar product.