GameServer 1.00.18 GS and pseudo GS_CS Sources

Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 14, 2005
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And who said i'm not member, i told you where to find, not where do i learn, maybe some people forget the abc classes of reading

You can check VeMU project, i dont do copy / paste like you, instead i change how everything work, source code free in case you want to open some knowledge.

Maybe some lexic also, Decompile : Convert from low level language to high level language, where it says that i do need to fix the errors? or change the way it work?
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Experienced Elementalist
Feb 28, 2010
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I am out of here, javier once again you prove no notion about your so called "Reverse engineering" knowledge.

Lets do something, you can keep lying to yourself and doing GMO hacks plus fighting with gameguard lol...

And copy / paste the so called "decompilation", meaby trying to code like Webzen put you same stupid has them.

Also i compromise myself to help SCFM if they released another poop so i can protect their files and you can give a shot trying to prove your knowledge ^^.

Bye bye javier always a pleasure hearing about documents and works, but now in VIP section :B.

Mines are in RCE, Free cracking, MASM*** and a comming soon in uninformed where big documents are, meaby you can learn there.

Out of here...

PS: Decompilation = Convert code to its original "intention", not from low level to high level you idiot. You can convert low code to low code like MASM32 sintax or like NASM, JWASM, etc, etc. Wheres the lexic now?...
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Junior Spellweaver
Oct 17, 2006
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Talking about nothing, how I love RageZone (inlove)
TitansTech / SCFMT
Mar 23, 2004
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¿Guess what? You need to be less silly and ask before post, you are not better than anyone here, before post crap about other persons you need to STFU, because before you exist we helped LOT here on this community. What we do now is my own business, not yours, as i told you if u want be protected against sells etc, put an license on the sources and we will repesct them.

But you cant license what isnt yours dude , who cares who is NullPointer, i dont need to be registered as any other, i dont hide like you. Even, im not a fraud too. We do what we need to do when was needed, when NO OTHER than me and other dudes, very very few of them helped here u was a baby crying for popcorns, so gey away and try respect the olders and ask to me before write crap about what i didnt say.

Also, the MOD who will read this, if you dont want us to write here then clear the post of Deathway, i will not allow to be insulted by a fraud.

If you want proof just search the forum for Codeus, Exernon, and many others releases there, collaboration with friends or event me alone.
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Junior Spellweaver
Jul 11, 2006
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seriously... who cares if he did it or not? muonline people don't care about owners... just files, and more files... developers cares about "it works? alright... i'll use it and bug it all... and i'll say that it's my work... since no one will see the source... "

i've followed the start of decompilation, when luizj was a dark team member... i know they did it... that's the unique thing that i care about...

people flame, people imagine things, people say things... it's life dude xD

because of that, the sources of my project (the one mentioned here) will not be shared with anyone (except people that i really trust, wich is about... hmmm 2 guys? xD)...

nvm... i'll not join the discussion... people know wich side i am


"do not fight where you cannot win"
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iNewLegend , Leo123
Apr 26, 2006
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plz teach me binary i'm noob i need some help convect main.exe binary 0 1 0 101010 10 10 10001010 01 010 plz help
Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 13, 2010
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plz teach me binary i'm noob i need some help convect main.exe
binary 0 1 0 101010 10 10 10001010 01 010 plz help

Bad joke, because you really noob, you just pretend that you know something. But you are actually 0.
Legendary Battlemage
Loyal Member
Dec 13, 2007
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Try this..i got 2 src of this..the original might be the Mu-Studio.rar.

HermeX sources , old UCD source leaked..