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Full ObJectData for x64 6.5.2

Elite Diviner
Sep 12, 2020
Reaction score
Full ObJectData for x64 6.5.2 To USA Current

Now you can dump your own server files from these updated to level 100, sql tables.
Note: These tables are not 100% finished but you can dump your owe sql and with a
little work fix these to be Current with USA release...

I myself have fixed and finished them (Missed Some Lua). Along with my other releases
in this section it give you a GREAT Start, But i still find 1 or 2 things that needs fixed.

Fixed it New Release with Item stat fixed and Vendors in Var. also level 100 Proof of Myth Items
Full Version Below

After you dump all the files from ObjDataEdit you will need to add these to the data folder in your client for it to all come together correctly... sorry it does not show this in the video but it does show the 1 file witch is included .

Granted i have not fixed all the Vendors so if you have any help pm me and let me know what you fixed and how ..

Special Thanks to : @chandler

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Does anyone know the reason for this error?

Hello i have done everything that was shown in the video but the item ICONS are not displayed for me want to ask why it doesn’t work
Here is the full version ... almost 100% just a few things missing

PM me for the password.... <-- Added to stop others from selling it ....... :?:

And if you can , come back give some reply please on what you think of it , any issues or mistakes ...

thanks Janebug
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Hello i have done everything that was shown in the video but the item ICONS are not displayed for me want to ask why it doesn’t work

You have to use the Models and Textures from USA runes of magic. It will match this 100%
where can i get the phantomobject file from

From the link in the original post

After you dump all the files from ObjDataEdit you will need to add these to the data folder in your client for it to all come together correctly...

i havent really much done in the last maps on my server to be honest, but what i can say is, that its really working well at least.

I have added the +30 stones to my shop, which aren't in the initial 6.5.2 release, also the titan hammers which give a chance of adding the durability of an item are working. And some other stuff like new cards. Thats really cool.

IS1 - Full ObJectData for x64 6.5.2 - RaGEZONE Forums RoM1 - Full ObJectData for x64 6.5.2 - RaGEZONE Forums

Sorry, German screenshots ^^

Also like in Tasuq this NPC is missing in the initialy release

RoM2 - Full ObJectData for x64 6.5.2 - RaGEZONE Forums

I guess there are tons of other stuff which is there and working, but its not easy for me to discover all the stuff, since i do not played on official servers on most of the level 100 maps.

And right now i'm playing a new toon and stuck a bit in Howling mountains since i seem to miss some quests. :D

At the moment i think your objectdata is working good, also on foreign clients. The database should make no difference if you have US/German or whatever client.

Things i would like to have in the future (but has has nothing to do with your release :D ):

- working mirrorworlds
- GM Addon which include level 100 maps and instances
- working lua boss scripts for RoM 7.x
- Quests on level 100 maps

Ok, this would be literally a full 7.x release and maybe will not happen, but well..... :D

Also i have some errors which i do not know where they came from (and dont think they have something to do with your objectdata release):
error - Full ObJectData for x64 6.5.2 - RaGEZONE Forums

This for example happens if i drink unbridled enthusiasm or galloping gale (although they are working!)
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Things i would like to have in the future (but has has nothing to do with your release :D ):

- working mirrorworlds
- GM Addon which include level 100 maps and instances
- working lua boss scripts for RoM 7.x
- Quests on level 100 maps

Ok, this would be literally a full 7.x release and maybe will not happen, but well..... :D

I also would like to see these things done ... as for quest in the higher maps they are in there you just have to do the quest line to get them to show ... the other stuff yeah me too and thanks for the report....

I also would like to see these things done ... as for quest in the higher maps they are in there you just have to do the quest line to get them to show ... the other stuff yeah me too and thanks for the report....


For the quest thing, that makes your release even more awesome :D

I will have a look at it with my level 100 toon, although i dont have any clue where the quests in these regions beginn or where to start at ^^

One thing i know is, that different NPCs on 7.X are only seeable if you do the quests.

When i have done that i will report about it.
Everything from this web site

and more are in this ObjectData file .... I even got on usa and went thru all the new items , npc , object , etc.....

When i made it , i tried to get it closet to USA as possible , but yeah there may be things a little off or missing but it is the best release that comes close to matching USA that has been released to the public , i was hoping and i do mean HOPE others would share once they see that this is out for anyone ...

and as for Share i mean what you listed
- Working mirrorworlds
- Working lua boss scripts for RoM 7.x
Mystery Hermit lua
- Working 100 cap system to Mystery hermit lua scripts.. (needed for Peak Levels)
These are whats missing that i know of...

as for this one
- GM Addon which include level 100 maps and instances

thats a easy fix ......

Either way i hope everyone enjoys the release...


Password is : Ragezone_Janebug
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as for this one
- GM Addon which include level 100 maps and instances

thats a easy fix ......

I thought the GM-Addon is crypted in the 64-Bit release, for example the teleport.lua is not readable.

With the old GM Addon on 32-Bit client i extended the port possibilies relatively easy.
I thought the GM-Addon is crypted in the 64-Bit release, for example the teleport.lua is not readable.

With the old GM Addon on 32-Bit client i extended the port possibilies relatively easy.

Look in your PMs @Mageoski i sent you the GM addon de-crypted...

And iam working on the GM addon now .. So when i get done ill send you it for testing ...

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Well sorry to say they added more things to the server...... So its not updated to that web page any more ....ill have too look but it looks like they add many things too item , skills, quest , and images....

Atleast you dont have that much too add if anyone decides to update to mine please fell free to post it here .....

They added at least new stuff for the new peak level for the mountain path. And afaik theres also new stuff for a new "Pet" system i believe, which isn't active by now.

But they also added new quests ? I haven't thought off that officials still getting new area/zones.

But well, for me its ok though.

And at least we have nearly a good 7.x server with a cool Item Shop, not that crap item shop that came with release 6.7(?) on officials ^^