GoldFish CMS [1.0.0 STABLE][Arcturus Morningstar]

Are you planning on keeping this project up-to-date?
Laravel 6.0 just got released a week ago, and there shouldn't really be any problems updating.
(You'll have to manually import bootstrap though.)
Amazing release.
Could you provide a captcha validation?
On the base.blade

From : <form method="POST" id="loginForm" ">

to : <form method="POST" id="loginForm" action="{{route('login')}}">

This will fix the error at the loginscreen:

        throw new MethodNotAllowedHttpException(
                'The %s method is not supported for this route. Supported methods: %s.',
                implode(', ', $others)

Thanks to Aussie.

Please note that the only problem with this that the maintenance setting doesn't work anymore.