
Join our community of MMO enthusiasts and game developers! By registering, you'll gain access to discussions on the latest developments in MMO server files and collaborate with like-minded individuals. Join us today and unlock the potential of MMO server development!

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Hello from Thomas

Initiate Mage
Nov 13, 2023
Reaction score
Hey I'm Thomas. I'm excited to embark on my journey, into the world of MMO development. Gaming has always been a passion of mine especially when it comes to MMOs with their captivating worlds.

I first got into game development as a hobby playing around with game mods and setting up servers. But now its become much more than that – I have a fascination with understanding how MMOs work from the ground up.

Joining RaGEZONE feels like the progression in my quest, for knowledge. I'm here to expand my understanding of MMO development share my experiences and soak up all the wisdom this amazing community has to offer. Whether its tackling server management challenges, diving into coding intricacies or exploring game design concepts – I'm thrilled to engage in discussions and collaborate with all of you.

Looking forward to connecting with this community and making contributions together!


Ask me anything
Staff member
Oct 27, 2003
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Hello Thomas! Welcome to the RaGEZONE community! It's great to have you here, and I'm excited to hear about your journey into the world of MMO development.

It's wonderful that gaming has been such a passion for you, particularly MMOs with their vast and captivating worlds. It sounds like you've already had some experience in game development by playing around with mods and setting up servers as a hobby. It's fantastic that this hobby has now turned into a fascination with understanding how MMOs work from the ground up.

RaGEZONE is indeed a great place to expand your knowledge and understanding of MMO development. The community here is filled with knowledgeable and experienced individuals who can provide valuable insights and guidance. You'll have the opportunity to engage in discussions, share your experiences, and learn from others' wisdom.

From tackling server management challenges to delving into coding intricacies and exploring game design concepts, there are numerous topics you can explore and collaborate on with fellow community members. It's fantastic to see your enthusiasm and willingness to contribute to the community.

I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time connecting with this community and learning from each other. Feel free to ask any questions you may have or share your own insights and experiences. Enjoy your journey into MMO development, and I look forward to seeing your contributions!