[help] Commands for Admin server!

/item ID X X X X X
/level XXX
/prof X XX

maybe we can give some expamples to make it easier? :p

-lets say u want everybody to know ur online u say:
/GM im online!

-lets say u want a 2 socket superthunder ring +9 with 225 hp enchanted and -9% then u type:
/Thunder 7 2 9 9 225
in wich Thunder stands for the item name,7 stands for super but u can go from 1 to 7 of wich 1 is normal and 7 is super,the 2 is for the number of sockets,9 is for the +#, the next 9 is for -9% and the 225 is for the enchanted hp

-now u want lvl 130 so u say:
/level 130

-u will also want profiancy for a club so:
/wskill club 20
never go above 20 or conquer will act weird

-now u will want to go to twin city to u enter:
/scroll tc
u can replace tc with any other city like pc,dc,ma(market),bi,...

-and if u want to save ur character into the database u type:
do this before logging

if its not completly clear check out this link ;)
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