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[Game]Console War

Legendary Battlemage
Jan 5, 2007
Reaction score
First Application i made in c++
might be a bit buggy but i just started
learning 4 days ago im kinda n00b at it

its a simple game enter the number of a weapon
and it should atack

if you run out of hp sooner then the pc you lose
if the pc runs out of hp sooner then you you win
if you used all weapons and the pc stil has hp its draw

the damage of the weapons is random
but each weapon has different minimum
and maximum of damage it can deal


shadow-xx - [Game]Console War - RaGEZONE Forums

shadow-xx - [Game]Console War - RaGEZONE Forums

scan log from nod32
shadow-xx - [Game]Console War - RaGEZONE Forums

New Version

Change Log said:
- Added Background color.
- Changed text from green to white.
- Fixed the negative healh number of user.
- changed a few lines of text.
- added a few lines of txt.
- When atacking backgroun color changes to red.

<renoved download cleariing traces>
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Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Jun 28, 2007
Reaction score
Looks nice :), good work :).

To change background colour; I found this code:
#include <windows.h>

void SetColor(int ForgC, int BackC)
     WORD wColor = ((BackC & 0x0F) << 4) + (ForgC & 0x0F);;
     SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), wColor);     

SetColor(1, 7); // foreground, background

I dont know what the max number is, but I saw the author using it upto 15.


works too, you will need the conio.h header file.

Legendary Battlemage
Jan 5, 2007
Reaction score

but i just found a big bug type a letter instead
of a number and it starts looping 1 line of text over and over again
til the console is closed

thnx for the snippet but i already found a easyer way to add a background color

// first number sets background seccond number sets txt color
system("COLOR 21");
// numbers 0  to 9 and a,b,c,d,e,f
Skilled Illusionist
Jan 14, 2005
Reaction score
lol its kinda hard to ^^ lost 2 times
Legendary Battlemage
Jan 5, 2007
Reaction score
made a better version of it v1.1

Change Log said:
- Added Background color.
- Changes text from green to white.
- Fixed the negative healh number of user.
- changes a few lines of text.
- added a few lines of txt.
- When atacking background color changes to red.
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Jun 28, 2007
Reaction score
I actually played the game now, was at school previously.

I must say, nice work, and good that you done it in C ;).

- I once didnt see how many health I lost, it just displayed the enemies health and said twice that I had to press a key.
- It says 'Enemy lost' and than Draw game. So the enemy didn't lose...and I couldnt view my own hitpoints.

Improvements (in my opinion):
- Only require users to press the number and than it will display both your and your enemies turn, so users dont have to tick the space bar twice ;). (use SDL? see bottom of my post)
- Game is quite hard, you use random values to calculate turns right? What random function do you use? Pseudo-random functions are not really random ;).

For improvement one, you can use SDL if you want. Its quite easy when it comes to user input and basic screen output. If you need some help with it, or a sample code, PM me ;)

But nice work, keep going ;)
Legendary Battlemage
Jan 5, 2007
Reaction score
c?? its c++:p
i dont think u like it if you see my messy code T_T

i use random numbers for the damage
when starting it puts random numbers in the aray of
of the player and npc damage

(dmg of weapon 2)
Sets player weapon dmg to 22
sets enemy weapon dmg to 17

if user inputs 2 select weapon 2
atack with weapon 2 :enemy's hp = 100 - 22 enemy has 78 hp left
select weapon 2 of enemy
enemy deals 17 damage

its like if you use weapon 2 enemy uses weapon 2

dont know how to explain:p
kinda hard for a beginner

i use (rand()%30)+4
but i dont rly understand how to use it
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Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Jun 28, 2007
Reaction score
To get better random numbers, use this:


cout << rand() << endl;

If you ever outputted your rand() script, it will give the same values each time you run the program, but the numbers look random at first (which they are not).

