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[Help] Where do I start?

Initiate Mage
Jul 6, 2014
Reaction score
Good morning/afternoon/evening,

Well, I hope you have patience and help me with a BIG question I have. I greatly appreciate those who respond.

1- I want to create my server, but what is the best way to hospedalo? Hosting, Domain or VPS that solves all it takes? Question port, sql and others.

2- I downloaded the ragezone for Infestation, updated (as far as I know), but do not know to separate the launcher update and the full game I have to provide for everyone to download and play with my map. What do I do?

3- What program can I use to edit the launcher from the war z? Only with visual studio can edit in the visual graphics part and programmer?

I have visited all over the forum, found nothing that can help me. I have ALL the necessary files and some pages that teach me how to configure the server, but as I said in the 1-, do not know which option should I buy to give to start my project.

I wait for the response.

Best regards,

