[Guide]Auto Set Java to realtime L2J 

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Feb 10, 2007
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Here is a way to auto start your Gameserver in realtime, just edit your .bat file with start/realtime/wait
I use this extra code in my startloginserver.bat and my startgameserver.bat

@echo off
echo Starting L2J Game Server.
start/realtime/wait java -Xmx1024m -cp ./config/;commons-logging-1.1.jar;ibmaio.jar;log4j-1.2.14.jar;bsf.jar;bsh-2.0.jar;javolution.jar;c3p0-;mysql-connector-java-3.1.10-bin.jar;l2j-gameserver.jar;jython.jar net.sf.l2j.gameserver.GameServer
if ERRORLEVEL 2 goto restart
if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto error
goto end
echo Admin Restart ...
goto start
echo Server terminated abnormaly
echo server terminated
easy this, but ppl is much better to put on high because computer need too porcessor and put high java on Game Server And Abrove Normal Login Server..
this is the better configuration and good for you pc too !!
Thanks dude i was looking for that more than 3 months ^^ :kisss::kisss::kisss::kisss:
i think that xxmisterioxx is right. For windows dont try realtime because all the power of the proccessor go to one aplication.

For linux realtime for the win ;p

and also you forget /min because if you dont add this the server when a gm restart it will close and not restart. becarefull on this thinks
yes darkrange is right if you close that window and you try to restart server, will not restart normaly and will make errors, leave that windows open too when if you want to restart !!! to work perfect !
easy this, but ppl is much better to put on high because computer need too porcessor and put high java on Game Server And Abrove Normal Login Server..
this is the better configuration and good for you pc too !!
I think that setup gameserver and loginserver on above normal and it should work good (when you want to play on the same PC)
shut up, not everyone is using their own PC to run a server...

if you don't like to listen my opinion go away and do what you want to do !

I think that setup gameserver and loginserver on above normal and it should work good (when you want to play on the same PC)

no man, no is better to put high !! trust me you will see the cange !! put some days on realtime and some days on high and tell me how will work ... !!on high will work verry good this is my opinion !!! do what you like but i was told you what is good !!
stop acting like you knew everything on how to run a server.

Then do it better yourself... Try helping instead of flaming.

I for one would like it explained in more detail about the different commands to put in that line.
If someone could make a post showing how the different commands should look like i would appreciate it very much
If I want to set high priority for my server (not realtime as it is in 1st post) I have to add to my server command line this:
start/high/wait ...
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