[guide] how to put your server online!

Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 22, 2007
Reaction score
i've seen alotta posts lately with people asking how to put there server online so i thought i should make a guide about it*sigh*
Step 1
open mangosd.conf located in your server folder with notepad and look for these lines
";3306;root;mangos;mangos"it might not look exactly the same as mine
Change both of em to "your ip address;3306;root;mangos;mangos"

Step 2
open realmd.conf with notepad look for this lines;3306;root;mangos;realmd
Change it to your ip address;3306;root;mangos;realmd

Step 3
open your realmlist and change it to your ip address

ITS THAT EASY!...if you did not understand this then get your eyes/brain checked
feel free to add more to this like for realmloops and other connection issuses
This is a semi-complete guide and great for people who have the basic understanding. Most people have more trouble getting their server to work period though (I think). People don't understand = localhost
This is a semi-complete guide and great for people who have the basic understanding. Most people have more trouble getting their server to work period though (I think). People don't understand = localhost

well yea this is the way it should be if your setting up a mangos 1.12.X server but tbc is a whole other story
steve420 - [guide] how to put your server online! - RaGEZONE Forums

Kinda "error" I get when i change from to my IP... Please help
This is what says in my realmd.conf

# MaNGOS realmd configuration file


# Database connection settings for the realm server.

# Default: hostname;port;username;password;database

LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;root;realmd"

# Default RealmServerPort

RealmServerPort = 3724

# Logfile name

# Default: "Server.log" - not recommended.

LogFile = "Realmd.log"

# Color for messages (format "normal_color details_color debug_color error_color)

# Colors: 0 - BLACK, 1 - RED, 2 - GREEN, 3 - BROWN, 4 - BLUE, 5 - MAGENTA, 6 - CYAN, 7 - GREY,

# 8 - YELLOW, 9 - LRED, 10 - LGREEN, 11 - LBLUE, 12 - LMAGENTA, 13 - LCYAN, 14 - WHITE

# Default: "" - none colors

# "13 7 11 9" - for example :)

LogColors = ""

# Used processors mask for multi-processors system (Used only at Windows)

# Default: 0 (selected by OS)

# number (bitmask value of selected processors)

UseProcessors = 0

# Process proirity setting (Used only at Windows)

# 0 (Normal)

# Default: 1 (HIGH)

ProcessPriority = 1

and the mangosd.conf

# MaNGOS Configuration file

# RealmID must match the realmlist
RealmID = 1

GameType = 0

# Data directory setting.
# Important: DataDir needs to be quoted, as it is a string which may
# contain space characters.
DataDir = "."

# Database connection settings for the world server.
# Default: hostname;port;username;password;database
LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;root;realmd"
WorldDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;root;mangos"

# Logfile name
# Default: "Server.log"
LogFile = "Server.log"

# Server console level of logging
# 0 = Minimum; 1 = Basic&Error; 2 = Detail; 3 = Full/Debug
# Default: 0
# recommend: 1
LogLevel = 3

# Packet logging for the worldserver
# Default: 0 (false)
# 1 (true)
LogWorld = 1

# Color for messages (format "normal_color details_color debug_color error_color)
# Colors: 0 - BLACK, 1 - RED, 2 - GREEN, 3 - BROWN, 4 - BLUE, 5 - MAGENTA, 6 - CYAN, 7 - GREY,
# 8 - YELLOW, 9 - LRED, 10 - LGREEN, 11 - LBLUE, 12 - LMAGENTA, 13 - LCYAN, 14 - WHITE
# Default: "" - none colors
# "13 7 11 9" - for example :)
LogColors = ""

# Log file of gm commands
# Default: "" (Disable)
GmLogFile = ""

# Used processors mask for multi-processors system (Used only at Windows)
# Default: 0 (selected by OS)
# number (bitmask value of selected processors)
UseProcessors = 0

# Process proirity setting (Used only at Windows)
# 0 (Normal)
# Default: 1 (HIGH)
ProcessPriority = 1

# Compression level for update packages sended to client (1..9)
# Default: 1 (speed)
# 9 (best compression)
Compression = 1

# Maximum number of players in the world. Excluding GM's
# Default: 100
PlayerLimit = 100

# Default value for enabling addons, Allow then Deny or Deny then Allow
# Default: 1 (true)
# 0 (false)
AddonDefault = 1

# Max level that can reached by player for expirience (in range from 1 to 255).
# Change not recommended
# Default: 60
MaxPlayerLevel = 255

# Max count that player can learn the primary trade skill.
# Default: 2
# Max : 9
MaxPrimaryTradeSkill = 2

# Max distance to creature for group memeber to get XP at creature death.
# Default: 74
MaxGroupXPDistance = 74

# Max level different with creature for group member to get XP at creature death.
# Default: 10
MaxGroupXPLevelDiff = 255

# Allow or not accounts to create characters in the 2 teams in any game type.
# Defaullt: 0 (Not allowed)
# 1 (Allowed)
AllowTwoSide.Accounts = 0

# Allow or not common :chat(say,yell);channel(chat)group(join);trade for players from different teams.
# Defaullt: 0 (Not allowed)
# 1 (Allowed)
AllowTwoSide.Interaction = 0

# Allow or not show player from both team in who list.
# Defaullt: 0 (Not allowed)
# 1 (Allowed)
AllowTwoSide.WhoList = 0

# Is GM accept whispers from player by default.
# Default: 0 (false)
# 1 (true)
WhisperingToGM = 0

# Message of the Day. Displayed at worldlogin for every user.
Motd = "Welcome to the |cffff6060Massive Network Game Object|r Server."

