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[Help]Connecting to server

Initiate Mage
Sep 7, 2006
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When im trying to logon to my server i type in my account and password and then it says Connecting to account server ... Please wait and it stays like that for ages and doesnt logon ive tried disabling my firewall etc but i still cant seem to log on.
hmm dunno.... did u check ip's from config and from the db tables>servers ?

ore maybe it's from server.dat

The server knows that im trying to connect so i dont think theres anything wrong with that but i have the same problem trying to connect to a pserver called COWS so i take it that it must be my computer somehow
I gues i know why i got same problem then i tryed log in in my server like normal player not like admin just go to pg admin to account table and put 8 in Flags in 4
dam dude im stuck in the same place lol now i cant log in and i havent changed any ports or anything lol

EDIT: guys when u select were to listen i just put my ip in ipconfig- and in the server.dat and now i can log in , but now i got to see what comes next , good luck hope ypu can get it
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hmm ok go to config. on ur qonquer clinet and change ip to localhost
go to the server.dat and go and change ip to ur global u can check it on whatmyip
go to pg admin and and go to server and open it and change ip to lcoalhost hopes that help
lawl your problem is from Config.ini in the server's folder. All IPs in there should be your global IP if you run without a router. If you do run with a router, forward ports 9958 and 5816.