GT.Ull problem

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Jan 25, 2007
Reaction score
hi i uploaded the new GT.Ull files that are been posted few days back
but the problem with it is that i am not able to buy anything from the npc
like 50000 opel i cannot buy
please help me how to get this one right
i play on the a3 hades server that is that ara3
Price items is not in GT.ull only in ITx.ull. Maybe you hawe not correct shop files (GL.ull). Maybe you GL.ull hawe Opal, Garnet and Peridot but server not hawe this items in shop.
SERIOUS ADVICE :replace ur old file...these are server dev forms and everythin posted here has sumthin to do wid YOUR OWN server and nuthin which u can use on other pvt. serevrs
hey guys thanks for your advice and input
if is it possible for you to upload the price files and stuff for me plz
i just created a private server on my home network
and i also play on the a3 hades server
Theres nothing like price files. You need to edit the files in the ITEM Folder on the server side to set the price of the items.

You cannot set their buying and selling prices separately. The selling price will be automatically set to 1/10 the buying price which can be set. :D
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