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[Help]F10 Macro Vb Error

Elite Diviner
Oct 10, 2005
Reaction score
Coded Visual Basic 6...
link to project Files (MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service)

Problem :
This Porgram is an automated Macro Type app.
What it will do it Use specific HotKey shortcuts in lineage 2.
Ie: it will spam F12 every 13 sec to use an Hp potion.
So far F1 ->F9 and F11->F12 work.

F10 Insted of usin F10 will activate or "press" NumLock.
The code is Very Simple.
Private Sub Timer22_Timer()
If CheckBox10.Value = True Then
If Label22.Caption = Label10.Caption Then
SendKeys "{F10}"
Label22.Caption = 0
End If
End If
End Sub
Basic thing i did was just use simple Code to do something easy.
Entire program took like 20 min to make..... even with cheap "paint" graphics ^^.
"SendKeys "{F10}"" so why this no work

I know there was a Problem relating to Visual Basic 6 SendKeys function,
I Downloaded the Service pack but -_- it wont install and just gives me Errors.
If this is not Fixable how would i go about using the "10" key as putting 10 i thnk will make it press 1 0 as a statement.
ANy Help would be cool.... u can use the code (what part of it works ) if u like for ur own purposes.

I Made a Temporary Fix... just now
SendKeys "{NUMLOCK}"
SendKeys "{F10}"
SendKeys "{NUMLOCK}"
But this only works if NumLock is On the OFF state Prior to Execution....
I would like a more Efficient Fix...
as if NumLock is on it will spam on keyboar NumLock LED and i dont like that ^^...

Actualy SendKeys "{NUMLOCK}"
SendKeys "{F10}"
SendKeys "{NUMLOCK}" doesnt work just tested....
It doesnt Hit F10
^^ Vb is...
But I suck with Gui in c++ for now... so. =/
Hey VB can't be all bad... it let me do that in 20 min.... ^^..

Personaly i like Vb for small stupid apps like this.
It is a Vb issue.... who cares i just disabled F10 and moved Cp potion to the left of Ultimate Evasion ^^... My Tempo Fix... till i sort this garbage out... i might try to re-do the entire thing with in a Dif language....... for kicks.
But all in all its working fine now... even added a few minimization options and stuff.

My cousin was like Wtf!!! i cant click potions spaztic like u Lmaof ^^.
i wish the server i played on let us spam cp points to regen instant
i would just be imortal then... lol