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Habbo.SWF [RELEASE63-201402061119-236986268] [RC4 Patched]

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Skilled Illusionist
Dec 20, 2013
Reaction score
Ok so i found beginning of Incoming pakcets and outgoin swift Emu's Incoming and outgoing for build update could any 1 send me the updated 1's

static Incoming()// //b = updated
Incoming.Mannequinshit = 3099; //ak
Incoming.CheckReleaseMessageEvent = 4000;//ak
Incoming.InitCrypto = 910;//ak
Incoming.SecretKey = 466;//ak
Incoming.ClientVars = 3684;//ak
Incoming.UniqueMachineID = 3050;//ak
Incoming.SSOTicket = 1428;//ak
Incoming.UserInformation = 1320;//ak
Incoming.SerializeClub = 272;//ak
Incoming.RecAgain = 3384;//ak
Incoming.Pong = 3153;//ak
Incoming.Ping = 1302;//ak
Incoming.EndQuiz = 2688; //ak
Incoming.LoadUser2 = 3044;//ak
Incoming.OpenHelpTool = 2469;//ak
Incoming.GetWardrobe = 2228;//ak
Incoming.SaveWardrobe = 3477;//ak
Incoming.OpenAchievements = 3973;//ak
Incoming.LoadCategorys = 2827;//ak ! or 0x0B0B if you wish. That one seems to be always hexadecimal
Incoming.GetFriends = 768;//ak ! or 0x0300
Incoming.CatalogData1 = 420;//ak
Incoming.CatalogData2 = 456;//ak
Incoming.ExtraVipWindow = 3229;//ak
Incoming.LoadTalents = 160;//ak
Incoming.OpenCatalog = 186;//ak
Incoming.OpenCatalogPage = 1827;//ak
Incoming.CatalogGetRace = 1586;//ak
Incoming.CheckPetName = 2736;//ak
Incoming.PurchaseCatalogItem = 3359;//ak


