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[Help] Login Failed, Please Try Again Later

Junior Spellweaver
Oct 11, 2013
Reaction score
Behind you
Ok, so I followed the tutorial for the new Community Edition, I opened the launcher then clicked on register, i created my account then when I click Login i get "Login Failed, Please Try Again Later"


--- Log started at Fri Jun 13 14:19:40 2014

000000.018| cmd: 6
000000.018| 1: 66304 34010 0
000000.018| 2: 0 2 100 0 1 1 0
000000.018| 3:
000000.019| 4: UmFHRVpPTkU=
000000.019| 5: 0
000000.020| gameId: 10300, port: 34010
000000.020| MMapGameInfo_s at 01F40000
000000.022| Changing log to logss\GS_10000049b4a5c.txt
000026.276| WO_API: returned http405
000026.288| WO_API: returned http405
000026.288| Login FAILED, code: 8
000027.031| WO_API: returned http405
000027.031| Login FAILED, code: 8
000028.824| Requested to stop, 0 files in queue
000028.825| CUpdater::Stop()
Last edited by a moderator:
Re: @DNC Login Failed, Please Try Again Later

Well, i can't even publish the site using Visual Studio 2008, I get that error, here is a bigger version of the picture
MrCrazyDude115 - [Help] Login Failed, Please Try Again Later - RaGEZONE Forums

好了,我什至不能发布使用Visual Studio 2008的网站,我得到这个错误,这里是图片的更大版本
MrCrazyDude115 - [Help] Login Failed, Please Try Again Later - RaGEZONE Forums
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Re: @DNC Login Failed, Please Try Again Later

Have you looked at the code on lines 11 and 12?
It'd tell you whats wrong bro. :0)

You edited the file and changed:
Lines 11 - 12 from
static string DB_PATH = null;
static string LIC_PATH = null;

To what?
Do not edit this file.

Put in "Code block" [ code ] and [ / code ]
Your full WZ\src\Scripts\WZBackend-ASP.NET\Site\App_Code\IPLocationCheck.cs
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Re: @DNC Login Failed, Please Try Again Later

Ok I found out what the problem is, it says Access is Denied, but the weird thing is that I am an Administrator on my computer, and the only user, so how can I give myself permission?
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Re: @DNC Login Failed, Please Try Again Later

Directly from Visual Studio 2008:

------ Build started: Project: E:\...\Site\, Configuration: Debug Any CPU ------
Pre-compiling Web Site

Building directory '/Site/App_Code/'.
Building directory '/Site/Web/'.
Building directory '/Site/'.
E:\WZ\src\Scripts\WZBackend-ASP.NET\Site\App_Code\IPLocationCheck.cs(11,19): warning CS0414: The private field 'IPLocationCheck.DB_PATH' is assigned but its value is never used
E:\WZ\src\Scripts\WZBackend-ASP.NET\Site\App_Code\IPLocationCheck.cs(12,19): warning CS0414: The private field 'IPLocationCheck.LIC_PATH' is assigned but its value is never used
Pre-compilation Complete
------ Publish started: Project: E:\...\Site\, Configuration: Debug Any CPU ------
Connecting to site C:\inetpub\wwwroot\api...
Publishing directory /...
Unable to add folder 'App_Data' to the Web site. Cannot create folder 'App_Data'. Access is denied.

Error: Unable to add folder 'App_Data' to the Web site. Cannot create folder 'App_Data'. Access is denied.

========== Build: 1 succeeded or up-to-date, 0 failed, 0 skipped ==========
========== Publish: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 skipped ==========
Upvote 0
Re: @DNC Login Failed, Please Try Again Later

Did I not ask you to post the FULL IPLocationCheck.cs in a code block?
Post it please.

You modified something, it doesn't like it.
It is going to match DB and LIC paths, file names, or locations.

