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Jun 23, 2008
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Well, it has been a long time since I've done anything around here and recently I've been working on a bit of a secret project for the reopening of my hotel. After recently noticing that Sulake overhauled the Habbo site last year I became interested in reverse engineering it and creating my own CMS with it, called HobbaCMS.

I have no time frame for release as I have a full time job and university classes in the fall, but it will be finished at some point and I will release it here. Also, if anyone is interested in assisting me with a few things, PM me.

I have made a ton of progress on this since I began this project and I've spent hours reverse engineering the Habbo site, including monitoring network traffic, headers, data and I have tried to ensure that HobbaCMS functions exactly, or as close as possible to the actual Habbo site. I've removed a few things, such as the Facebook login as it would likely be a ton of work to implement, but I will look into in the future.

At present the CMS is fully configurable, including the name, description and social media links (which show as icons in the footer if set), which update site-wide from the configuration file. Nothing on the site is static meaning that pages like photos, rooms, news, and fansites are all loaded from the database. As well, the site is full responsive, just like the real thing and even works on mobile devices.

Current Progress
  • Index - 100% Functional
  • Login - 100% Functional
  • Logout - 100% Functional
  • Registration - 100% Functional
  • Avatar Image Caching - 100% Functional
  • Forgotten Password - 100% Functional
  • Changing Password - 100% Functional
  • Client - 100% Functional
  • Photos - 100% Functional
  • Rooms - Partially functional
  • Fansites - 100% Functional
  • News - 100% Functional
Playing Hobba
  • What is Hobba? - 100% Functional
  • How to Play- 100% Functional
  • Hobba Way - 100% Functional
  • Safety - 100% Functional
  • Help - 100% Functional
  • Messaging - Non-Functional
  • Profiles - Non-Functional
  • Profile Settings - Partially Functional (Development In Progress)
Miscellaneous/Not Started
  • Hobbamall
  • Housekeeping/ASE
  • Various other small things


Progress Updates
  • [SUP]NEW[/SUP] The photos page is now 100% done, including liking and unlike photos. The photos are loaded from a database table and stored on the server. Currently the in-game camera is non-operational in basically every emulator so I'm not sure how photos will be posted yet, but maybe there will be some developments in the emulator scene soon.
  • [SUP]NEW[/SUP] I had previously marked registration as 100% complete for some reason. This was not the case and while you could register an account before, you weren't given the ability to choose your appearance, name or starting room, since I had trouble figuring out how that whole system worked with the SWFs. Well, I've figured it out and it's now 100% functional. Because it requires Habbo.SWF to function, it loads images such as the Habbo and Habbo Club logos from the SWF. I've actually replaced these with Hobba and Hobba Club logos in my SWFs and will include a tutorial on doing so when HobbaCMS is released.
  • [SUP]NEW[/SUP] I've updated the Imgur gallery to include 6 new images showing off the photos page and the finished registration system. I will also be hosting a live demo of the CMS(not with a functioning hotel) on my site Hobba.ca pretty soon(there's actually an ancient build of the CMS on their right now if you want to look at it).
  • [SUP]NEW[/SUP] I've finished up the client and works perfectly, including full screen mode and minimizing back to the site. I've tested it and it successfully connects to PlusEMU!
  • [SUP]NEW[/SUP] I've begun work on the user settings page and will be starting on user profiles as soon as I'm finished with settings.
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Junior Spellweaver
May 21, 2011
Reaction score
[*]Standalone Avatar Images - Buggy (currently modifying Tsuka's generator)
I'm also using his generator for my wip cms and it's just great - especially when utilizing custom clothes. Good to see someone actually using it. :thumbup1: Very neat project, but maybe a bit light on the information?
Aug 24, 2012
Reaction score
I'm also using his generator for my wip cms and it's just great - especially when utilizing custom clothes. Good to see someone actually using it. :thumbup1: Very neat project, but maybe a bit light on the information?
It basically needs adjustments everywhere, to be fair lol. Like the essential code is good for some rotations, but it's pretty fucked up.
However, good luck with this development. I usually don't tack along with CMS developments, but this seems interesting in regards to the avatarimager.
Jun 23, 2008
Reaction score
I'm also using his generator for my wip cms and it's just great - especially when utilizing custom clothes. Good to see someone actually using it. :thumbup1: Very neat project, but maybe a bit light on the information?

