• Networking: The investigation is still on the way, we've switched to backup telecom carriers since the episode but we're still working in settling everything as it must be. We'll add more updates as we have them available. Incoming and outgoing emails will be restricted, and user registration has been disabled until the issue is resolved.

[Help] Sigsegv Error!

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Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 24, 2007
Reaction score
My server keeps getting a error every so long which says " Signal received: SIGSEGV, Server will be closed, Trying to save... "

I am not sure how to fix. Does anyone know what this may be?
Re: SIGSEGV Shutting my server down.

Here are just a FEW of the errors........

Could not execute query: Lost connection to MySQL server during query
Signal received: SIGSEGV, Server will be closed, Trying to save...
Query: INSERT INTO list_quest (owner,questid,nitems,active) VALUES (370,1003,'15|0|0|0|0',0)
Trying to reconnect to Mysql...
Reconnected to Mysql, Trying to do Query Again...

Could not execute query: Lost connection to MySQL server during query
Query: INSERT INTO list_quest (owner,questid,nitems,active) VALUES (374,902,'0|0|0|0|0',0)
Signal received: SIGSEGV, Server will be closed, Trying to save...
Trying to reconnect to Mysql...

Char server requested client kill
Signal received: SIGSEGV, Server will be closed, Trying to save...

Signal received: SIGSEGV, Server will be closed, Trying to save...
Could not execute query: Lost connection to MySQL server during query
Query: DELETE FROM items WHERE owner=657
Trying to reconnect to Mysql...
Reconnected to Mysql, Trying to do Query Again...

Could not execute query: Lost connection to MySQL server during query
Signal received: SIGSEGV, Server will be closed, Trying to save...
Query: INSERT INTO items (owner,itemnum,itemtype,refine,durability,lifespan,slotnum,count, stats,socketed,appraised,gem) VALUES(484,11,1,0,40,100,1,1,210,0,1,0)
Trying to reconnect to Mysql...
Reconnected to Mysql, Trying to do Query Again...

Signal received: SIGSEGV, Server will be closed, Trying to save...

These are just a few of the errors I am getting from sigsegv, there is a lot more, anyone knows what to do???
Re: SIGSEGV Shutting my server down.

It happens, Just remove Storage and whatever quest that is and it should fix the crashes.. Removing Storage NPC's helped alot on my server.
Re: Sigsegv Error!

I'm crazy, The server became like 100000000000x stabler when I removed 1 quest and all storage npc's.
I dunno ;P:velho:
Re: Sigsegv Error!

Lol, yes but while some one fixes it, if you want a stable server you have to do what ever it takes to have it.
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