
Junior Spellweaver
Jul 8, 2005
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In my room
i have been through just about every tutorial on c++ and i have even compiled some launchers for games, yet when it comes to emu development i am totally lost, if anyone could point me into some areas i might look as to where i can further my study into the emu dev i would appreciate it. Oh, and i would appreciate it if you guys wouldent say google it i am totally lost here..
It all depends on what your trying to emulate...
If your talking about emulating a game... good luck will take forever... go back to coding "Hello world" ^^...
its not that , i can search, i have searched, it may just be i havent looked in the right place, google is a good search engin, yet it gives a lot of crap too. this is my future carrear , not game dev. but programming in general and i wan to further my studies into this more. Thanks guys for your advice.
i want to work on a multi - task force , with c++ programmers, but the hardest thing to do is to understand code already been written, i want some one to help me understand stuff as well as add coustom stuff in it, i fear that if i join a c++ team such as L2Adena, that i wont be any help and i would be asking too many questions. thanks again . p.s i often find the the coding process is overwhelming at times, i made adjustments on Rose dev project, but could find no serious programmers to help, i found a forum community , but no serious ppl on it 1/2 the time, is it me , or is coding often this stressfull?
i want to work on a multi - task force , with c++ programmers
...and how do you expect to do that if you can't read the code?

No one can teach you how to read. You learn to read, by reading. Just like any other language (human or not).
Alright thanks, but should i work on L2Adena? or whats the most promonate emu dev right now that i could help with? because at the beginning i know that im not going to be the best at it and i want somthing i can help w/.
Good code is not only good code now, but also readable after 2 years by a completely different person.
...who knows the language well enough.

I consider comments like pictures in novels, once you truly learn the language they're just extra "advice" and commentary (no pun intended). In fact a good exercise to learning the language is to download some open-source software (the source code), strip out all the comments, and then try to figure out what the code is doing. With no English, it forces you to actually read and understand the code. Very effective.
...who knows the language well enough.

I consider comments like pictures in novels, once you truly learn the language they're just extra "advice" and commentary (no pun intended). In fact a good exercise to learning the language is to download some open-source software (the source code), strip out all the comments, and then try to figure out what the code is doing. With no English, it forces you to actually read and understand the code. Very effective.
Mm, interesting point, I concur that trying to figure out code by yourself can be useful, but if you are just starting with a language it will be less frustrating to have some guidance I think. Once you know what stuff basically does you can go figure it out without the comments, but for C/C++/C# that level of sophistication will take a while to achieve.

And as the old learning conundrum goes: 'tell me and I will forget. Show me and I will remember. Involve me and I will understand.' - rather then look at code I prefer to actually write code, get stuck, google for errors, write a bit more code, delete everything, start out anew, write some more code, get frustrated, work 15 hours on a single project then get it to work in the most horrible way possible and repeat the whole process the next day, though slightly better.. Give it enough time and you'll eventually master the language :icon6:
If you are trying to write an emulator, it will probably take a long time. For that reason you should consider using higher level languages such as Java or Python. Java was actually designed with networking in mind and multiple threads are easy to implement and python is quite good at it too.

Just start off sniffing packets with wireshark for a specific section of what you are trying to emulate, then try and work out whats going on with them and create an application that responds to the other user in the same way.
I don't mind helping you in the beginning, spending time now and getting a dev later is much better than coding now and never getting more devs :P.

There's even a guy helping me right now who doesn't speak English that well. The first time he subbmitted a patch i spent about 15-20 minuets (the code would have taken me 3m to write) teaching him how to use tortoise to do patches, and how to submit them to the project, but he has been getting better and may become a valuable resource in the future that saves me more than the time i spent now to teach him.

So as long as you're not completely dumb, just download the source and start looking at it (there isn't so much code yet that you would get lost), then find something that you think you can do and do it :).

I am always on the irc: #l2adena : if you need any help, just say my name and mIRC will bug me.

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