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[guia =/ ]Perfect World

Newbie Spellweaver
May 21, 2007
Reaction score
PWServer.1.2.6 BlackBox


What is included in the archives:
1. coLinux complete with Linux Fedora Core 5 (the image)
2. Installed and configured server Perfect World 1.2.6
3. Page registration for the creation of accounts
(in the form of raspakovanom weighs 3.5 Gb)

What you need:
1. Customer game Perfect World 1.2.6 English version
2. Programs coLinux and WinPCap (look for them inside the archive "/ install /")
3. Microsoft SQL Server 2000 SP3 or SP4

1. Install MSSQL Server (see instruction guide / mssql_installation.html)
2. Set MSSQL Server (see instruction guide / mssql_configure.html)
3. Install WinPcap (lies in a directory install/WinPcap_4_0_2.exe)
4. Install coLinux (lies in a directory install/coLinux-0.7.2.exe)
Having become in the directory "C: \ coLinux \"
When installing coLinux not swinging with any images Linuxa not, simply tick - miss!!
5. Copy files from the directory "pwserver" in our coLinux ( "C: \ coLinux \ pwserver \")
6. Starting "C: \ coLinux \ PWServer \ PWServer.bat"
The user "root" is the default
7. Editing host enter:
nano / etc / hosts

IP to change your IP base.
The remaining IP not touch!!
8. To start the server, enter:

. / start.sh

(1 - all run, 2 - only the server, 3 - only web)
9. Install patch on a client from the directory / patch /

Questions & Answers

Question (1): How to give the right GMa account?

Answer: Start "Query Analyzer" (Start-> All Programs-> Microsoft SQL Server-> SQL Query Analyzer). Connect to your base, choose the base "dbo":


exec addGM ID, ZONEID

(ID = user id, ZONEID = zone id, usually put 1). Select F5.
Example: exec addGM 32, 1

Question (2): How to Cubi-Gold?

Answer: Start "Query Analyzer" (Start-> All Programs-> Microsoft SQL Server-> SQL Query Analyzer). Connect to your base, choose the base "dbo":

DECLARE @ error integer
exec usecash ID, 1,0,1,0,500000,1, @ error

(ID = user id) Zhmem F5.
This is a team you have KG 5000. To see the effect should be perezayti into play.

Question (3): How do I know that my IP address pravelny base?

Answer: Try prikonektitsya. In the window coLinux dial:

/ opt / lampp / bin / tsql-S IP_ADR: 1433-U sa

Where IP_ADR your IP address. Enter your password if necessary. If you saw the "1>" means all vporyadke. If not, put in the window coLinux:

nano / etc / table.xml

look for and edit the line to your password from mmsql:

driver name = "com.microsoft.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver" />
connection name = "auth0" poolsize = "8" url = "jdbc: microsoft: sqlserver: / / dbserver: 1433; databasename = dbo"
username = "sa" password = "SAPASSWORD" />

Question (4): How to change the rank exp, sp, drop a?

Answer: At the coLinux, enter:

nano / home / gamed / ptemplate.conf

and change exp_bonus, drop_bonus, sp_bonus, money_bonus on your taste.
PS> in this file, you can change a whole bunch of game settings (Article enchantments, skills, etc.)

Question (5): Where are the security settings?

Answer: Type in the window coLinux:

/ opt / lampp / lampp security

further at its discretion smile

Question (6): Where are the system configuration server?

Answer: Type in the window coLinux:

nano / etc / table.xml

Question (7): Not pashet registration, issuing a mistake.

Answer: Type in the window coLinux:

nano / opt / lampp / htdocs / register / core.php

and check all the settings, particularly pay attention to is this line:

Fix mistakes with the network eth1:

1. The file "pwserver / PWServer.conf" reshotku put before the line -> "# eth1 = pcap-bridge,, 00: FF: F9: 54:7 C: 00"
2. We change the value in the line "eth0 = slirp,, tcp: 29000:29000" to "eth0 = slirp,, tcp: 29000:29000 / tcp: 80:80"
3. After we need to crash this setting to put this in the window coLinux:

rm / etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1
Hit enter and Y

P.S. What problems would be made in connection with the accounts so that the register would-digits in the login was> or = 6

Credits:site original
Last edited:
I'm have this error:

gdelivery: gfactionscliente: connect server failed.... reconnecting...



i'm having the same problem, how to solve this?

i'm using amd platform and already run the amd platform patch but seems not working.. anyone please help :(:
no help at all....

i used to have all the serve files untill i reformated....

no i just need the image files thats it
yeah i use coLinux too bc wasy duh lol

is anyone willing to teach me how to run it on unbuntu