An Example
# Since I've had enough of the complaints, Im not doing an install script. #
# Just fill this out and all is well. #
# And yes, the configuration is a little different... # #############################################################################
/* Database Configuration */
$db['host'] = 'localhost'; // Database Host
$db['user'] = 'root'; // Database User
$db['pass'] = '***'; // Database Pass
$db['name'] = 'rosen_beta'; // Database Name
/* End Database Configuration */
/* Site / Server Configuration */
$serv['title'] = '*Hispa-Rose* '; // Server "Name"
$serv['exp'] = '10x'; // Server Exp Rate
$serv['drop'] = '25x'; // Server Drop Rate
$serv['admin'] = 'Gaudi'; // Adminstrators Name
$serv['dev'] = 'Gaudi'; // Head Developer
$serv['gmh'] = 'Gaudi'; // Head GameMasters
/* End Site / Server Configuration */