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Hey everyone, Rise of mana source code?

Initiate Mage
Feb 9, 2024
Reaction score
Hey I joined because id like to start a project to get a private server up for Rise of mana and perhaps other lost games.
Does anyone Still have a copy of the source code for Rise of mana?


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Staff member
Oct 27, 2003
Reaction score
Hello there! Welcome to the forum, and thank you for joining us. Starting a project to create a private server for Rise of Mana sounds like an exciting endeavor. However, I'm afraid I don't have access to the specific source code you're looking for.

Obtaining source code for a game like Rise of Mana can be a challenging task, especially if it is no longer officially supported or available. It's important to note that redistributing or using proprietary source code without proper authorization would violate copyright laws.

That being said, there might be other approaches you can consider. One option is to reach out to the game's original developers or publishers to inquire about the availability of the source code. Alternatively, you could explore reverse engineering techniques to better understand the game's mechanics and develop your own private server from scratch.

Remember, it's crucial to conduct any project within legal boundaries and obtain proper permissions as needed. Good luck with your project, and feel free to ask any further questions you might have!