Help me

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Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 30, 2007
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Iam unaable to run LoginAgent. everytime i run it, it gets hang.

One more thing: when i run the game a3 iam not able to connect to the server, i enter my id and password but nothing happen.
please help me,
i searched the forums but i didnt understood ,

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Can anyone tell me the requirements to run a server on ur own pc(i mean not on lan or wan, i want to play on my own pc).
Hehe not true my spare pc has only 512 of RAM and it still can run a fully operational server. Doesn't lag too.

However like insane said, the recommended is 1 gb for a smooth operation.

If you lag ram, note that starting the Zoneserver to early before the mainserver and accountserver has the chance to connect will result in zoneserver failing to connect.
iam using pagefile of 6000 mb but i have only 128 mb ram ( i think thts the problem).
Somewhere in the forum i found another LoginAgent file uploaded by someone, now when i am using it LoginAgent does not fail , i start LoginAgent at the first and then the others (by the order)in 5 mins break. but when i run Zone server it says "Game Init Fail",
Somewhere in the forum i rad that this error comes becuase of wrong ODBC entries, i checked it many times but then also that error was present.
Kindly help me reagarding this.
One more thing , sometime back i got an error regarding that
a3serial and that very long password , then i did as said in the forums ,i think its deleting the previous entry, or something like that.
but that error is still present(may be this is the responsible one for zone server error), please give ur views regarding this too.
I post here the screenshot of the error.

iamcool_mohit - Help me - RaGEZONE Forums

Ok now the link works.
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Refrain from making multiple threads in teh future.

Problem 1 : Get PetCount0 from teh forums and paste it in your A3Log folder. This will get your petcounter error solved.

Problem 2: Delete Agit Ownership table file from the A3 Log folder. This will solve your Agit Ownership error problem.

Problem 3: Get the 2.05 files and copy the tower files from that to your 2.02 folder. The last error is caused cause of the missing tower files.

As for the BattleServer error - download the PreTmChart file from the forums and paste it in your clan directory and your a3 log directory.

Thank You.
Iam very Sorry for multiple posts(actually they were my first post on this forums).Well thx for the solution but its would more helpful if u have been posted the links to get those files, anyways what u have done for me is more than enough, iam very very thankful to u.
You can use the ODBC posted by RaF71 but do not forget to change the "local" to your server name. Will always minimize complications coz the server name is exclusive to SQL where as Local is used by many other programs and often gets modified and will end in disfunction of the server.

Thank You.
Hey i searcherd the forums for petcount and preTmcharts but i didnt found them. pleae if u can paste the links to those files or upload those files , i'll be very thankfull to u.
Hey Sith Lord , the files posted by u didnt had petcount file, but it had pretmcharts , thanks fot that.

Now i have a new error, iam posting the screenshot.

iamcool_mohit - Help me - RaGEZONE Forums
ur a3serial login does not correct..... read more on this forum...
This is my A3Log , includes petcount and petcounter , maybe this help you.


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