static Outgoing()// //ak =
Outgoing.SendBannerMessageComposer = 1828;//ak
Outgoing.SecretKeyComposer = 292;//ak
Outgoing.Ping = 3789;//ak
Outgoing.AuthenticationOK = 2136;//ak
Outgoing.HomeRoom = 3845;///ak
Outgoing.FavouriteRooms = 579; //ak
Outgoing.FavsUpdate = 3311;//ak
Outgoing.Fuserights = 463;//ak
Outgoing.bools1 = 1778;//ak
Outgoing.EndTalentPractise = 2593;//ak
Outgoing.SendAllowances = 1694;//ak
Outgoing.CitizenshipPanel = 2292;//ak
Outgoing.LoadQuiz = 1447;//ak
Outgoing.CheckQuiz = 2068;//ak
Outgoing.ActivityPoints = 3995;//ak
Outgoing.CreditsBalance = 3464;//ak
Outgoing.UniqueID = 1450;//ak
Outgoing.HabboInfomation = 3651;//ak
Outgoing.ProfileInformation = 3326;//ak
Outgoing.ProfileRelationships = 1677;//ak
Outgoing.Allowances = 3732;//ak
Outgoing.AchievementPoints = 3330;//ak
Outgoing.SerializePublicRooms = 2650;//ak
Outgoing.NavigatorPacket = 3945;//ak
Outgoing.SendRoomForCata = 921;//ak
Outgoing.OpenShop = 2550;//ak
Outgoing.OpenShopPage = 2105;//ak
Outgoing.ShopData1 = 2658;//ak
Outgoing.ShopData2 = 995;//ak
Outgoing.Offer = 3090;//ak
Outgoing.PetRace = 2483;//ak
Outgoing.CheckPetName = 1982;//ak
Outgoing.UpdateShop = 3021;//ak
Outgoing.Recycle = 355;//ak
Outgoing.RecycleState = 2681;//ak
Outgoing.AchievementList = 2991;//ak
Outgoing.AchievementProgress = 1317;//ak
Outgoing.UnlockAchievement = 267;//ak
Outgoing.OpenModTools = 2723;////ak
Outgoing.SendNotif = 1465;//ak
Outgoing.ModResponse = 505;//ak
Outgoing.BroadcastMessage = 532;//ak
Outgoing.SerializeMontura = 2295; //ak
Outgoing.GiftError = 4; //ak
Outgoing.UpdateInventary = 1507;//ak
Outgoing.SerializePurchaseInformation = 3534;//ak
Outgoing.SendPurchaseAlert = 1545;//ak
Outgoing.PublicCategories = 2650;//ak
Outgoing.EffectsInventary = 767;//ak
Outgoing.AddEffectToInventary = 2024;//ak
Outgoing.EnableEffect = 1075;//ak
Outgoing.StopEffect = 2334;//ak
Outgoing.OpenHelpTool = 1441;//ak
Outgoing.CanCreateRoom = 3306;//ak
Outgoing.OnCreateRoomInfo = 1302;//ak
Outgoing.RoomDataEdit = 2111;//ak
Outgoing.UpdateRoomOne = 1793;//ak
Outgoing.RoomAds = 1936; // ak not really sure if that one is update .. That packet is something related to Quests
Outgoing.PrepareRoomForUsers = 2440;//ak
Outgoing.RoomErrorToEnter = 867;//ak !not sure . Can be 2639
Outgoing.OutOfRoom = 1495;//ak
Outgoing.RoomError = 2074;//ak
Outgoing.DoorBellNoPerson = 1284;//ak
Outgoing.Doorbell = 3240;//ak
Outgoing.ValidDoorBell = 1910;//ak
Outgoing.InitFriends = 761;//ak
Outgoing.InitRequests = 2526;//ak
Outgoing.SendFriendRequest = 699;//ak
Outgoing.FriendUpdate = 699;//ak
Outgoing.InstantChat = 1191;//ak
Outgoing.InstantInvite = 3416;//ak
Outgoing.InstantChatError = 2526;//ak
Outgoing.InitialRoomInformation = 3192;//ak
Outgoing.FollowBuddy = 740;//ak
Outgoing.FollowBuddyError = 2166;//ak
Outgoing.SearchFriend = 2705;//ak
Outgoing.TradeStart = 1551;//ak
Outgoing.TradeUpdate = 930;//ak
Outgoing.TradeAcceptUpdate = 2856;//ak
Outgoing.TradeComplete = 3480;//ak
Outgoing.TradeCloseClean = 3130;//ak
Outgoing.TradeClose = 1303;//ak
Outgoing.RoomDecoration = 1410;//ak
Outgoing.RoomRightsLevel = 2868;//ak
Outgoing.QuitRights = 1121; //ak just above HasOwnerRights
Outgoing.HasOwnerRights = 1880;//ak - that one is relatively hard to find
Outgoing.RateRoom = 3949; //ak -- NOT SURE ABOUT THIS ONE !
Outgoing.ScoreMeter = 1075;//ak
Outgoing.CanCreateEvent = 1651; //ak
Outgoing.RoomEvent = 451; //ak
Outgoing.HeightMap = 3903;//ak
Outgoing.RelativeMap = 2191;//ak
Outgoing.OpenGift = 2722; //ak //at private function useObject(_arg1:int, _arg2:int, _arg3:int, _arg4:String, _arg5:String) | 2 case
Outgoing.SerializeFloorItems = 404;//ak //at public function set connection | 3rd above this.onObjectUpdate
Outgoing.SerializeWallItems = 1435;//ak //at public function set connection | 4th below this.onObjectUpdate
Outgoing.FloodFilter = 3472;//ak
Outgoing.SetRoomUser = 2804;//ak
Outgoing.ConfigureWallandFloor = 1434;//ak
Outgoing.ValidRoom = 1024;//ak
Outgoing.RoomData = 3071;//ak
Outgoing.UpdateState = 2320;//ak (a= 2397)
Outgoing.SerializeClub = 3988;//ak
Outgoing.ClubComposer = 1;//ak
Outgoing.PopularTags = 243;//ak
Outgoing.FlatCats = 3583; //ak
Outgoing.Talk = 229;//ak
Outgoing.Shout = 3955;//ak
Outgoing.Whisp = 2653;//ak
Outgoing.UpdateIgnoreStatus = 1368;//ak
Outgoing.GiveRespect = 1735;//ak
Outgoing.PrepareCampaing = 1282;//ak
Outgoing.SendCampaingData = 1694;//ak
Outgoing.UpdateUserInformation = 2404;//ak wasnt updated at swiftemu
Outgoing.Dance = 3719;//ak
Outgoing.Action = 2768;//ak
Outgoing.IdleStatus = 1168;//ak
Outgoing.Inventory = 1971;//ak
Outgoing.PetInventory = 3819;//ak
Outgoing.PlaceBot = 2804;//ak specially hard to find as I had no reference of him
Outgoing.PetInformation = 3366;// ak
Outgoing.RespectPet = 188;//ak
Outgoing.AddExperience = 2010;//ak
Outgoing.BadgesInventory = 1015;//ak
Outgoing.UpdateBadges = 3957;//ak
Outgoing.GetUserBadges = 3957;//ak
Outgoing.GetUserTags = 243; //ak
Outgoing.GivePowers = 1215; //ak
Outgoing.RemovePowers = 1985; //ak
Outgoing.GetPowerList = 497; //ak
Outgoing.TypingStatus = 1960;//ak
Outgoing.RemoveObjectFromInventory = 1474;//ak
Outgoing.AddFloorItemToRoom = 1936;//ak
Outgoing.AddWallItemToRoom = 312;//ak
Outgoing.UpdateItemOnRoom = 650;//ak
Outgoing.UpdateWallItemOnRoom = 312;//ak
Outgoing.UpdateFloorItemExtraData = 2648;//ak
Outgoing.PickUpFloorItem = 3982;//ak
Outgoing.PickUpWallItem = 571;//ak
Outgoing.WiredTrigger = 3415;//ak
Outgoing.WiredEffect = 274;//ak
Outgoing.WiredCondition = 3643;//ak
Outgoing.SaveWired = 3094;//ak
Outgoing.UserLeftRoom = 2035;//ak
Outgoing.RoomTool = 1928;//ak
Outgoing.UserTool = 3291;//ak
Outgoing.RoomChatlog = 576;//ak
Outgoing.UserChatlog = 2393;////ak
Outgoing.RoomVisits = 1145;//ak
Outgoing.IssueChatlog = 1229;////ak
Outgoing.SerializeIssue = 65;//ak
Outgoing.UpdateIssue = 2714;//ak
Outgoing.ApplyEffects = 1085;//ak
Outgoing.ApplyCarryItem = 188;//ak
Outgoing.ObjectOnRoller = 398;//ak
Outgoing.DimmerData = 2408;//ak
Outgoing.OpenPostIt = 1027; //ak
Outgoing.UpdateFreezeLives = 861; //ak
Outgoing.WardrobeData = 724;//ak
Outgoing.HelpRequest = 1813;//ak
Outgoing.SerializeCompetitionWinners = 290;//ak
Outgoing.SetCommandsView = 2945;//ak
Outgoing.PetTrainPanel = 2603;//ak
Outgoing.LoadQuests = 1552;//ak
Outgoing.ActivateQuest = 357;//ak
Outgoing.QuitAlertQ = 1783;//ak
Outgoing.CompleteQuests = 1157;//ak
Outgoing.GetName = 1756;//ak
Outgoing.CheckName = 1559;//ak
Outgoing.ChangePublicName = 117;//ak
Outgoing.UpdateRoom = 681;//ak
Outgoing.CanSell = 3708;//ak
Outgoing.AddMarket = 1588;//ak
Outgoing.MySells = 1109;//ak
Outgoing.QuitMarket = 85;//ak
Outgoing.GetOffers = 3500;//ak
Outgoing.BuyItemMarket = 956;//ak
Outgoing.AddMarket2 = 3788;//ak
Outgoing.ListenPreviewSong = 1425;//ak
Outgoing.SerializeInvSongs = 1646;//ak
Outgoing.SerializeJukeSongs = 3530;//ak
Outgoing.PlayStopMusic = 1847;//ak

