[help] Error L2J 

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Single you must execute: RegisterGameServer.bat and to put of Server I number 0. Copies the File hexid (server 0) you change the name hexid and it to him copies in: C:\Server\gameserver\config. Configurations of the ready Gameserver and.
Deam ERORR again :'(

thx man i have fix it :D

But now i have other question i download the ezeral datapack, install the data base all right perfect no problem but i run the server and is like the official l2 there nothing, isummon the GK and the buffer but check the picture y have upload

my question is, in the server folder there is a folder it says sql with som txt files, do i haveto put thath txt files in any place or just leaveit there?? :S:S

Sorry i`m noob i know:'(


  • 1 - [help] Error - RaGEZONE Forums
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thx man i have fix it :D

But now i have other question i download the ezeral datapack, install the data base all right perfect no problem but i run the server and is like the official l2 there nothing, isummon the GK and the buffer but check the picture y have upload

my question is, in the server folder there is a folder it says sql with som txt files, do i haveto put thath txt files in any place or just leaveit there?? :S:S

Sorry i`m noob i know:'(

For gatekeeper you must put the teleports folder in gameserver/data/html/teleporter The same for gm shop and buffer.I forgot to add the optionals so take the files from hero1711 Sorry
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