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Going to propose in march...

May 29, 2004
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DO NOT get a ring online.... Even if it is cheaper there is a reason it's so cheap. If you go to a local store you will get it insured, in some cases for the lifetime of the ring.

It might be a bit more expensive now, but in the long run it will save you a tun of money. Also, why not just get a small personal loan to cover it?
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Oct 23, 2005
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Yeah because there is no way you can find true love before you're 28!



someone I am at uni with is getting married in October. She is 20.
Someone else I went to school with got married at the age of 22.

My perants got married when they were 22 and 23.


Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Dec 2, 2006
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someone I am at uni with is getting married in October. She is 20.
Someone else I went to school with got married at the age of 22.

My perants got married when they were 22 and 23.

your 'perants' probably got married in a time where divorce wasn't a real option.

imo divorce rates are so high (at least to some extent) because of 'in luv couples' who marry at that age, don't really know anything about responsibility or commitment, and don't really know each other well enough to decide whether that is the right decision to make or not.
Sep 10, 2003
Reaction score
your 'perants' probably got married in a time where divorce wasn't a real option.

imo divorce rates are so high (at least to some extent) because of 'in luv couples' who marry at that age, don't really know anything about responsibility or commitment, and don't really know each other well enough to decide whether that is the right decision to make or not.
You are constantly making assumptions and generalizing things.

I know quite a few people who married young, some going bad, while in others I have more faith then in marriages that you label as the 'right decision'.
Watching from above
Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score
You are constantly making assumptions and generalizing things.

I know quite a few people who married young, some going bad, while in others I have more faith then in marriages that you label as the 'right decision'.
No kidding. My work buddy got married 4 or so years ago when he was I think 19 and from all that I hear it sounds like a really healthy relationship. I can see it happening for people. I have been in two long relationships, in which I haven't been able to imagine babies or marriage coming along at all. I used to think it will come with age, but now at 27 I'm starting to realize maybe it's just not for me, not with these people at least. So what I'm trying to say is that I don't think that it looks at your age (given a certain level of minimum maturity) but your attitude and who you're with.

By the way, sorry for going off topic, just this matter is really hot for me at the moment.

Best of luck to marriage! Hope your girl won't see this thread before you do propose! :)
Sep 10, 2003
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I know the feeling. It can be hard to find the right girl. Some people make it look so easy while others seem to not care about a real relationship. Which basically leaves you with certain desires who remain unanswered.

In the end you need to find that special one. A lot of people tell you (or at least tell me) to lower my standards, but I refuse to do so. Don't get me wrong, I don't have some weird demands regarding looks, however I am pretty demanding on personality, intelligence, humor etc.
In the end you do want someone who you can spend your life with, not just the next year.
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Oct 23, 2005
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your 'perants' probably got married in a time where divorce wasn't a real option.

imo divorce rates are so high (at least to some extent) because of 'in luv couples' who marry at that age, don't really know anything about responsibility or commitment, and don't really know each other well enough to decide whether that is the right decision to make or not.

My perants got married in 1988. Divorce was very much an option.
And de-repping me for posting some pretty obvious facts? lol youre infract wrong my friend.