Outgoing.SendGuildParts = 1007;//ak
Outgoing.SendGuildElements = 1892;//ak
Outgoing.SendHtmlColors = 2840;//ak
Outgoing.SendRoomAndGroup = 1151;//ak
Outgoing.SendAdvGroupInit = 1137;//ak
Outgoing.SendGestionGroup = 3657;//ak
Outgoing.SendMembersAndPetitions = 2597;//ak
Outgoing.AddNewMember = 228; //ak ! was 0xFF
Outgoing.UpdatePetitionsGuild = 2263; //ak
Outgoing.SendGroup = 268;//ak
Outgoing.RemoveGuildFavorite = 1459;//ak

Outgoing.GetRankInGame = 3279; //ak
Outgoing.CreateWar = 107; //ak
Outgoing.AddToNewGame = 3176; //ak
Outgoing.LeaveGame = 435; //ak
Outgoing.StartCounter = 1924; //ak ---- a.k.a. Game2StartCounterMessageEvent
Outgoing.SetStep1 = 1864; //ak ---- a.k.a. Game2GameStartedMessageEvent
Outgoing.Game2EnterArenaMessageEvent = 1864; //ak
Outgoing.Game2ArenaEnteredMessageEvent = 133; //ak
Outgoing.Game2StageStillLoadingMessageEvent = 1554; //ak
Outgoing.Game2StageLoadMessageEvent = 3026; //ak
Outgoing.Game2StageStartingMessageEvent = 679; //ak
Outgoing.Game2GameChatFromPlayerMessageEvent = 2032; //ak
Outgoing.Game2StageRunningMessageEvent = 2598; //ak
Outgoing.Game2PlayerExitedGameArenaMessageEvent = 3387; //ak
Outgoing.Game2GameStatusMessageEvent = 1527; //ak