C or C++, its for 98% the same thing ;), I mean if I say that you program in VB, you wouldn't say you programmed in VB6 instead of VB would you? ;)

Why don't you make it open-source? Than people can correct your errors/messyness even more ;)
Legendary Battlemage
Jan 5, 2007
Reaction score
oh 1 sec leme post my messy source:p


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {

	system("TITLE Console War - Made by shadow-xx");
    system("COLOR 1F");

cout << "Console War" << endl << endl;
cout << "Made by Shadow-xx" << endl;
cout << "Found a bug?  << endl;
cout << "To your msn or just send a mail" << endl <<endl;
cout << "version 1.1" << endl << endl;

// if user watns to play a new game

	// user's weapon variables
	int weapons[6];
	weapons[0] = 1;
	weapons[1] = 1;
	weapons[2] = 1;
	weapons[3] = 1;
	weapons[4] = 1;
	weapons[5] = 1;
	weapons[6] = 1;
	// user's weapon input
	int wepNumber;
	wepNumber = 0;

	// user's weapon deamage
	int wDmg[6];
	wDmg[0] = 0;
	wDmg[1] = 0;
	wDmg[2] = 0;
	wDmg[3] = 0;
	wDmg[4] = 0;
	wDmg[5] = 0;
	wDmg[6] = 0;
	// enemy's weapon deamage
	int ewDmg[6];
	ewDmg[0] = 0;
	ewDmg[1] = 0;
	ewDmg[2] = 0;
	ewDmg[3] = 0;
	ewDmg[4] = 0;
	ewDmg[5] = 0;
	ewDmg[6] = 0;

	// enemy weapon variables
	int eWep[6];
	eWep[0] = 1;
	eWep[1] = 1;
	eWep[2] = 1;
	eWep[3] = 1;
	eWep[4] = 1;
	eWep[5] = 1;
	eWep[6] = 1;

	// hit point variables
	int playerHp = 100;
	int npcHp = 100;

	//replaced a gets by user (y/n)
	char alp = 'a'; 
// weapons treu or false (on / off)
// and assing damage to weapon in array wDmg
	cout << "Console War" << endl << endl;
switch (weapons[0] == 1)
case 1: cout << "0 - Sword" << endl;
wDmg[0] = (rand()%30)+10;
switch (weapons[1] == 1)
case 1: cout << "1 - Bow" << endl;
wDmg[1] = (rand()%20)+7;
switch (weapons[2] == 1)
case 1: cout << "2 - Knife" << endl;
wDmg[2] = (rand()%14)+4;
switch (weapons[3] == 1)
case 1: cout << "3 - Throwing Star" << endl;
wDmg[3] = (rand()%14)+4;
switch (weapons[4] == 1)
case 1: cout << "4 - Daggers" << endl;
wDmg[4] = (rand()%19)+5;
switch (weapons[5] == 1)
case 1: cout << "5 - Scythe" << endl;
wDmg[5] = (rand()%30)+10;
switch (weapons[6] == 1)
case 1: cout << "6 - Axe" << endl;
wDmg[6] = (rand()%30)+10;
cout << endl;

// Enemy's weapon damage
// weapons treu or fales (on / off)
switch (eWep[0] == 1)
case 1: ewDmg[0] = (rand()%30)+10;
switch (eWep[1] == 1)
case 1: ewDmg[1] = (rand()%20)+7;
switch (eWep[2] == 1)
case 1: ewDmg[2] = (rand()%14)+4;
switch (eWep[3] == 1)
case 1: ewDmg[3] = (rand()%14)+4;
switch (eWep[4] == 1)
case 1: ewDmg[4] = (rand()%19)+5;
switch (eWep[5] == 1)
case 1: ewDmg[5] = (rand()%30)+10;
switch (eWep[6] == 1)
case 1: ewDmg[6] = (rand()%30)+10;

// User input of weapon number
cout << "Please enter the number of the weapon you would like to use" << endl;
cin >> wepNumber;
cout << endl; 