Have you made any modifications to it? I'm curious because I can't seem to get it to generate small avatars and some things aren't drawn properly or are put on the wrong layer sometimes.
Junior Spellweaver
May 21, 2011
Reaction score
Have you made any modifications to it? I'm curious because I can't seem to get it to generate small avatars and some things aren't drawn properly or are put on the wrong layer sometimes.
No, not yet. Haven't gotten around to it, but if I do before you - I'll let you know. :burnout:
Jun 23, 2008
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No, not yet. Haven't gotten around to it, but if I do before you - I'll let you know. :burnout:

Honestly I may have to ditch it. I've now got it generating small avatars but they are horribly broken looking in a lot of cases (that doesn't really matter since the site never actually uses them). As well, some of the rotations also break things like waving and such, which I do need for the CMS.

I have also discovered why some clothes are missing pieces, like shirts missing the left arm for some reason. When I use the updater to extract the latest SWFs, with a few tweaks it runs essentially errorless, however I have noticed that in some folders for different pieces of clothing there are randomly parts named slightly differently, that when renamed solve the issue. It would take me hours to go through every piece of clothing and check that every image is correctly named.

If anyone has any idea how I could possibly dump these from the Habbo servers or if anyone has a modified version of Tsuka's avatar generator that works better than the last version he released, please let me know.

So, I've actually made some progress on fixing the avatar generator since I posted this reply. I've fixed some of issues of things being drawn on the wrong layers, which was a result of some of the draworder file being ordered wrong. I should be able to test and fix all of those pretty quickly.

Next thing is the missing parts for clothes. I've narrowed down the section of code that actually handles loading each part and have started work on patching in a solution. So far it sort of works but I have to test a bunch more cases and it's quite late right now. I guess the last thing to do will be to figure out what's causing the small avatars to generated in such a deformed manner, but that's the least of my concern.

While fooling around with the actual Habbo avatar generator I've noticed that funnily enough, Tsuka's generator actually handles transparency much better. The official Habbo generator whites out clear glasses lenses, which looks stupid and on clothing with transparency, skin is sometimes overlapped by the clothing color(I noticed this with black sandals, which turned most of the avatar's feet black). None of these issues are present with Tsuka's generator, I'm assuming because of the way it does alpha blending.
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Junior Spellweaver
Dec 29, 2015
Reaction score
Looks interesting. Do you use AngularJS like Habbo?
Jun 23, 2008
Reaction score
It basically needs adjustments everywhere, to be fair lol. Like the essential code is good for some rotations, but it's pretty fucked up.
However, good luck with this development. I usually don't tack along with CMS developments, but this seems interesting in regards to the avatarimager.

At this point I have fixed 99% of the issues with all rotations on large avatars. I have a few specific pieces of clothing left to fix(they may require specific fixes for themselves, but I'm not sure yet). Once I'm done that I will move on to fixing small avatars, which might very well need to be rewritten -_-
Aug 10, 2011
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Plus, but really it should function with any emulator so long as it has a relatively standard user table and rooms table.

Thats the problem really, all those databases aren't really optimised and store duplicate data etc. Would be cool if you could make it compatible with Arcturus :):
Jun 23, 2008
Reaction score
That's not good. You need create a way to do the HabboWEB implementation without editing the files. Also is not good for updating your Angular from new HabboWEB updates.

But good luck anyway.

What do you mean? I've ripped the only three files I needed other than images and everything required is part of the CMS. It does not connect to Habbo's servers in any way.

I don't see how me modifying some JavaScript is bad in any way...
Experienced Elementalist
Jan 17, 2012
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What do you mean? I've ripped the only three files I needed other than images and everything required is part of the CMS. It does not connect to Habbo's servers in any way.

I don't see how me modifying some JavaScript is bad in any way...

Because updating the assets files will be a pain in the butt later, if any, I said any, big changes comes to the Habbo site (Which don't happen in years lol) and someone using this wants to try to update his copy on his own.
Maybe documenting what changes you made to the files will help those guys out when updating
Jun 23, 2008
Reaction score
Because updating the assets files will be a pain in the butt later, if any, I said any, big changes comes to the Habbo site (Which don't happen in years lol) and someone using this wants to try to update his copy on his own.
Maybe documenting what changes you made to the files will help those guys out when updating

I do document the changes I make and I leave the original Habbo code inside the file, commented above the changes in case I ever need to reference it.
And actually, they already did a fairly large change to the site in the middle of me working on this by adding the Rooms tab in Community. It changed quite a bit of code and it took me less than an hour to update everything.
Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 15, 2012
Reaction score
Will this work on the plus emulator database without any problems?
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