[Help] Weird problem with HexID L2J 

Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 29, 2005
Reaction score
I run the RegisterGameServer.bat it loads up... I type "0" for Bartz.. get into the game.. and I see 3 servers listed up.. and only 1 is online : Lionna.. like wtf ??

Here's an image of my RegisterGameServer.bat window:
rtcw21 - [Help] Weird problem with HexID - RaGEZONE Forums

I just want it to list only 1 server.. and so it would be bartz
Empty your Gameserver table in the database that clears all the servers, and then register your server again by using RegisterGameServer.bat if all goes well you should only have 1 server (dont forget to copy hexid.txt to your gameserver/config map)
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Oh thx... it works..

And 1 more question:
When I log in to the game a Chat window pops-out.. there's written "Your info here" ... where can I change that ?
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Hmm, I've changed the Welcome.htm ... added: "Welcome" but when I log into the game it says: HTML Was too long !
in console you can see the same thing with "This will crash your client"
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