// checks witch number is entered by user and run code
if (wepNumber == 0 && weapons[0] == 1){
	npcHp = npcHp - wDmg[0];
	weapons[0] = 0;
	if (npcHp < 0){
		npcHp = 0;
	cout << "Enemy lost : " << wDmg[0] << " health and has : " << npcHp << " remaining" << endl;
else if (wepNumber == 1 && weapons[1] == 1) {
	npcHp = npcHp - wDmg[1];
	weapons[1] = 0;
	if (npcHp < 0){
		npcHp = 0;
	cout << "Enemy lost : " << wDmg[1] << " health and has : " << npcHp << " remaining" << endl;
else if (wepNumber == 2 && weapons[2] == 1) {
	npcHp = npcHp - wDmg[2];
	weapons[2] = 0;
	if (npcHp < 0){
		npcHp = 0;
	cout << "Enemy lost : " << wDmg[2] << " health and has : " << npcHp << " remaining" << endl;
else if (wepNumber == 3 && weapons[3] == 1) {
	npcHp = npcHp - wDmg[3];
	weapons[3] = 0;
	if (npcHp < 0){
		npcHp = 0;
	cout << "Enemy lost : " << wDmg[3] << " health and has : " << npcHp << " remaining" << endl;
else if (wepNumber == 4 && weapons[4] == 1) {
	npcHp = npcHp - wDmg[4];
	weapons[4] = 0;
	if (npcHp < 0){
		npcHp = 0;
	cout << "Enemy lost : " << wDmg[4] << " health and has : " << npcHp << " remaining" << endl;
else if (wepNumber == 5 && weapons[5] == 1) {
	npcHp = npcHp - wDmg[5];
	weapons[5] = 0;
	if (npcHp < 0){
		npcHp = 0;
	cout << "Enemy lost : " << wDmg[5] << " health and has : " << npcHp << " remaining" << endl;
else if (wepNumber == 6 && weapons[6] == 1) {
	npcHp = npcHp - wDmg[6];
	weapons[6] = 0;
	if (npcHp < 0){
		npcHp = 0;
	cout << "Enemy lost : " << wDmg[6] << " health and has : " << npcHp << " remaining" << endl;
else { // if a wrong number has been entered by the user
	wepNumber = 0;
	cout << "Wrong Number Please try again" << endl;
	cin >> wepNumber;
	cout << endl;
	goto wepcheck;

// check if npc has 0 hp
// check if user stil have a weapon left to use
if (npcHp <= 0){ 
	cout << "You Win" << endl << endl;
	goto endgame;
else if (weapons[0] == 0 && weapons[1] == 0 && weapons[2] == 0 && weapons[3] == 0 && weapons[4] == 0 && weapons[5] == 0 && weapons[6] == 0){ 
	cout <<"Draw Game" << endl <<endl;
	goto endgame;
else {
	// end of line
	cout << endl;
	cout << "Enemy's turn to atack" << endl << endl;
	system("COLOR 4F");
	cout << endl;
	// enemy atack
	if (wepNumber == 0 && eWep[0] == 1) {
		playerHp = playerHp - ewDmg[6];
		eWep[0] = 0;
		if (playerHp < 0){
		playerHp = 0;
		cout << "You lost : " << ewDmg[0] << " health and have : " << playerHp << " health left" << endl;
	else if (wepNumber == 1 && eWep[1] == 1) {
		playerHp = playerHp - ewDmg[1];
		eWep[1] = 0;
		if (playerHp < 0){
		playerHp = 0;
		cout << "You lost : " << ewDmg[1]<< " health and have : " << playerHp << " health left" << endl;
	else if (wepNumber == 2 && eWep[2] == 1) {
		playerHp = playerHp - ewDmg[2];
		eWep[1] = 0;
		if (playerHp < 0){
		playerHp = 0;
		cout << "You lost : " << ewDmg[2]<< " health and have : " << playerHp << " health left" << endl;
	else if (wepNumber == 3 && eWep[3] == 1) {
		playerHp = playerHp - ewDmg[3];
		eWep[1] = 0;
		if (playerHp < 0){
		playerHp = 0;
		cout << "You lost : " << ewDmg[3]<< " health and have : " << playerHp << " health left" << endl;
	else if (wepNumber == 4 && eWep[4] == 1) {
		playerHp = playerHp - ewDmg[4];
		eWep[1] = 0;
		if (playerHp < 0){
		playerHp = 0;
		cout << "You lost : " << ewDmg[4]<< " health and have : " << playerHp << " health left" << endl;
	else if (wepNumber == 5 && eWep[5] == 1) {
		playerHp = playerHp - ewDmg[5];
		eWep[1] = 0;
		if (playerHp < 0){
		playerHp = 0;
		cout << "You lost : " << ewDmg[5]<< " health and have : " << playerHp << " health left" << endl;
	else if(wepNumber == 6 && eWep[6] == 1) {
		playerHp = playerHp - ewDmg[6];
		eWep[1] = 0;
		if (playerHp < 0){
		playerHp = 0;
		cout << "You lost : " << ewDmg[6]<< " health and have : " << playerHp << " health left" << endl;
// end of line
system("COLOR 1F");
cout << endl;

