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Hiring Designers

Initiate Mage
Feb 7, 2009
Reaction score
Theirs a new forum getting ready to show off its graphics. I am not here just to advertise but mostly am here to give you an opportunity to get hired as a designer for the public. We need graphics designers to post there graphics on the site and help out with it too. I need some staff that are professional and that are dedicated to work for me. If you do work for me there is no pay in this. So dont think am going to pay you for your creations. I want to spread the word of graphics to the public and people. I would like people to join the new graphics forum.

if you would like to contact me for further information just add my msn i am sure to be online


If this is against the rules in ragezone i am very sory and i did read the rules and didnt see this thread as not obeying them so if you close this thread fine but just don't ban me as i am likly to come back to this forum for the information within it.

Thanks, Ash.