[Help]Help convert ANSI English to vietnamese locale PC1258 in game

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Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 5, 2007
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:( hello everybody i can convert language English to Vietnamese, do you help me thanks you verry much :handsdown:

English ( English ) Convert Vietnam ( Việt Nam ) :(

1. hook file .dll in soul.exe
2. typing vietnamese locale PC1258 in game.
3. full english in the game, Vietnam vietnamese locale PC1258 ( Việt Nam)

Thanks you.
Re: Help convert ANSI English to vietnamese locale PC1258 in game

thank you for your help, you are looking to capitalize in the game and you can sign help you convert file StrRes.ini in the client be successful Vietnamese language without fault.

I want english language be converted into VIETNAM language as in the picture you can help me.

vithanhlam - [Help]Help convert ANSI English to vietnamese locale PC1258 in game - RaGEZONE Forums
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