In fact Delete the entire Scripts folder and re-extract it.

the web.config and the dbinfo.inc.php
Notta, nothing, do not touch/edit/modify anything else
Upvote 0
Re: @DNC Login Failed, Please Try Again Later

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Web;
using System.Configuration;

/// <summary>
/// Summary description for IPLocationCheck
/// </summary>
public class IPLocationCheck
static string DB_PATH = null;
static string LIC_PATH = null;

static public string GetCountryCode(string strIPAddress)
//if (DB_PATH == null)
// string path = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/App_Data");
// DB_PATH = path + "/IP-COUNTRY.BIN";
// LIC_PATH = path + "/License.key";

//IP2Location.IPResult oIPResult = new IP2Location.IPResult();
//IP2Location.Component oIP2Location = new IP2Location.Component();
// //Set Database Paths
// oIP2Location.IPDatabasePath = DB_PATH;
// oIP2Location.IPLicensePath = LIC_PATH;

// oIPResult = oIP2Location.IPQuery(strIPAddress);
// switch (oIPResult.Status.ToString())
// {
// case "OK":
// return oIPResult.CountryShort;
// default:
// return null;
// }
//catch (Exception ex)
// throw new ApiExitException(ex.Message);
// oIPResult = null;
// oIP2Location = null;
return null;

//static public bool IsRegionLocked(string strIpAddress, int CustomerID)
// if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("WO_Region") == "RU")
// return false;

// // exclude IP from checks
// if (strIpAddress.StartsWith("31.25.224.")) // Syncopate servers
// return false;
// else if (strIpAddress == "")
// return false;
// else if (strIpAddress == "") // Syncopate office
// return false;

// // exclude users
// if (CustomerID == 1282052887 || // denis
// CustomerID == 1288049460 ) // rmarchenko
// return false;

// string code = GetCountryCode(strIpAddress);
// switch (code)
// {
// case "UA": //UKRAINE
// case "RU": //RUSSIA
// case "BY": //BELARUS
// case "KZ": //KAZAKHSTAN
// return true;
// default:
// return false;
// }

Here it is, and I don't think I changed anything
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Re: @DNC Login Failed, Please Try Again Later

You've modified a file that references this file. :-/
Okay, impossible to guess without seeing every file from this end.
You need to follow the second half of my directions.

In fact Delete the entire Scripts folder and re-extract it.

the web.config and the dbinfo.inc.php
Notta, nothing, do not touch/edit/modify anything else
Upvote 0
Re: @DNC Login Failed, Please Try Again Later

download src again uncheck Read-only all and rebuild all
Upvote 0
Re: @DNC Login Failed, Please Try Again Later

Turn off UAC
Make sure you have ownership of E:\inetpub\wwwroot and all subfolders as an Administrator
When you create the code login as Administrator.
Or that 'your personal" account has Full Access like an Admin to the entire E:\intepub\wwwroot and subfolders.

That is your issue.
Upvote 0
Re: @DNC Login Failed, Please Try Again Later

Turn off UAC
Make sure you have ownership of E:\inetpub\wwwroot and all subfolders as an Administrator
When you create the code login as Administrator.
Or that 'your personal" account has Full Access like an Admin to the entire E:\intepub\wwwroot and subfolders.

Still not working, Access is denied, I am using Windows 8 if that changes anything
Upvote 0
ok...... so this time, I got a slightly different looking error:

000000.041| arg0 WZ_GameServer.exe
000000.042| arg1 65792 34010 0
000000.042| arg2 0 2 100 0 1 1 0
000000.042| arg3
000000.042| arg4 UmFHRVpPTkU=
000000.042| arg5 0
000000.042| Name = RaGEZONE
000000.042| ------- **** Official Server **** -------
000000.042| r3dFS: there is no volume file wo_00.bin
000000.042| Connecting to master server at
000000.042| r3dNetwork: Creating client
000000.080| IP:
000000.080| IP:
000000.080| r3dNetwork: connecting to
000000.080| waiting: connecting, 10.0 sec left
000000.100| r3dNetwork: external ip:
000000.100| Game: Initializing with 100 players
000000.101| Server time is Wed Nov 14 00:51:54 2029
000000.101| CAsyncApiMgr starting
000000.102| Starting server on port 34010
000000.102| r3dNetwork: Creating host at port 34010
000000.117| IP:
000000.118| IP:
000000.132| Getting shop data
000000.307| WO_API: returned http405
000000.307| GetShopData FAILED, code: 8
000000.308| Reading game rewards
000000.318| WO_API: returned http405
000000.318| ApiGetDataGameRewards FAILED, code: 8
000000.319| !!! ERROR: failed to get game rewards
000000.319| !!! crashed
000000.319| Creating minidump at logss\GS_1000004d003c7.dmp
000000.459| Minidump created.

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