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[Help] How to save resources? L2J 

Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
Hello everyone.

I have a problem to deal with, so I am going to start with my plans:

I have a latest revision of L2jfree, I am really satisfied with stability and etc.
At the moment it is running on my personal computer with all mobs, all features, no lag and so on.
However, I am planning to move it to the VPS (virtual private server), but here the problem reveals - RAM is OMG heavily taxed...

My L2jfree emulator serves only a small group of local people, so all they need in PvP server: one normal place to gather, a bunch of different level mobs, a bunch of NPCs. That's it!
So for now, I would like to cut other out-of-use stuff out of my emulator, but I don't actually have experience with that..

That's why, I hope, that some more experianced people can give me a few pieces of advice HOW-TO :) I don't know, if all of these things are possible, though:
1. Remove spawns of ordinary mobs, NPCs (just removing "spawnlist" MySQL table, right?).
2. Remove spawns of raid bosses, epic bosses.
3. Remove quests from cache or wherever they can consume RAM.
4. Prevent ordinary NPCs' .htm files from consuming RAM.
5. Auto-remove items from the ground (some kind of cron-jobs, right?).
6. Cut the non-used geodata out (don't have a clue, if it's possible).
7. Disable the castle sieges.
8. Disable the four sepulchers thing.
9. Disable 7 signs periods.
10. Disable manor system.
11. Disable auction system.
..and maybe you know other things which are not needed in high rates server?

Your patience with advising would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you, guys.
Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 16, 2008
Reaction score
look the class GameServer.java

Is the first to run and you have to edit your way to load or not the objects you want
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Elite Diviner
Dec 23, 2006
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As Melvyn say look gameserver.java at l2jfree source.Remove the objects that you dont want to load.For spawns and ect,your db is the right place for it.If you have installed a db and you want to keep accounts and ect just make a sql script with Param 'DELETE FROM'and ect
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