[Help]EP4 skills

Newbie Spellweaver
Oct 11, 2009
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Hi there,

I have few questions about EP4 skills with EP3 database. I am trying to implement them to my server. Skills like WindSpin etc. are easy to fix. Few changes in database and I can spin with spear, but Deadly Shock is troublesome. I went through Skills.SData, found the long Hex chain and figured out most of the values, added the skill to database - easy to do since Hex value has lvl and db skillID - but it won't work.

So here are my question.

- does anyone know what all the Hex values mean? I am using chinese data.saf editor and the Hex values I refer to I took by opening Skills.SData with it.
- do some of the values refer to another table? I couldn't find some of them in the database, however it's old EP3 one from tutorial so I don't know.
- does it require additional changes to the server files? I am using Evo client so I guess it's something with the database or my files.
- What is the SkillLevel=100 thingie below each skill? I thought it's irrelevant but there are values in it, so it must be important.
- Is there a file with list of all the effects? I looked but couldn't find it.
- how strong does the game relly on database for configuration? I'm a bit confused with it. Some things like NPC's are dependant on server NPC.SData, others like skills depend more on database.

If you could answer the questions or point me to the right topic I'd be gratefull.

Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 29, 2009
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Re: EP4 skills

Well i can only answer some questions. Iam using ep3 client but have ep4 skills and the only thing u need to fix it find ep4 skill name and make new table in database. Then its will work. You can download client from my server then change some stuffs if u want then make table. You can ask me if u need help with make new table for skils :). I will help
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Newbie Spellweaver
Oct 11, 2009
Reaction score
Re: EP4 skills

Well i can only answer some questions. Iam using ep3 client but have ep4 skills and the only thing u need to fix it find ep4 skill name and make new table in database. Then its will work. You can download client from my server then change some stuffs if u want then make table. You can ask me if u need help with make new table for skils :). I will help

You mean like .... make new table PS_GameDefs.dbo.SkillsEP4 and put it in there or make new record in PS_GameDefs.dbo.Skills?
Newbie Spellweaver
Oct 11, 2009
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Re: EP4 skills

I was lucky someone posted Shaiya server with EP4 DB's. All skill are working now.