# Health and power regeneration.
Rate.Health = 10;
Rate.Power1 = 10;
Rate.Power2 = 10;
Rate.Power3 = 10;

# Drop rates
# Default: 1
Rate.Drop.Items = 1500
Rate.Drop.Money = 1500

# XP rates
# Default: 1
Rate.XP.Kill = 600
Rate.XP.Quest = 600
Rate.XP.Explore = 600

# Creature Damage Rate.
# Examples: 2 - creatures will damage 2x, 1.7 - 1.7x.
Rate.Creature.Normal.Damage = 1
Rate.Creature.Elite.Elite.Damage = 1
Rate.Creature.Elite.RAREELITE.Damage = 1
Rate.Creature.Elite.WORLDBOSS.Damage = 1
Rate.Creature.Elite.RARE.Damage = 1

# Creature Health Ammount Modifier.
# Examples: 2 - creatures have 2x health, 1.7 - 1.7x.
Rate.Creature.Normal.HP = 1
Rate.Creature.Elite.Elite.HP = 1
Rate.Creature.Elite.RAREELITE.HP = 1
Rate.Creature.Elite.WORLDBOSS.HP = 1
Rate.Creature.Elite.RARE.HP = 1

#Aggro radius percent or off.
# 0 - off (0%)
# Default: 1 - 100%
# 1.5 - 150%
Rate.Creature.Aggro = 1

# Default remote console port
Ra.Port = 3443

# Log remote console connections
Ra.Log = 1

# Minimum level that's required to login,3 by default
Ra.MinLevel = 3

# Kick client on wrong pass
Ra.Secure = 1

# Unload grids (if you have lot memory you can disbale it to speed up player move to new grids second time)
# 0 (not unload grids)
# Default: 1 (unload grids)
GridUnload = 1;

# All times are in milliseconds.

# Default socket select time
SocketSelectTime = 10000

# Default grid clean up delay
GridCleanUpDelay = 300000

# Default map update interval
MapUpdateInterval = 100

# Default weather update interval
ChangeWeatherInterval = 600000

# Default PlayerSaveInterval
PlayerSaveInterval = 900000

# Default WorldServerPort
WorldServerPort = 8085
Nice guide, but it wont work. it wont work at all when i put ip to there instead of localhost. Wont work with actual ip address or no-ip-address. It just crashes instantly the emu when i try to start it.
Nice guide, but it wont work. it wont work at all when i put ip to there instead of localhost. Wont work with actual ip address or no-ip-address. It just crashes instantly the emu when i try to start it.

then you have not updated MySQL and the .conf files
@Lakelog: Change this:
LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;root;realmd"
to this:
LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;root;realmd"

and change this:
LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;root;realmd"
WorldDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;root;mangos"
to this:
LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;root;realmd"
WorldDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;root;mangos"
@Lakelog: Change this:
LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;root;realmd"
to this:
LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;root;realmd"

and change this:
LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;root;realmd"
WorldDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;root;mangos"
to this:
LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;root;realmd"
WorldDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;root;mangos"

as if that'll help me get the server over internet
as if that'll help me get the server over internet
Excuse me?! :censored: Do you even know what you are talking about? I TOLD you how to fix it, and you throw it back in my damn face? If you're not gonna listen to the answers, why the FUCK did you even ask the question?! You NEVER, EVER, EVER change what I said from to ANYTHING ELSE! If you had even read the damn configurations, you would see it is for the MySQL DATABASE! IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH GETTING YOUR DAMN SERVER ONLINE. BE MORE FLIPPIN RESPECTFUL AND GRATEFUL IN THE FUTURE, OR PISS OFF OUT OF OUR FORUM!
Try Try agian ^^

i've seen alotta posts lately with people asking how to put there server online so i thought i should make a guide about it*sigh*
Step 1
open mangosd.conf located in your server folder with notepad and look for these lines
";3306;root;mangos;mangos"it might not look exactly the same as mine
Change both of em to "your ip address;3306;root;mangos;mangos"

Step 2
open realmd.conf with notepad look for this lines;3306;root;mangos;realmd
Change it to your ip address;3306;root;mangos;realmd

Step 3
open your realmlist and change it to your ip address

ITS THAT EASY!...if you did not understand this then get your eyes/brain checked
feel free to add more to this like for realmloops and other connection issuses

I did as you said, changed the IP address in the configuration files. Now I've entered two different IP addresses. First I tried my "Global" IP address you can get from and the other IP under CMD >> IPCONFIG as my picture shows in this form posted earlier.


When I enter the "Local" IP address I have in my CMD >> IPCONFIG, It will not run. Under the Server.txt document and Realmd.txt document, both state that I can't run them because mySQL isn't configured to that address. So that being said, any advice please?
Excuse me?! :censored: Do you even know what you are talking about? I TOLD you how to fix it, and you throw it back in my damn face? If you're not gonna listen to the answers, why the FUCK did you even ask the question?! You NEVER, EVER, EVER change what I said from to ANYTHING ELSE! If you had even read the damn configurations, you would see it is for the MySQL DATABASE! IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH GETTING YOUR DAMN SERVER ONLINE. BE MORE FLIPPIN RESPECTFUL AND GRATEFUL IN THE FUTURE, OR PISS OFF OUT OF OUR FORUM!

What I ment was, that those settings didn't help me get the server online, and I don't see how they are going to now, but what I really need to know is what I change where to get it online... Btw take a chillpill :drinks_no