// Freeze console til key is entered 

// check if the player's hp is 0
if ( playerHp <= 0){
	cout << "you lose" << endl;
	goto endgame;
else {
	goto startgame;
// endgame

cout << "Would you like to play again? (Y/N)" << endl;
cin >> alp;

if (alp == 'y') {
	goto newgame;
else if ( alp == 'Y'){
	goto newgame;
else if ( alp == 'n'){
	goto lastline;
else if ( alp == 'N'){
	goto lastline;
else {
cout << "Wrong char type y or n" << endl;
	goto selectexit;

//exit game
// Freeze console til key is entered 
// needs to be removed when script is completed
//cout << endl;

i think im goign to remake it from the ground up again if i watched the
other vids of c++ i still need to see^^
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Skilled Illusionist
Jan 14, 2005
Reaction score
maybe you should add level like
easy hp 75
normal hp 100
hard hp 150
hope it give you new idea !

greetz passie
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Jun 28, 2007
Reaction score
I think for easy you would need 150 hp and for hard 75 hp...lol. Else you have less chance to die in hard than in easy ^^
Legendary Battlemage
Jan 5, 2007
Reaction score
already working on a complete new one less messy

only need to find some way of generating a number
between 0 and 6 to make the enemy select a random weapon
instead of the same one the user selects^^
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Jun 28, 2007
Reaction score

cout << (rand()%6) << endl;
Legendary Battlemage
Jan 5, 2007
Reaction score
sets random to generate a number based on time with a minimum of 0?

cout << (rand()%6) << endl;
outputs the other line with a max of 6?

sry i ask loads of questions
just want to know what they do instead of copy and paste
from copy and paste i wil learn nothing:p
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Jun 28, 2007
Reaction score
sets random to generate a number based on time with a minimum of 0?

cout << (rand()%6) << endl;
outputs the other line with a max of 6?

sry i ask loads of questions
just want to know what they do instead of copy and paste
from copy and paste i wil learn nothing:p

Ah yes, sorry :). Good point, I thought you knew how it worked:

srand(); will set the seed for random numbers. We will base it on the time the application is running.

rand(); gets a random number, it could be anything (you can get the max number, but I forgot how...RAND_MAX or something).

The % operator is quite nice. It substracts the last number from the first one as long as the first number is not lower than the last one.

12%6 = 0 because 12 - 6 = 6, 6 - 6 = 0

13%6 = 1 because 13 - 6 = 7, 7 - 6 = 1 and is lower than 6

17%9 = 8 because 17 - 9 = 8 ;)

You get it? :)

So the output is always lower than the second value (after the % symbol).
rand()%6 will give you a random number from 0 to 5 ;).
Legendary Battlemage
Jan 5, 2007
Reaction score
yes i understad
thnx again ur helping me alot i rly appreciate it^^
Skilled Illusionist
Jan 14, 2005
Reaction score
I think for easy you would need 150 hp and for hard 75 hp...lol. Else you have less chance to die in hard than in easy ^^
i think you understand it wrong its the monsters hp not the player hp ^^
Legendary Battlemage
Jan 5, 2007
Reaction score
150 hp for hard would make the weapons overpowerd for 75 hp