Gm Msg

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Experienced Elementalist
Dec 15, 2006
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well... there is 1 time when i was in IGA, i see GM msg, usually that announcement contains event, technical stuff n etc...

i found out that i need to craete 1 folder by the name of GMMSG n it contains 2 files which is count.ini and msg_0.ini

count.ini will consists something like this of its command...


while the other file is :


n here is my question, any1 know how to activate that GM MSG???
bcos i believe that GM wont have time to repeatedly type this


this is wat i found, n i believe this will make a msg will come out every mins and unfortunately i cant figure it out....
here u are...
pls fix it for me...tq !!


Here. I fixed the missing parameters for you.
Now you need to do the following. The ZoneServers that are given out with the server files are not customized with this folder and are highly bugged and you need to set this right.

You can do this in this way. In the ZoneServer, search for the executable location and then add in the following bytes - 00 04 00 00 C5 01 00 00 XX XX XX XX (length of the message).

Apart from this change the command line of the ZoneServer by 1. For eg, if its 20 make it 21. For eg. change it from 14 00 00 00 to 15 00 00 00
errrr..... sometimes i can be quite stupid person.... well....... today is my stupid day..... so im hoping that u can explain to me in detail?? i don quite
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TQ very much !!
1 more thing, maybe just wanna make sure.... is msg_%u.ini = msg_0.ini

i only noe %s = string
%i = integer
%u = no idea at all
how to set thoese two files
1. count.ini

CNT=(the time of gap in seconds) for exaple
NAME= (user id of the gm account logged on) for exaple

2. msg_0.ini

A3GM=(User ID of GM ID logged on) for exaple

MESSAGE= (Custome Message) for exaple

NAME=(User Id of GM Id Logged on) for exaple

COLOR=#XXXXX (Color Code of the message) for exaple

then how it work well

I'm sorry not good english.
Here. I fixed the missing parameters for you.
Now you need to do the following. The ZoneServers that are given out with the server files are not customized with this folder and are highly bugged and you need to set this right.

You can do this in this way. In the ZoneServer, search for the executable location and then add in the following bytes - 00 04 00 00 C5 01 00 00 XX XX XX XX (length of the message).

Apart from this change the command line of the ZoneServer by 1. For eg, if its 20 make it 21. For eg. change it from 14 00 00 00 to 15 00 00 00

dear iNs@ne,

i still don get wat u mean from the quote.... i would be really thankful if u can explain it again in a full detail....cos i failed to do the announcement, even with ur fixed files....

here i attached my ZoneServer.exe ... n if u hex this file n search for "GMmsg", im sure u will found the same thing that i have mention earlier in my previuos post


1. count.ini

CNT=300 (if you want the gap to be 5 minutes between each message)
NAME=insane (the account needs to be logged onto the server)

2. msg_0.ini

A3GM=insane (Gm Id here)

MESSAGE= Welcome to the Server (your message)

NAME=insane (if this is your GM ID)

COLOR=#FFFFF (stands for a color. Google it for the color codes)

@ Zaugola

I'll hex it up and upload it here so that you guys can put it on directly.

Thank You.
1. count.ini

CNT=300 (if you want the gap to be 5 minutes between each message)
NAME=insane (the account needs to be logged onto the server)

2. msg_0.ini

A3GM=insane (Gm Id here)

MESSAGE= Welcome to the Server (your message)

NAME=insane (if this is your GM ID)

COLOR=#FFFFF (stands for a color. Google it for the color codes)

@ Zaugola

I'll hex it up and upload it here so that you guys can put it on directly.

Thank You.

kk, im waiting for ur upload... TQ !!!!
Check the edited files are placed in the pipeline, because it's not in the files of the server .-

Consulta los files editados en carpeta van colocados, pues no lo tengo en los archivos de el server.-
For a start, place these in your Zone, Main and Account folder. I will hex them all and post them to you in a couple o days. Just hung up on some work currently.

could you please hex it and upload it please...appreciate it alot thx ;)
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