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{!!HELP!!} common problem

Newbie Spellweaver
Oct 30, 2013
Reaction score
zilexseryth@ubuntu:~$ cd game
zilexseryth@ubuntu:~/game$ ./game_server
ERRRRRRRRRRROR: cpu frequency too BIG :)
[05:27:22 INFO] Base initialized.
[05:27:22 INFO] net device startup ok
[05:27:22 INFO] FDSetSize = 1024
[05:27:22 INFO] Version = 110
[05:27:22 INFO] SendBufferSize = 16384
[05:27:22 INFO] RecvBufferSize = 87380
[05:27:26 ERRO] no sn 1.
[05:27:26 INFO] Connected to the db server successfully.
[05:27:26 INFO] Connected to the db server successfully.
[05:27:26 INFO] Connected to the db server successfully.
[05:27:26 INFO] Connected to the login server successfully.
[05:27:33 INFO] Register SUCCEEDED
[05:27:33 INFO] PK is ENABLED
[05:28:15 WARN] 'banned_only_name.csv' line 28 is EMPTY!
[05:28:15 WARN] 'banned_chat_and_name.csv' line 54 is EMPTY!
[05:28:15 WARN] 'banned_chat_and_name.csv' line 56 is EMPTY!
[05:28:15 WARN] 'banned_chat_and_name.csv' line 222 is EMPTY!
[05:28:15 WARN] 'banned_chat_and_name.csv' line 223 is EMPTY!
[05:28:27 WARN] NpcAreaMgr::LoadTable local\common\table/npc_assign.csv: Line=121, Type=random, NpcID=0
[05:28:27 WARN] NpcAreaMgr::LoadTable local\common\table/npc_assign.csv: Line=121, Type=random, NpcID=0
[05:28:27 WARN] NpcAreaMgr::LoadTable local\common\table/npc_assign.csv: Line=121, Type=random, NpcID=0
[05:28:27 WARN] NpcAreaMgr::LoadTable local\common\table/npc_assign.csv: Line=121, Type=random, NpcID=0
[05:28:27 WARN] NpcAreaMgr::LoadTable local\common\table/npc_assign.csv: Line=121, Type=random, NpcID=0
[05:28:27 WARN] NpcAreaMgr::LoadTable local\common\table/npc_assign.csv: Line=121, Type=random, NpcID=0
[05:28:27 WARN] NpcAreaMgr::LoadTable local\common\table/npc_assign.csv: Line=121, Type=random, NpcID=0
[05:28:27 WARN] NpcAreaMgr::LoadTable local\common\table/npc_assign.csv: Line=121, Type=random, NpcID=0
[05:28:28 ERRO] CGameSystemBusinessSvr::LoadPointShopTables : request file [local/server/mars/point_shop_type.csv]
[05:28:28 INFO] Game System [business] Init Failed
[05:28:28 INFO] AI Manger �˳�, 0��AI���
Newbie Spellweaver
Oct 30, 2013
Reaction score
how can i fix this? what should i do? what should make? .....thanks for the reply

i think this the problem(this is from the data.evp in client side)

Name = "Client"

MemBreak = 0
LeakBreak = false
DumpMemLeak = false

DefaultCodePage = "@>local/local_and_language.ini:language:pagecode:0"

Console = false
File = false
MultiFile = true

Window = "local,EvWindowMgr"
Graph = "local,EvGraph"
Audio = "local,EvSound"
Music = "local,EvMusic"
Actor = "local,EvEngineActor"
Net = "local,EV_NetDeviceStd"
Script = "local,EvScriptMgr"
Ui = "local,EvUi"
Scene = "local,CPresentSceneMgr"

IsDynamic = false
DynamicLib = "window_MDD.dll"
CreateFunc = "CreateWndWin32"
ClassName = "EvWin32Window"
CreateWnd = "window.main"

Title = "Game"
x = 0
y = 0
w = 640
h = 480
DoubleClick = false

IsDynamic = false
DynamicLib = "device_dx8.dll"
CreateFunc = "CreateDevice8"
ClassName = "EvgDeviceD3D8"
AutoCreate = true
Framework = "CGameClientFrame"

path1 = "scene/texture"
path2 = "model2/texture"
path3 = "model/texture"
path4 = "ui/textures"
path5 = "scene/ortex"
path6 = "ui/tex_high"
path7 = "."

Driver = "Ev" ; Ev / GdiPlus (GdiPlus is NOT valid yet)
Path = "ui/" ; UiÎļþµÄ´æ·ÅĿ¼(ĬÈÏΪ"ui/")
ThemePath = "ui/themes/" ; UiÖ÷ÌâµÄ´æ·ÅĿ¼(ĬÈÏΪ"ui/themes/")
StartFile = "ui/ui.xml" ; UiÆðʼÎļþ(ĬÈÏΪ"ui.xml")
Debug = false
LanguageFile = "local/local_and_language.ini"
Font = "def"

language = "lua"
log = true
Upvote 0
Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 27, 2011
Reaction score
That is not really the only file, if you check your server evp all files in your local folder should match the one in client so you need to check those files.
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Newbie Spellweaver
Oct 30, 2013
Reaction score
That is not really the only file, if you check your server evp all files in your local folder should match the one in client so you need to check those files.
yup i did .... i even make my own game_server.evp and still nothing happens
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