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[Help] stun rates :S

Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 13, 2008
Reaction score
well, for what i've seen in this forum, ppl say that stun rate is on magic_type tables or magic table. Well, in my server the light staff rate is too high, so when i tried to change it i found the id of the magic in 3 tables: magic_type1, magic_type3 and magic.
in magic_type3 everything is 0 except directtype which is 1, first damage and attribute is 3, this number means that it has the light magic effect i think. so, in magic_type3 we can't find anything related to stun rates. Moving to magic_type1, there's nothing important, because for what i can see that's where we set the damage of a skill and not the rates of it and the only rate word appears on the HitRate collumn, and the value is 100 so i really doubt that that's the place that i need to change because the light staff atack isn't 100% stun rate. In the magic table i've found sucessrate but once again it is 100% and i think that that's the sucess rate of using a skill, and not of his 2nd effect. If anyone doesn't mind to say what's the right place where i can change it i appreciate.
Junior Spellweaver
May 31, 2008
Reaction score
yea i've been tryin to do this also and tryin to get scream to have a better success rate anyone know ?
Experienced Elementalist
Jan 3, 2008
Reaction score
I don't think you can change rate. I would suggest making lightning weaker. Meaning, if it's set to like -1200 for FirstDamage in MAGIC_TYPE3, change to like -1000 or something.
Experienced Elementalist
Aug 18, 2007
Reaction score
As omega said, the Rates cannot be changed..

They are based on Class and Resistances and is hard coded into Ebenzer.

Changing the Sucess rate in the Magic files only changes the rate on which the skill can fail whilst your being hit back!