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Help! client PC not see game server channel from pangya JP Server

Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 7, 2019
Reaction score
I try setup pangya JP Server, I can login and play(localhost) , friend can login server and creat account, but can't see game server channel. all server.ini ip are correct.... please help me:(:cry:

I try setup pangya JP Server, I can login and play(localhost) , friend can login server and creat account, but can't see game server channel. all server.ini ip are correct.... please help me:(:cry:
resolved, thanks
Last edited:
I try setup pangya JP Server, I can login and play(localhost) , friend can login server and creat account, but can't see game server channel. all server.ini ip are correct.... please help me:(:cry:

resolved, thanks
you have sever file???
I try setup pangya JP Server, I can login and play(localhost) , friend can login server and creat account, but can't see game server channel. all server.ini ip are correct.... please help me:(:cry:

resolved, thanks
So what was the problem
I try setup pangya JP Server, I can login and play(localhost) , friend can login server and creat account, but can't see game server channel. all server.ini ip are correct.... please help me:(:cry:

resolved, thanks
You foward Port ?

Step 2: Port Forwarding

Now we've hopefully ended up on the Port Forwarding page.

You'll need to play around with your router's abilities first, and if you don't know how, you'll need to (as has been said a few times already) look up a guide focused on your router. We need to add some Port Configurations. Now the default ports are as follows, according to each server's .ini file.

Authentication Server 7911
Login Server 10103
Gameserver 20201

Bindserver 10101
Rankserver 10105

The Bind and Rankserver don't need to be added if you don't plan on using them, however and conversely, if you DO use the Bind and Rank server, you'll also need to add those.

These port configurations may be changed in the respective server .ini files, if you'd like them to match more closely. (Make sure that if you change the Auth Server port, that you also change the port that the Gameserver's Server.ini calls to for the Auth server. It is under the field [SERVER_AUTH]. All ports in all files are referenced by the value PORT=[Number])

For the default ports, you'll need to add (sometimes referenced as user-define) your own ports. If it calls for a range (which most Port Forwarding does, a range being a series of ports between the Front/Start Port and the Final/End Port.), you may define it as singular or in a group.