Outgoing.BotInventory = 2644; //ak
Outgoing.SendBannerMessageComposer = 1828; //ak
Outgoing.SecretKeyComposer = 292; //ak
Outgoing.AuthenticationOK = 2136; //ak
Outgoing.ActivityPoints = 55; //ak
Outgoing.CreditsBalance = 661; //ak
Outgoing.UniqueID = 1450; //ak
Outgoing.HabboInfomation = 3651; //ak
Outgoing.SendPurchaseAlert = 469; //ak
Outgoing.FlatCats = 3583; //ak

Updated packets woul be awesome!:blushing:
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
Try finding out what kind of error you get. If you go to the error page, try:




And try finding out what the error description is. Probably either the banner or a packet. Good luck.
Skilled Illusionist
Jul 4, 2009
Reaction score
I got this:

Clide - Habbo.SWF [RELEASE63-201402061119-236986268] [RC4 Patched] - RaGEZONE Forums

Try finding out what kind of error you get. If you go to the error page, try:




And try finding out what the error description is. Probably either the banner or a packet. Good luck.

array(17) { ["sent_msg_time"]=> string(13) "1391876395326" ["host"]=> string(13) "" ["port"]=> string(4) "2063" ["flash_version"]=> string(13) "WIN 12,0,0,44" ["agent"]=> string(109) "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/32.0.1700.107 Safari/537.36" ["start_time"]=> string(13) "1391876391069" ["crash_time"]=> string(13) "1391876395364" ["system"]=> string(227) "A=t&SA=t&SV=t&EV=t&MP3=t&AE=t&VE=t&ACC=t&PR=t&SP=f&SB=f&DEB=f&V=WIN%2012%2C0%2C0%2C44&M=Google%20Pepper&R=1920x1080&COL=color&AR=1.0&OS=Windows%208&ARCH=x86&L=nl&IME=t&PR32=t&PR64=f&PT=PlugIn&AVD=f&LFD=f&WD=f&TLS=t&ML=5.1&DP=72" ["avg_update"]=> string(2) "66" ["last_room"]=> string(1) "0" ["debug"]=> string(350) "Parsing flasvars ** Host: ** Port: 2063 ** Library url hh_human_50_item.swf ** Library name hh_human_50_item ** Connected in 1273 ** Connected with 1 attempts ** 928,S:2404,S:58,S:1330,R:2508,R:2677,R:2753,R:3353,R:851,R:2542,R:2672,R:130,R:750,R:2624,R:1103,R:3330,R:1896,R:1817,R:1694,R:1817,S:505,S:3745,S:993 ** Memory usage: 581 MB" ["in_room"]=> string(5) "false" ["error_ctx"]=> string(11) "11000000000" ["error_desc"]=> string(51) "Failed to parse incoming message using _-0J5::_-3yj" ["is_fatal"]=> string(4) "true" ["error_cat"]=> string(4) "2030" ["rece_msg_time"]=> string(13) "1391876394822" }
Last edited:
Skilled Illusionist
Jul 4, 2009
Reaction score
LOL... that's a wrong packet. I thought your emulator you was going to sell JORDY was so awesome but you can't even work with packets.
Try checking the structure.

Jup Ivan always update the packets. I try the packets in this topic. And they not wrking
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
Jup Ivan always update the packets. I try the packets in this topic. And they not wrking

Then I suggest you make a .com account, use NovoFatum, log packets and just change headers. If you practice, it'll work.
You probably can find a lot in the AS3 file. Just find out what header gives the error (by searching by class) and find the structure in the logs. Probably missing an int/bool or something.
Skilled Illusionist
Jul 4, 2009
Reaction score
Then I suggest you make a .com account, use NovoFatum, log packets and just change headers. If you practice, it'll work.
You probably can find a lot in the AS3 file. Just find out what header gives the error (by searching by class) and find the structure in the logs. Probably missing an int/bool or something.

OKay thanks
Experienced Elementalist
Jun 7, 2012
Reaction score
Is there a special variable for the new UI it doesnt load by me i get a left side menu.. and not a menu in the frendsbar...... (or a packet...)
Skilled Illusionist
Mar 26, 2013
Reaction score
I think it will never be used, because Sulake is not stupid. Is used by Habbo dev for packetlog without using Man in the middle attack.
Ragezone Furni Releaser
Dec 2, 2012
Reaction score
My emulator is almost done.
Maby i release it tomorow.
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