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[Guide] Port Forwarding Complete Tutorial

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Junior Spellweaver
Mar 2, 2007
Reaction score
The first half of this tutorial is intended to show you how to open ports on your PC. The second half will show you how to forward those ports to your router so that outside sources can access them.

Tutorial Created Using Windows …If you’re not using this O/S your screenshots may look slightly different.

Part 1

Go to -> My Network Places -> View Network Connections
*Now right click on the LAN Connection that provides your internet access and select Properties:

nurjah - [Guide] Port Forwarding Complete Tutorial - RaGEZONE Forums

Click Advanced -> Settings

nurjah - [Guide] Port Forwarding Complete Tutorial - RaGEZONE Forums

Now click Advanced -> Highlight your internet Connection -> Click settings
A window should open similar to the one below but would more than likely have existing ports open on your system listed.

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Click add and you will see this set settings windows appear

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*Description of Service: Usually the program name (abbr.) and/or the port number being opened
* Name or IP address: Just what is says. If you don’t know your PC’s name just put the IP address.
Note: If you don’t have a Static IP address on your PC then everything you’re doing can and will be ineffective if and when your IP address changes. Set a Static IP for your system
*External Port/Internal Port number for this service: Unless you know exactly what having two different ports here consist of, keep them the same. Run netstat -a to see all available ports
*TCP: TCP enables two hosts to establish a connection and exchange streams of data.
*UDP: provides very few error recovery services, offering instead a direct way to send and receive datagram’s over an IP network.
NOTE: Between TCP & UDP make sure you set the port for the type you need. If one port needs both types then you’ll have to the go through these settings twice.


Part 2

This section was will show you how to forward ports you’ve just opened to your router. Since I don’t own every router in existence, I’ll show you what it takes for the LinsysWireless Broadband Router to have ports forwarded to it. The concept is the same for all routers and once you familiarize yourself with the steps, you should be able to navigate through your router settings with ease.

First you need to access your router. Open Internet Explorer and type  Enter. A user name and password box should appear like the one below. The factory password for this router is “admin” (without the quotes), leave the user name blank. Some routers may be "admin" as the user name with the password area blank. Check the documentation that came with your router or refer yourself to the company website to figure out what this is for your router.
NOTE: I highly recommend you changing that password from the factory setting ASAP if it still exists.

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Once you type your password, the router settings should be displayed

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Select Application & Gaming ->

nurjah - [Guide] Port Forwarding Complete Tutorial - RaGEZONE Forums

This screen is very easy to handle once you get familiar with it.
*Application: Input a small abbreviation so you know what program you’re forwarding the ports for
*Start to End
Many times, a program will need a range of ports forwarded (i.e. 21000-21005)
Under start, type the initial port and under end type the last port of the range.
*Protocol: I explained what TCP & UDP were earlier, here all you do is select the one that the port utilizes
*IP Address: I can’t stress enough “create yourself a Static IP”. Here you input your current IP. Like was saying before; you complete this process and reboot your PC, the IP might change. Therefore, this setting would not be accurate and your ports will no longer be forwarded.
*Enable: Self Explanatory

Here is one good thing about the forwarding part. Let’s say you have a range of 10 consecutive ports to forwards (1100 – 1110). For the router settings you just type the start and finish but you’ll have to do each individual one and if the selection is both for all, you just doubled your work. No biggie, right?!

Save your settings and restart your system.
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Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 5, 2009
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Re: Share/Guide: Port Forwarding Complete Tutorial

what port numbers needs to be forwarded?
Newbie Spellweaver
May 16, 2009
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Re: Share/Guide: Port Forwarding Complete Tutorial

This is my CFG

// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// server setting value
server_version 1
patch_version 1
server_name Session
server_max_client 200
server_service_port 5003
server_control_port 6003
// reserved slot 130

// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// server setting value
server_version 1
patch_version 1
server_name Login
server_max_client 200
server_service_port 5001
server_control_port 6001
// Session server
// session_server [server_name] [ip] [port] [userid] [userpass]
session_server Session 5003 sa 1234 //IP

// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// server setting value
server_version 1
patch_version 1
server_name Field0
server_max_client 200
server_service_port 5109
server_control_port 6002
// session_server [server_name] [ip] [port] [userid] [userpass]
session_server Session 5003 sa 1234

// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// server setting value
server_version 1
patch_version 1
server_name Agent
server_max_client 200
server_max_channel_client 200
server_channel_number 1
server_ip //IP
server_service_port 5002
server_control_port 6002
// session_server [server_name] [ip] [port] [userid] [userpass]
session_server Session 5003 sa 1234
// Field server list
// field_server [channel] [field num] [server_name] [ip] [port]
field_server 0 0 Field0 5109
//field_server 1 0 Field1 5113
//field_server 2 0 Field2 5116
//field_server 3 0 Field3 5119
//field_server 4 0 Field4 5123

what port did i put in a start-End ??
And what Ip did i use in param.ini to connect in game?
What Ip Should i put in CFG folder?

Did i goodbye in hamachi after done in portforwarding???
Junior Spellweaver
May 10, 2009
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Re: Share/Guide: Port Forwarding Complete Tutorial

it depends on your connection if you want to forward it, my dsl conn is pf already it doesn't change my ip anymore, but then im using hamachi as of now,
Junior Spellweaver
Mar 2, 2007
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Re: [Share/Guide] Port Forwarding Complete Tutorial

You can simply range 80 - 8080 that will include your Ran CP in range. Use WPE or IP interceptor with your server to bid goodbye to Hamachi if your running server behind router with Static IP connection. For Dynamic IP users, Hamachi is still convenient to use.
Last edited:
Junior Spellweaver
Jul 27, 2007
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Re: [Share/Guide] Port Forwarding Complete Tutorial

simply guys put on your router port forwarding ur local ip den port both tcp and udp range is from 5000-7000 thats it.
Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 5, 2009
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Re: [Share/Guide] Port Forwarding Complete Tutorial

i think service port and control port needs forwarding?
Junior Spellweaver
Jul 27, 2007
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Re: [Share/Guide] Port Forwarding Complete Tutorial

we just said all port should be forwarded in your router.
Jun 20, 2010
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Re: [Share/Guide] Port Forwarding Complete Tutorial

You can simply range 80 - 8080 that will include your Ran CP in range. Use WPE or IP interceptor with your server to bid goodbye to Hamachi if your running server behind router with Static IP connection. For Dynamic IP users, Hamachi is still convenient to use.

like i said...

weee that Im saying... natutu ka rin....
Junior Spellweaver
Mar 2, 2007
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Re: [Share/Guide] Port Forwarding Complete Tutorial

Id try experimenting port forwarding without Hamachi, Interceptor nor WPE but ive learned only possible to connect if your inside the Local Lan coverage. So its necessary to use a third party program like WPE to convert your Public Ip into your Local Agent and Login IP.
Junior Spellweaver
Jul 27, 2007
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Re: [Share/Guide] Port Forwarding Complete Tutorial

id try experimenting port forwarding without hamachi, interceptor nor wpe but ive learned only possible to connect if your inside the local lan coverage. So its necessary to use a third party program like wpe to convert your public ip into your local agent and login ip.

dual network card is one way also. 1 lan card for the internet/dsl connection den 1 lan card for your lan connection. Then put your wan ip in your cfg so that outside your lan can connect to your server.
Junior Spellweaver
Mar 2, 2007
Reaction score
Re: [Share/Guide] Port Forwarding Complete Tutorial

Yes I agree Like Episode 6 S2 better you follow reinfrooze suggestion if you continue encountering "character failed to be processed" for outside players.
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